Letter ID: 0365
Reference: TNA, SP 84/43/273 f.273r-275v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0365/008
Date: 10 December 1591
Copies: 1220 Copy of: 1205



Addressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.

Endorsed: 10 December 1591. Master Bodeleie to my L./ His dealinge with Conte Maurice for 2 prisoners to redeme Master Winter./

Later Addition: 10 December 91


May it please your good L. What successe I have had in the suite of Master Winter, this bearer his servant can informe yow at large. I had so firme a promise of Count Maurice, as I could not any way request to have it more in his favor, to witte, That the two Italian pri- soners Don Alfonso D'avalos, and Pedro Fran- cesco should not onely be staied to redeeme Master Winter, but that he himself would use his autoritie, in setting down what mony should be paied by /to/ the Captaines, to whome the pri- soners appertened: and that the frindes of Master Winter, in disboursing the said mony, should take the prisoners to themselves. To this effect he gave his worde, not onely to me, but to Sir Francis Vere, and that very often, and in sundrie communications, with suche tokens of willingnes, as I could not desire, to be more assured by his speeches. Withall he desired me to write the same unto her Majestie from whome I was willed to move him, That for the weakening of the Ene- mies purposes in France, there might not any prisoner of qualitie and service, of those that were taken in the late encounter at Arnham, be released for a time. Moreover I shewed him after, that I had certified her Highnes of his honorable dealing towardes Master Winter: and that I was assured it would be kindly accepted, for the special services, which were done by his father unto her, and for the hope that she conceaved, that his sonne would succeede him in fol.273v
vertu and valor. I told him besides, that the gentleman had caused his mony to /be/ made to Middlebourgh, to pay for the prisoners, and had sent hither to that end a couple of his ser- vants. All this notwithstanding upon the soddaine, without geving any notice to Sir Francis Vere, or to me, he hath released Don Alfonso and sent him away. The day before his departure being secretly informed of this in- tention of the Count, I went of purpose unto him, and signified what I heard, putte him in minde of his promise, and of that which I had writ- ten to her Majestie upon it. For your L. I hope receaved those letters which I writte of that mater. His answear was, that the prisoners had bin long detened, and seing in all this time they were able to doe nothing for Master Winters deli- verance, upon suite made unto him by the Mar- quis of Guasto, he had promised to dismisse Don Alfonso: who also promised upon his honor, that he would imploy all his best frindes and meanes to procure Master Winters libertie. Whereto I replied that if Don Alfonso had bin putte into our handes, according to promise, there might better effectes have folowed of his ende- vors: but being used heere with all courtesie and honor, and being secretly promised a great while sins (for so I was advertised by those that knew it) that he should be enlar- ged, there was no hope that ether he or his frindes would greatly care for Master Winter. And as for his promise to doe any thing nowe, fol.274r
it had no apparance of any successe. I told him in conclusion, that he had given his worde unto me, which I had signified to her Majestie to de- liver bothe the prisoners to Master Winters frindes, that they had made over their mony to certaine marchants of Middlebourgh, where it had laien a long time to their very great charges, and that Master Winter, by reason of his promise, had neglected all other meanes to procure his re- demption. In which respect I should be sorie, that her Majestie should finde so just a cause to be offended with his dealing. For mine owne part I could doe no otherwise but advertise it home, and leave unto him self the salving of his honor wherein I pressed him so neere, that he came to this point, that her Majestie he was sure, would be pleased with his answear, which he would signifie himself by letter unto her: and sent me therupon the letter heereinclosed. Wherof I knowe not the tenor, but I have certified truly, howe the mater hath bin caried. He hath urged me muche, to take the other prisoner, al- leaging his credit with the D. of Parma, and the report of his wealth, for yelding a rounde ransome farre above the summe, which should be paied for him heere. But forasmuche as bothe the prisoners, as he himself was persuaded would not ballance Master Winter, in the Enemies account, this other man alone would serve to litle purpose, unles it were to make a benefit, to selle him againe: which I esteemed, as I told him a mechanical consideration, and nothing to the mater which was sought by Master Winter. fol.274v
And thus I ended with the Count, whose proceeding in this mater, doth seeme so very strange, and without all excuse, to all that understand it, as I finde him greatly discommended, in every mans judgement. And thus referring to the bearer, whatsoever is omitted, I take my humble leave. From the Hage. 10 December 1591. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
