Letter ID: 0358
Reference: TNA, SP 84/43/211 f.211r-212v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0358/008
Date: 20 November 1591
Copies: 0359 1210 



Addressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.

Endorsed: 20 November 1591. Master Bodeleie to my L./. The States consent for the 7 compaignies goinge into France./

Later Addition: 20 November 91


May it please your good L. to advertise her Majestie that after the receat of her Highnes letter of the 9 of this moneth, which came unto my handes the 18 day in the afternoone, after conference had with Sir Francis Vere, about the meanes to accomplishe her Majesties pleasure, for the furtherance wherof he hath done his uttermost endevor, the next day in the morning I presented her letter to suche of Holland, as are deputed in the absence of the states to receave all addresses. For the assembly it self of the General states is dissolved for a time, till the 10 of December, and every Deputy departed to his special Province: leaving the charge of receaving and opening suche letters, as are directed to the states, to some certaine of Holland: whose autoritie doth not stretche to determine any mater, but onely to advertise, and to make report unto the Provinces. Nevertheles in this recesse of the states, being earnestly urged to shewe her Majesties letter to the Councel of state, and to joine with them in consultation, about some order to be taken for contenting her Highnes they assembled yesternight in the College of the Councel, where the letter being read, and so muche added by me, as I thought expedient to be spoken, it was the opinion of them all, that without the assent of their superiors, to witte of every Province, it was not in their power, to accord her Majesties demaunde. Howbeit after fol.211v
long debating too and fro, it was resolved in the end, but with very muche adoe, that albeit they might not by any meanes licence those troupes, which her Highnes required to be drawen from hens, for that it onely belonged to the Generallitie of the contrey, yet they would be contented to lette them passe by way of connivation and sufferance, as if it were onely done by us, that are heere for her Majestie without their liking or privitie. But this condition was annexed, that I should un- dertake that the troupes should be sent backe againe, with in the space of 3 monethes. This condition, I signified, was beyonde any charge that I had receaved. Onley this I was wil- led to promise unto them, and in her Majesties behalf I did assure, that assoone as the service of Rouen and Newehaven is ended, whiche in all probabilitie will be done in lesse time then they have prefixed, ether the self same companies, or others in their places, should be presently returned. As likewise I supposed that the other Englishe forces which were already come to Rouen would be all revoked at a time, wherby they should receave these com- panies againe with a rounde renforcement, and happely also some supplie for all the rest that are heere in her Majesties pay. In this whole negotiation, although her Majestie had willed, in case they should refuse to assent to her demaunde, that all endevor should be fol.212r
used to effect it without them, yet because I was not forced to signifie so muche, fin- ding them ready to doe all that they could, I abstenedg from delivering that part of my charge. Moreover I made no mo- tion unto them for sending any bandes of their owne forces, for that of themselves I knowe they will not, and if they would, they can not, without the licence of their Principals. Howbeit for shipping for the river of Sene, the Mareschal Biron hath written very often and earnestly unto them, and they have already alotted 6 good shippes for that purpose: which I thinke are prepared to sett forward to day. And thus I take at this present my humble leave of your L. From the Hage. November 20 1591. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley

Postscript: If her Majestie be desirous to have these companies complete that goe from hens, it will be requisit that some hundred or more be sent out of England to Diepe. This I thought meete with all possible speede to advertise her Highnes purposing presently to joine with Sir Francis Vere for geving suche direction to the Commissary Sparhawke, as there may not any time be lost for dispatche of the souldiers.
