Letter ID: 0328
Reference: TNA, SP 84/42/272 f.272r-273v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0328/008
Date: 08 August 1591
Copies: 1066 



Addressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.

Endorsed: 8 August 1591. Master Bodeleie to my L. Holtes the Jesuistes letters intercepted. The complaint against Sir Edward Norris continued./

Later Addition: 8 August 91


May it please your good L. there is nothing more understoode of the Enemies proceedinges, then that which I writte in my last from the Hage, That some part of his forces are passed the Maese, the rest as yet remaining about Venlo and Ruremonde. The Duke himself with some companies of horse and foote is gone to the Spawe, having left Verdugo to commaund in his absence. The forces of this contrey lie continually in the Betuwe, betweene Waggeningen and Rhenen, and doe not intend to passe the Wael, till they see that the Enemie is fur- ther removed. It doth appeare by certaine letters, which we have newly intercepted, that the Enemie is much moved with his late losses in these contreis, and conceaveth litle hope of his happy successe in this sommers exploites. There is one father Holt an Englishe Jesuit in their campe, unto whome there were letters addressed in Englishe, not contening any mater, that is greatly worth the knowing, but yet discovering some fugitives and their present intent to come for England. I have sent heere inclosed the original letters. I am demaunded at this present by the Councel of state, what her Majestie hath resolved in the affaires of Ostend. For Master Caron doth certifie, that her Highnes intention hath bin signified unto me, and that I have bin required to deale with the states, that Commissioners may be chosen of bothe sides, for a final redresse of all their griefes. But as yet I had no letter to any suche effect, nether from her Majestie nor from your L. nor any at all at any time sins the 18 day of June. Howbeit as in several other letters I have written to your L. it is greatly behoofull that some suche order should be taken, and that very speedely. For the fol.272v
States of Zeland have written flatly to this coun- cel, their letter bearing date the 2 of this moneth, that for as muche as they have not hitherto provided for the reformation of those abuses of the Governor of Ostend, they themselves will seeke some remedy. But howe their meaning is to deale, I can not yet advertise. Moreover I have bin told that it hath bin said by some special persons of the states assembly at the Hage, that except the Gover- nor will relent, and keepe with in the boundes of his commission from the contrey, they will tolerat no longer, but declare him rebel. And so I doe assure my self, as I have alwaies signified in all my letters to your L. that they will rather proceede to termes of hostilitie, then be bridled by the governor in the administration of their government. Wherein her Majesties service is advantaged nowe, by these endevors, of the Governor, more then otherwise it might be, by an ordinary meanes, with the contreis appro- bation, or lesse discontentment, I can not con- jecture of my self, and truly as hitherto I have bin privy to nothing by the Governors infor- mation. I protest unto your L. I doe not affect in mine owne regard to knowe any kinde of mater, that is not properly pertinent to the place where I am trusted, which I hold to be sufficient, to keepe me busied in my charge. Nevertheles I finde it very requisit, in affaires of any moment, that no innovation should be made by Governor or other of her Majesties mi- nisters, but it should be first imparted, and so practised or not practised, with effectual cor- respondence, with whosoever shall be heere to reside in councel for her Highnes. For otherwise fol.273r
be it said with submission to your L. correction, howsoever they are ledde with apparance of good courses, they may falle very easely into many mistakinges, and suche great inconveniences, as may prejudice her Majestie and these contreis very highly. Whiche I signifie thus boldly, provoked therunto through the great desire that I have, to acquite my duty to her /Majestie/ with unfained service, and through my wonted confidence, that your L. will accept my speaking cleerely in suche causes. And so I take my humble leave. From Arnham. August 81591. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
