Letter ID: 0324
Reference: TNA, SP 84/42/252 f.252r-253v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0324/008
Date: 23 July 1591
Note: At the word 'imploied' on fol.252r, there are three vertical lines inscribed in the margin.
Copies: 1061 



Addressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.

Endorsed: 23 Julij 1591. Master Bodeley to my L./. The states awnswere for shipping to meete with the Indian fleete./

Later Addition: 23 July 91


May it please your good L. to be advertised, that as I was willed, by my LL. of the Councel I acquainted Count Maurice with her Majesties request for some assistance of shippes, to be presently imploied against the Indes fleete. But as I signi- fied to my LL. in that answear which I sent the 13 of this moneth, the Countes autoritie would not stretche to the setting fourth of any shippes: it was a mater of great expense, and required the resolution of the General states, who then resided at the Hage. Albeit I had no charge to solicite the states in that behalf, and Count Mau- rices answear had put me cleane out of hope, of speeding in my motion, yet because I per- ceaved, that nothing could be done but by meanes of the states, I addressed fourth with a letter unto them, requesting both the Count and the Councel of state to doe the like. Howbeit before our letters came unto them, the whole assembly of the states were comming to this towne, whereby the letters were undelivered. But I dealt with them heere, assoone as they came, omitting nothing that I thought might drawe them forward to doe somwhat. Their answear unto me was the same in effect, as I receaved of Count Maurice. That they had no shippes of that burden that was proposed: That the shortnes of time would permitte them to doe nothing: That without the privitie and warrant of the Provinces, which could not be procured under fower or five weekes, they could take no reso- lution: That they doubted therein the inclina- tion of the Provinces, by reason of this warre fol.252v
that is so burdensome unto them, as they are eve- ry day forced to extraordinary charges, having gathered this yere very great contributions, aswell for the augmentation of their forces, as for the assistance of France with mony and other- wise. This was yet it in substance whiche they signified unto me, wherein they were so setled, as no replie would prevaile: which I humbly beseeche yow, occasion requiring, to report unto the LL. They have nowe made an ende of their long consultation about the course of their trafficke, aswell with the Enemie elswhere, as in Spaine. I have not seene it as yet, nor it is not yet fully sette downe in wri- ting: but they are busied still about /it/ and when it is finished, they will exhibit it unto me. Heere is nothing yet resolved about the next imploiment of our forces: which will depend altogether upon the Enemies courses, of whiche nothing more is knowen then I signified in my last, of his encamping by Nieumeghen. The bruite doth yet continewe of his goinge for France, which is hardly beleved of many men heere: for that then it is thought, he should leese undoubtedly both Nieumeghen and Bosleduke and leave many other places for a praye to our army, which might happely occasion a general revolt. There is a speeche at this present, that Verdugo shall returne towardes Groenin- ghen with his former forces, and a further ren- forcement. The mutins of Diest and Herentals doe persist in their mutinie, as we are advertised. Suche among them as have fol.253r
made incursions into Liege, and spoiled the con- trey, upon the intercession of the clergy of Liege, are excommunicat by the Pope. Wherupon the mutins, besides that pay which they have hitherto demaunded, require to be absolved of the fore- said excommunication, which they refuse to re- ceave, and precisely stand upon it, unles it be confirmed by the Popes owne hand.

Upon a general reviewe that is made of this campe, as it lieth nowe by Arnham, they are founde to be 7200 footemen and 1600 horse, no absents nor sicke, nor hurt persons accounted. There is also expected an aug- mentation of their footmen, from divers of their garrisons. Knowing no other mater worthy the advertisment, I take my humble leave. From Arnham. July 23 1591. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley

Postscript: Having finished this letter, there came intelligence hither, that the Duke was marched with his forces towardes Grave, and Mouwicke, a village upon the Maese adjoining to Grave: with intent to passe over, and as it is bruited in his campe, to goe for France.
