Letter ID: 0311
Reference: TNA, SP 84/42/130 f.130r-131v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0311/008
Date: 10 June 1591
Copies: 1050 



Addressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.

Endorsed: 10 Junij 1591. Master Bodeleie to my L./

Later Addition: 10 June 91


May it please your good L. being come to Amster- dam, I have gotten those writinges, for which your L. writte unto me. There is nothing missing but the letter of Lucas Veler to his frind in Amsterdam: which I will cause notwithstanding, to be required of the shipper, who is nowe out of towne: though it seeme by the letter, which your L. sent, that it was but written in recommendation of Snowden. I have sent yow all together, in those budgets in which they were found, and packed the whole in canvas, which I have delivered to a messenger of Zeland, and given order from thens for good conveiance to your L.

I am going as this day for Friseland, where I heare that Count Maurice and the Councell of state are already arrived. But as yet the Councell is uncertain where they shall sejorne: albeit I thinke it will be Doccum or Leewarden: wherof I shall advertise, assoone as I am setled. And so for this present I take my humble leave. At Amsterdam. June 10 1591. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
