Letter ID: 0294
Reference: TNA, SP 84/41/295 f.295r-296v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0294/008
Date: 03 April 1591
Copy of: 1025



Later Addition: 3 April 91

Endorsed: 3 April 1591. Master Bodeleie to my L. His dealinge with the states for the L. Willoughbies debts.

Addressed: To the right honorable the Lordes and others of her Highnes privy Councell


May it please your good LL. Wheras the L. Willughby hath bin an earnest sutor to the states of these contreis, for a certaine debt of 1333li. 19sh. Whiche his L. doth demaund for his inter- tenment as Governor of Berghen Up Zoome, and for a company of horse to be paied by the states: and hath bin also long delaied, for the summe of 2000li more, which is dewe unto his L. upon the forfaiture of a bonde, by the sureties of Martin de la Failla, in bothe the forsaid causes, according as your LL. directed me to deale, I have urged the states for ex- pedition and favor. Only that which concerneth Martin de la Failla is not to be decided, as your LL. understood it, by the Generall States, or by the Councel of State, but by the highe court of Holland: in whiche the common pleas and pour- suites of the contrey are determined by course of lawe. Nevertheles to the end his L. might not Leese the benefit of your earnest mediation, I have solicited the states, to recommend that mater, as from themselves to the said highe court, to the end they should dispatche it, with due regard to his L. and the equitie of his cause. I have also spoken to the President of that court, using bothe her Highnes and your LL. names, to the same effect as I was willed to speake unto the states. And because of that which I proposed in the assemblie of the states, as their maner is commonly, they required a memorial to be given in writing, I exhibited that unto them, whiche I have joi- ned to this letter, with their answear unto it: assuring your LL. that I have used speciall meanes, to procure the L. Willughby some better fol.295v
satisfaction, which yet I see is come to nothing: so as nowe for mine owne part, I am fully per- suaded, that only tract of time, and his L. good forbearance must winne more favour at their handes. The first part of their answer concerneth nothing that is mentioned in your LL Letter: but being willed by her Majestie: to motion that mater, and a fitte opportunitie serving for it, I inserted all together, whereby their answear is framed to all that I proposed. It was her Majesties pleasure they should be required to arme some convenient nomber of their shippes, to meete with that provision, which is newly made by the Enemie, upon the coast of Flanders, and in France. What they have perfourmed in that respect, it will partly appeere by their answear unto me, but more in particular by the note that I have sent annexed to their answear. And so commending my service to your honorable acceptance, I take my humble leave. From the Hage. April 3 1591. Your LL. most humble at commaundement Tho. Bodley
