Letter ID: 0282
Reference: TNA, SP 84/41/124 f.124r-125v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0282/008
Date: 03 February 1591
Copies: 0997 



Addressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasuror of England.

Endorsed: 3 february 1590. Master Bodeleye from the Haghe./

Later Addition: 3 February 90/1


May it please your good L. to advertise her Majestie that wheras in her letter to the General states, and in another to my self, there is mention made of a former letter, wherein I should be willed, to propose the self same mater to the states, whiche hath bin heere delivered by Sir John Norreis, I have not yet receaved the forsaid letter, nor any other letter to any suche effect. Your L. only in your last of the 30 of December vouchesafed to declare, that her Highnes would gladly have the use of her forces, that are out of the 4 townes to serve a purpose by sea, to the aide of the French King in Brittaine. Whiche was so sette downe in general wordes without any motion unto me, to have it proposed, to the states of the contrey. Howe the message is accepted, because Sir John Norreis will certifie at large, I should but troble your L. to report it againe. For mine owne particular, her Highnes being pleased to take this course with the contrey, I will give him what assistance I shall any way be able. But otherwise I am still of that opinion that I imparted unto yow the 14 of the last.

It is greatly to be doubted, lest the newe contribution, whiche is almost accorded for the levie of 3000 foote, and 300 horse, will come to nothing. For I see by many tokens they doe imagine already, that if the forces of these contreis shall be much more increased, her Majestie will take it for a fitte opportunitie to lessen her charges, in hope that as then the withdrawing of her subjectes will be voide of danger to their state. fol.124v
The speeche is given out, that the states of Hol- land have already past their graunt, for threescore thousand poundes sterling, for their portion. They doe greatly dislike the solicitation of the Frenche, for the imploiment of these forces in Brittaine: and I stand in doubt therupon, for that in a maner they speake it openly, that they will not contribut to the Germaine levies. The states doe re- solve, as I am told at this instant, to write unto her Majestie out of hand, and shortly after to send some person of purpose, to dissuade her in this mater. For I never see them for any thing so farre out of temper. The partie of Zeland, which was the discoverer of that mater, wherwith your L. is acquainted is come newly to the Hage, and hath bettered his ouverture with a newe informacion, which I will specifie in my next. For my warning is so short, upon the de- parture of this bearer, that I can not write at suche length, as willingly I would. Howbeit to the end it may be folowed with good expedition, and proceeded in effectually, to her Highnes content, I trust your L. will allowe, that I shall impart the whole desseigne to Sir John Norreis, and use his advise for the accomplishing of that, whiche is to be inquired, or otherwise perfourmed by us that are heere. The Governor of Flushing hath had somwhat of late disclosed unto him, whiche himself will signfie to your L. fol.125r
about the like exploit, upon the self same place. But the plotte, as it seemeth, is yet but maimed and unperfitte. I thought it not impertinent to send yow an extract heereinclosed of a point or two, that I have noted in certaine letters, which were lately intercepted by the Garri- son of Berghen. The speeche that is heere, that the Emperors Ambassadors are at hand, and that their peace is proposed with pleasing con- ditions, doth very muche amase the discreter sort among the people. For though the greater part of the chiefest persons of these Provinces, are no- thing to be douted, yet because the multitude is hu- morous, and guided by no man, and is withall very weary of these daily exactions, wherewith their warres must be maintened, it is greatly to be feared, they will commit some soddaine folly, from whiche they will not be reclamed by any after persuasion. In which respect I could have wished, as I have formerly signified, that Sir John Norreis had come hither in a fitter oppor- tunitie. For although it be but /a/ borowing of so many men for a time, yet it will be understood by the commons of the contrey, to be a plaine revocation of her Majesties forces. And thus for this present I take my humble leave. From the Hage. February 3. 90. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
