Letter ID: 0979
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VII f.312r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0979/008
Date: 03 November 1590
Note: On fol.312r there is the signature KKK.
Copy of: 0269



Later Addition: Belgia. 1590: November:

Later Addition: Belgia 1590 3 November To my L. Treasurer

May yt please your good L. notwithstanding the ill successe of Co. Maurice in his last attempt I advertised your L. the 28 of October that I had resolved to go forward with my practise & to send some parson of purpose to view the state of those places, that I described unto you in my first information, hee that is to bee employed shalbee gotten in Zeeland, and one of the parties them selves by whom this matter was disclosed unto mee, is already gon thether to make his choice among his friendes. I cannot saie upon knowledge that the Co. had any inkling, that her Majesty intended to undertake that enterprise, nor that hee thought to defeat yt by waie of prevention but his soddayn going thether before the weakenes of the place was thoroly discovered, & his concealing of his purpose from the Councell of state with other like conjectures might minister some occasion to suspect his proceeding. I writt your L. in my last of the grievous complaintes that are made by this people, because theyr trafficq into Spain is empeached by her Majesty. The towne of Middelboro hath sent often about yt to the generall states, & there are at this present that are newly come from thence certain clamorous merchantes whose reportes abroad are very rude & maligne. Being spoken to by them to hold a good hand in theyr behalf, I have told them of yt roundly, & have signified furder that the assembly heer of the generall states is the chiefest cause of all this trouble to theyr countrey. For to the end there might be some good order taken aswell for theyr traffique, as for all other matters, that rest undecided between her Majesty & these Provinces, her Highnes had bin pleased at the instant sute of themselves to send purposely hether & to propose certayne meanes for a general redresse of all that either side complayned. Howbeyt not onely Master Wilkes whom her Majesty sent to take theyr resolutions was dismissed after 10 weekes attendance, without any awnswer to any thing proposed, but for the space of 10 weekes more which are spent since hee departed, they never yet vouchsafed to send eyther awnswer, or peece of any aunswere, or any kinde of letter wherby her Majesty might conjecture that they meant to give her satisfaction. To reherse yt all that was in talke between us it is but nedeles to your L. nevertheles becaus I sawe by theyr awnswers, that they were very much choked with the opposition, I thought to mention yt unto you. They lett me furder understand that the states are bent out of hand to send a couple into England to make remonstrance to her Majesty of all the dommages don unto them. Yt is thought that the parties shalbe Silla /pensioner/ of Amsterdam fol.312v

Later Addition: Belgia: 1590: November:

And Vanderwerck pensyonner of Middelburgh, two of those that beare the greatest streake in the meeting of the states, & will take any paines to crosse her Majestyes proceedinges. As farr as I can conceave this stopping of theyr traffqiue is a very redy meane being followed effectually to force them unto reason in all that is depending between her Majesty & them for yf they would bee revenged by seeking after Fraunce it is not now to be don, & to enter into treaty of accord with the ennemy, while her Majesty is possessed & in good assurance of her Cautionary Townes, yt is not thought they will attempt, or can, if they would obtain a peace to theyr liking. It is an opinion heer of many, and see som tokens of likelihood that they will frame some conference to our last Propositions and send it by the foresaid Deputies. Having nothing els at this present, to impart with your L. I take my humble leave. November 3. 1590.
