Letter ID: 0960
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VII f.257r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0960/008
Date: 11 August 1590
Note: No address leaf. There is a signature 'YY' on the base of f.257r.
Copy of: 0575



Later Addition: Belgia: 1590: August

Later Addition: Belgia 1590 xi August to Master Bodly

Later Addition:

Thomas Wylkes
Thomas Bodeley

Later Addition: /William Waad.

After our hartie Commendacions: Whereas her Majestie for the better satisfaccion of the Burgesses and Inhabitauntes of the towne of Ostend hath resolved to revoke Sir John Conwaie Knight and to place in his steed Sir Edward Norreis beinge a gentleman of good discrecion valour and experrience, and one that is well thought of by the said Inhabitauntes; We have thought good to require you to signify to the Estates generall and Counsell of Estate, the espetiall choyce her Majestie hath made of this gentleman, her Highnes Servaunt beinge well knowen unto them, whome also for that purpose her Majestie hath specially commended to the States generall to be by their Commission appointed governour there and whome alsoe she doubteth not but that he will Carry him selfe to their lykinge and Contentment, in the discharge of the truth committed to him both for the safe keepinge and good governement of the towne: For which respect you shall deale with them both for the grauntinge his patent in good and ample forme and for his entertaignement and alloweaunce to make yt as Large as you can procure yt, wherby he shall both have better authoritie and the better meanes, discharge the Care and trust of the place committed unto him: Wherein prayinge you to afford him your best assystaunce and helpe, we byd you hartely farewell: From the Court of Otelands the 11th of August 1590 Your Lovinge Freindes. William Burghley Charles Howard Hunnsdon Cobham Thomas Heneage John Wolley Fortescue
