Letter ID: 0862
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D V f.98r-101v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0862/008
Date: August 1589
Note: Instructions. The directions are written in a central column. There is no address leaf present.
Copies: 0216 0217 0102 



Later Addition: Belgia 1589 August

1589 Directions to maister Bodiley her Majesties assistant in the councell of estate

Later Addition: touchinge Musters

Especiall poynctes to be speadilie performed by Maister Bodiley Assistant for her Majestie in the Counsell of estate in the Lowe Contreys First that you peruse all such Actes as were by the assistance in the Councell before you proved, and committed unto you by your predecessor at his departure and of those which shall concerne the musters listes and Rates for paye of her majesties forces to deliver coppies to the muster maisters for his better direction in con ference with the states or there Comitties tuchinge the affayres of his office nowe in question for her majesties treasure disbur sed in the tyme of the Earle of Leicesters goverment./

And wheras the states deputies heare nowe seeme to disallowe the rates of paymentes for horse and futte bandes established by the Earle of Leicester with all dead payes by his Lordshippe allowed to be distributed amonge cor poralls gentellmen muskettyres and other officers for increase of theyre paye, as matters differant or repugnant to the contracte. Wheby her Majestie should fol.98v
should louse in the Rembursment fourtie thousand pound of her treasure at the least, expended for theyre service. yf the assistantes have not procured suf ficient actes of councell there or other wayes keepte perfecte recordes and good memorialls to testifie the consent of the states generall or counsell of estate. It is allsoe required that you doe forthwith certefie what hath bene donne in this important matter. the muster maister that was in his lordships tyme averringe playnelie that they did accorde unto all these Rates established by his lordshipp. and that him selffe did both by mouth and letters often putte the saide assistantes in remembrance to sette downe actes in counsell to the testefyinge of theyre said consente, the which is lyke lie they have donne accordinglie con sideringe the Importance thereof and howe much her majestie might otherwayes be damnifyed uppon the Reinbursment./

And whereas the Lorde Willobie uppon the signinge of the last war rantes unto the twelfth of october 1588 ceassed noe further checque then fol.99r
then the inferior Commissaries re sidente of Musters presented, respi- tinge all other observations and Intelli gences discovered by the MusterMaister generall untell further consideracion might be hadde thereof for that the said musterMaisters advertismentes are likely to prove verie beneficiall to her Majestie.

And the States allsoe complayne of greater weaknes then hath benne discovered by the moste stricte maisters. wee thinke it convenient that the saide MusterMaister in Examina tion thereof use the assistance of some other of her majesties cheife officers there. which have noe bandes them selves in such matters as exoffi cio hee cannot safelie of him selffe determyne: wherein wee requior you uppon request to aide him and to call unto you such others as you and hee shall fynd most sufficient and fitte for the porpose./ &c.

Moreover whereas it is concluded with the States that uppon the endinge of these wares her majestie shalbe rep fol.99v
repayed all such charges as her highnes shall sustayne for the mayn tenance of her forces there, it shalbe moste convenient for the service and the better keepinge of orderlie cources heareafter in these important affayrs that noe difference may happen betwixt her majestie and the states what these charges excended may amounte unto that Indented Recordes Listies abbreviates and other the Re membrances be carefully keepte betwixt her Majesties MusterMaster and some other like officer of theires to be appoynted by the states, as well for that purpose as the diligent eaminacion conference and coump- troulment of the Muster Rowlls bookes for demaund of paye and other advirticementes presented, where by the presente doubtes & difficul- ties may be in differentlie determi ned. And nothinge passe without there privitie and consent accordinge to. fol.100r
to the Countrey as there deputies have vehemently importuned. the which if it hath not byn hether to parformede, them selves have bene chyflie toe blame as will playnlie be proved, her majestie desieringe to have them noe futher charged uppon Reinbursment then with the principall sommes onlie disbursed, accordinge to such autenticke recordes as shalbe mutually keepte by officers authorized on both partes &c.

And for that there is a greate presumpsion of corruption and abuce in some Commissaries intollerable.

Whereof wee have received many complayntes, wee further desyere you to assiste the said mustermaister in discipheringe thereof uppon Informacion given, and by the pri vitie and consent of the Counsell of Estate to alter or displace such as shall be found faultie that others more sufficient may be appoynted to theyre townes./. as fol.100v
as hath bene accustomed for pre vention or reformacion of such Enor mities and disobedience as hath bene used for the better service of her Majestie heareafter cer tefyinge as under your handes what shall be donne therein./

Finalie for that the mustermaster shall have continuall occasion of conference with the states gene rall and councell of estate con cerninge her Majesties service in these Intricate affayres of musters aswell for the matters past as the present confused accoumptes wee fynde it convenient for manie serviceable respectes that hee have free accesse unto the Counsell of estate to propound and communi- cate with them such pointes as hee shall fynde convenient for her majesties benefette and service accordinge to the contracte and orders Established where with you shall acquaint the said Councell./