Letter ID: 0102
Reference: TNA, SP 84/28/94 f.92r-93v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0102/008
Date: 15 November 1588
Note: Instructions.
Copy of: 0862



Later Addition: See 15 November 1588

Endorsed: Directions for Master Bodeley her Majesties Assistant in the counsell of Estate./


Especiall poinctes to bee speedely performed by Master Bodiley, Assistant for her Majestie in the Councell of Estate in the Lowe Contreis.

First that yow peruse all sutch Actes as were procured by the Assistantes in Councell before yow. and committed unto yow by yowr predecessor at his departure; and of those which shall concerne the Musters, Lystes, or Rates for pay of her majesties Forces, to deliver Copies to the MusterMaster for his better direccion in conference with the States or their Committies towching the affaires of his office (nowe in question) for her Majesties Treasure disbursed in the tyme of the Earle of Leycesters government.

And wheras the States deputes here nowe seme to disallowe the Rates of payments for horse and Foote bands established by the Earle of Leycester, with all dead payes by his Lpp allowed, to bee distributed amonge Corporalls, Gent, Musketiers, and other officers for encrease of their pay, as matters different or repugnant to the Contract: wherby her Majestie should in the Rambursement louse Fourty thowsand powndes at the least of her Treasure expended for their Service, Yf the Assistantes have not procured sufficient Actes of Concell there, or otherwise kept perfect Recordes and good Memorialls to testifie the consent of the States generall or Councell of Estate: It is allso required that you doe furthwith certefie what hath byn doone in this ymportant matter./ The Mustermaster that was in his Lpps tyme averring playnly that they did accorde unto all those Rates established by his Lpp, and that him self did both by mowth and letters often putt the said Assistantes in Remembrance, to set downe Actes in Councell, to testifie theire said Consent: the which is likely they have done accordinglie, Considering the ymportance thereof & how much her Majestie might otherwise bee damnified upon the Rembursement etc.

And whereas the Lo: Willoughbie upon the Signing of the last warrantes unto the xijth of October 1588. Cessed no further Check then the inferior Commissaries resident of Musters presented, Respiting all other observacions, & Intelligence discovered by the MusterMaster generall, untill farther Considracion might bee had thereof: for that the said MusterMasters advertizementes are likely to prove very beneficiall to her Majestie, and the States allso complayne of greater weakenesse then hath byn Founde by the most strict Musters: Wee thincke yt convenient, that the said MusterMaster (in examynacion therof,) use the assistance of some other of her Majesties chief officers there, (which have no bandes them selves) in such matters as Ex officio hee cannot safelye of him self determyn, wherein wee require yow (upon Request) to ayde him, & to call unto yow suche others as yow and hee shall Finde most sufficiente and Fytt for the purpose. etc.

Moreover wheras yt is concluded with the States, that upon the ending of thes warres, her Majestie shalbee repayed all such charges, as her Highnes shall sustayne for the maintenance of her Forces there, It shalbee most conve- nyent for the Service and the better keaping of orderly courses hereafter in theis ymportant affaires, that no difference may happen betwixte her Majestie and the States, what theis Charges expended may amount unto, that indented Recordes, Listes, Abreviates, and other Remembrances bee carefully kept betwixt her Majesties MusterMaster, and some other like officer of theires, to bee appointed by the States aswell for that purpose, as the diligent examinacion, Conference & comptrollment of the Muster Rolles, bookes for demaund of pay, and other adver- tizementes presented, wherby the present doubtes and difficulties may bee in- differently determyned, and nothing passe without their pryvitie and consente accordin[g] fol.92v
according to the Contract, as their deputes have vehemently ymportuned, the which if yt have not byn hitherto parformed, them selves have byn chiefly to blame, as will playnly bee prooved, her Majestie desiring to have them no further charged upon Rembursement, then with the principall somme only disbursed, according to sutch autentick Recordes as shalbee mutually kepte by officers aurthorized on both partes etc./

And for that there is great presumpcion of corrupcion and abuse in some Commissaries untollerable, (wherof wee have receaved many Complaintes) wee further desire yow to assist the said MusterMaster in discyphering therof, upon Informacion geven, and by the pryvitie & consent of the Concell of Estate to allter or displace such as shalbee Found Faultie, that others (more sufficient) may bee appointed to their Roomes as hath byn accustomed for prevencion or reformacion of such Enormities and disobedience as hath byn used for the better Service of her Majestie hereafter, Certefyenge us under your handes what shalbee doone therin./

Finallie for that the MusterMaster shall have contynuall occasion of conference with the States generall and Councel of Estate concernyng her Majesties service in theis intricate affaires of Musters, aswell for the matters past, as the present confused Accomptes wee fynde yt convenyent for many servicable respectes that hee have Free accesse unto the Councell of Estate to pro- pound and Communicate with them sutch poyntes as hee shall fynde con- venient for her Majesties benefite and service according to the Contract & orders established, wherwith you shall acquaint the said Councell./