Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D V f.61r-62v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0854/008
Date: 02 August 1589
Copy of: 0207
Endorsed: To my L. Treasuror August 2. 89
Later Addition: Belgia 1589 2 August To my L. Treasurer
It may please your L although I do not omyt to advertyse Master Secretary of whatsoever passeth yn this place of any moment which I parswade my self alwaies ys imparted with your L. yet in regard of advancing her Majesties service I cannot otherwyse chuse but when occasyons ar presented interrupt your most weyghty affaires with my troublesome letters. In which respect I do not think that I have had hereto for a more importunate occasyon, then ys offredat this present, for yt is certefyed hether that the Ennemy hath Rxd a full paie of all his Arrerages & that he hath sent from Antwerp towardes Bolduck 32 peeces, of great artellerye & maketh great provision of flat bottomed boates, wagons & bredges & other necessaryes for a siege & passage of rivers which ys generally thought to be for Hoesden & Bommels wieert albeyt we have advertisement that he likewise intendeth a surprise of the Iles of Tertolen & Tergoes where yt ys sayd that he hath sent of late very secretly to sound the depth of the waters whatsoever ys purposed, I do fynd that these men heer ar gretly parplexed for want of men & meanes & though heertofor the presumptious conceates of some of the principal among them hath caryed away the rest to take undutifull conceates /courses/ against hir Majesty yet yf the Ennemy should prevayle in any of the foresayd exploites, yt may be judged by some tokens of humblenes which they shew at this present, that they will flye to hir Majestie for succour, & omyt no [submission] to be farther assisted, whereuppon the opportunity serving I thought to take occasyon to declare my opinion to your L. concerning theyr proceeding in those articles which were sent me lately from my LL. Yt ys now a moneth since that they were delivered to the generall States & I have moved them often to make an answer to hir Majestye, but they do alwaies alleadge that they have had no aunswer from theyr principals, which yf they listed & wer a matter to theyr liking they could easely procure & in lesse then half the tyme. I do very much doubt heeruppon that either they have not, as they promised sent the articles totheyr principles or els they purposely delay to call uppon them for an answer. For by all that I can conjecture, these that ar the cheefest leaders among them ar utterly unwilling to admyt any new resolutions or constytutions in the Treaty, misdoubting that which must ensew of necessity, that they will be derogatory to the autority which they usurp upon the Counsell. To give your L. to understand what I do fynde by some conference which I have had of these matters, ther ar divers in this place of good discretion & calling, who think yt altogether needles for her Majesty to enter into consultation with any deputies from hens. fol.61vabout the adresse of the Treaty or such other demandes as the articles impart, But consydering to what extremity these countreyes ar like to be reduced & in what devotion the generality doth continew to hir Majesty yf yt might please hir to set downe paremptorily, without using theyr advise, & to declare directly by hir lettres to the generall States & to the Counsell of State to the States of the particular Provinces & to the principall Townes, Fyrst in what manner she hath alwayes understood the meanes of the Treaty & how she doth exspect that yt should be observed, & secondly what farder matter she would have them yeeld unto in respect of theyr owne security, & the better government of the Countrey, & thereuppon will promyse that they shalbe protected with such assistaunce as is mentioned in the Treaty, doubtles ys is thought that such a resolute kynde of proceeding will sooner take [place] [then] those orderly courses which hir Majesty doth propose, for yt is most manifest to every man here, that the farr greatest parte oute of the common people onely [be] of the chiefest parsons in these countryes do not think that theyr pensioners & deputyes ar so wilfull & so precisely & parversly bent, as to stand with hir Majesty upon pointes of no /greter/ prejudice to the State of these countreyes & full of hindraunce to the common resistaunce which is made agaynst the Ennemy. This is th'effect of such talk as I have had with such as ar heer men of experience & good understanding. With whose opinions I thought yt my duty to acquaynt your L. & so to leave yt to be furder consydered, as your L. wysdome shall fynde yt expedient wherwith I take my humble leave. Haige August 89