Letter ID: 0207
Reference: TNA, SP 84/34/5 f.5r-6v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0207/008
Date: 02 August 1589
Copies: 0854 


Addressed: To the right honorable my singular good Lord the L Burghley, Lord highe Treasuror of England.

Endorsed: 2 August 1589 From Master Bodley

Later Addition: 2 August 1589


It may please your L. although I doe not omitte to advertise Master Secretary, of whatsoever passeth in this place of any moment, whiche I persuade my self alwaies is imparted with your L. Yet in regard of advancing her Majesties service, I can not otherwise choose, but when occasions are presented, interrupt your most weighty affaires, with my tro- blesome letters. In whiche respect I doe not thinke that I have had heeretofore a more important occa- sion, then is offered at this present. For it is certified hither that the Enemie hath receaved a full pay of all his Arrerages, and that he hath sent from Andwerp towardes Bolducke 32 peeces of great artillerie, and maketh great provision of flat bottome boates, Waggons, and bridges, and other necessaries for a siege and passage of rivers, which is generally thought to be for Huesden, and Bommels Weert, albeit we have advertisments that he like- wise intendeth a surprise of the Iles of Tertolen, and Tergoes, where it is said that he hath sent of late very secretly to sounde the depth of the waters. Whatsoever is purposed, I doe finde that these men heer are greatly perplexed for want of men and meanes: and though heeretofore the presumptuous conceats of some of the prinicpall among them, hath caried away the rest, to take Undutifull courses against her Majestie yet if the Enemie should prevaile in any of the forsaid exploits, it may be judged by some tokens of humblenes, which they shewe at this present, that they will flie to her Majestie for succor, and omitte no submission to be further assisted. Wheruppon, the opportunitie serving, I thought to take fol.5v
occasion to declare my opinion to your L concer- ning their proceeding in those Articles, which were sent me lately from my Lordes. It is nowe a moneth since that they were delivered to the Generall states, and I have moved them often to make an ans- wear to her Majestie. But they doe alwaies alleage, that they have had no answear from their Princi- pals: whiche if they listed, and were a mater to their liking, they could easely procure, and in lesse then half the time. I doe very muche dout heeruppon, that ether they have not, as they pro- mised, sent the Articles to their Principals, or els they purposely delay to call uppon them for an answear. For by all that I can conjecture, these that are the chiefest Leaders among them, are ut- terly unwilling, to admiite any newe resolucions or constructions in the Treaty: misdouting that which must ensewe of necessitie, that they will be dero- gatorie to that autoritie which they usurpe uppon the Councell. To give your L. to un- derstand what I do finde by some conference, whiche I have had of these maters, There are divers in this place of good discrecion and calling, who thinke it altogether needeles for her Majestie to enter into consul- tation with any Deputies from hens, about the re- dresse of the Treaty, or suche other demaundes, as the Articles import. But considering to what extre- mitie these contreis are like to be reduced, and in what devotion the generalitie doth continew to her Majestie if it might please her to sett downe perempto- rily, without using their advise, and to declare di- fol.6r
rectly by her letters to the Generall states, and to the Councell of state, to the states of the particular Provinces, and to the principall townes, First in what maner she hath alwaies Understood the meaning of the Treaty, and howe she doth expect, that it should be observed: and secondly, what further mater she will have them yeld Unto, in respect of their owne securitie, and the better government of the contrey: and theruppon will promise that they shall be pro- tected with suche assistance as is mentioned in the Treaty: doutles it is thought that suche a resolute kinde of proceeding, will sooner take place, then those orderly courses which her Majestie doth propose. For it is most manifest to every man heere, that the farre grea- test part, not of the common people only, but of the chiefest persons in these contreis, that doe not thinke that their Pensioners and Deputies are so willfull, and so precisely and perversly bent, as to stand with her Majestie uppon pointes of no greater prejudice to the state of these contreis, and yet full of hindraunce to the common resistance which is made against the Enemie. This is the effect of suche talke, as I have had with sundrie that are heere, men of experience and good Understanding: with whose opinions I thought it my duty to acquaint your L. and so to leave it to be further considered, as your L. wisdome shall finde it expedient: wherwith I take my humble leave. From the Hage 2 August 89. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley.
