Letter ID: 0221
Reference: TNA, SP 84/35/116 f.117r-119v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0221/008
Date: 30 October 1589
Copies: 0876 


It may please your H. to be advertised, that your letter by Persivall of the 25 of September came to my handes but yesterday, whiche is more then a moneth, sins it was written. The mater of Groninghen was never otherwise by him, but in generall termes, imparted unto me: and without any mention of those gentlemen of Frise, that sette him a Worke: whose names if I had knowen, as it is an exploit that requireth expedition, so I would have sought the meanes, before this time, to have knowen both the qualitie of the persons, and also their credit, with other suche requisit pointes, as concerne a mater of that moment. For there are numbers in these contreis that endevor an innovation of the state, uppon pre- tences of being devoted to her Majestie wheras it is ap- parant in /a/ great many, that it rather proceedeth of their privat desire to be revenged uppon their statesmen, then of any extraordinary zele to the common cause against the Enemie: But what course may best be taken, for furthering the motion of Groninghen, I will so consider as your H. hath written, and walke so warely, as I trust her Majestie wilbe pleased with my doinges. In the meane sea- son, as your H. hath written, so I have persuaded still with those, with whome I have dealt, that her Majestie in regard of her manifold burdens otherwise, will not enter into any charge about this enterprise. If Count Hollocke have any suche intelligence with those of Groninghen, as her Highnes is informed, it hath bin caried so secretly, that I have not heard it reported. Howbeit there is likelihood of it for that he sojourned in Embden, and perhaps had conference with those that imparted it to me: which I suppose his letters to her Majestie will signifie. The matche between him and the Countesse of Bueren is generally said to be concluded. fol.117v
Your H. meaning about the townes of Holland, that have made some secret offer to her Majestie, I doe not well conceave, for that no letter of mine, hath made suche motion, nether hath any man heere imaparted suche mater unto me. For I have al- waies, to my Uttermost, dissuaded that course, as- well for that it will breede an example of daun- gerous consequence, as because I see so litle trust to be reposed, in any of all the promises of these discontented persons. By Persivall and some others I have often heard, that those of Frise were purposed to make an offer of the Soveraignetie of their Province, Unto her Majestie. But in truth I could never perceave, that there was (some fewe particular persons excepted) any suche incli- nation in the chiefest of the state. For mine owne part I have alwaies laboured to waine as many from that conceat, as by way of communi- cation I have found addicted unto it. And I doe it the rather, for that I was never yet in a better hope of a good correspondence, between these contreis and her Majesties people, then I am at this present. What my care hath bin in that behalf, and what meanes and speeches I have used to the Councell heere, to Count Maurice, to the rest of the Countes, and likewise to those Inglishe captaines, that have bin imploied in these late services, and what courteous intertenment hath ensued uppon it, both towardes Sir Francis Vere, and all the Inglishe Captaines and souldiers, and howe the good liking of all handes hath conti- nued ever since, I take no pleasure to report my self, but this councell doth affourd me many thankes, and Sir Francis Vere is a witnes, that without my speciall endevors in divers respectes, the state of these contreis had bin farre other then it is. fol.115r
Whiche I am the more willing at this present, to cause in some sort to be knowen to your H. to the end yow might stand full assured, that I am alwaies an Enemie to all suche practises, as tend di- rectly or indirectly, to the breache of the union between her Majestie and this people.

It is accorded by the states of Holland, that the Inglishe foote companies with Sir Francis Vere, shall be disposed in Garrison, in Dordrecht, Roterodame, Delf, and other of the best townes of Holland. And in lieu of those bandes that were drawen fourth of Flushing and ostend by squadrons, which are all returned, they desire, and to that effect have written to the Governors of those townes, that there may from eche towne an entier company be sent hither. The late controversy risen between the townes of North Holland is ac- corded by mediation of the states and Count Maurice. Likewise the mutinie of Lief- kens Hoecke is qualified by those of Zeland with certaine monethes pay, and other smalle con- tentments. Whiche kinde of good usage hath provoked a great part of the soul[dier]s in Lillo, to the like alteration, intending to have slaine their Governor and other officers. But their purpose was discovered to the Governor, and the chief Conspirators apprehended uppon it. In effect there is a generall discontentment growen in all the Garrisons of Zeland, by reason of their pay, whiche I thinke Count Maurice, will goe in person and endevor to appeare. The souldiers of Schinckes sconce are become so mutinous, that we are almost out of all hope, that they will be reclamed. Whereof their accustomed slacknes fol.118v
in this place, hath bin a principall occasion. For had they sent at the first 400 li sterling, all had bin satisfied: wheras nowe they demaund their full count and reckning: whiche is not thought to be so litle as 6000 li. Howbeit it is resolved heere, that for avoiding the perill and consequence of suche compositions, they will yeld to no more but 2 monethes pay for the present, intending ra- ther to forgoe the Fort: and the offer therof they have committed to certaine fitte persons, whome they have instructed with all convenient persuasion to drawe them from this disloialtie. It is knowen that the Councell of Cleve doth practise in secret, to buy the place for themselves, whiche many men doubt thei will obtene, for that the chiefest part of the souldiers doth consist of Clevelanders. Count William of Frise hath wonne of late, by assault from the Enemie, a Fort called Saltcamp, in the territory of Groninghen, at the very entrance of Groninghen Deepe, overagainst Opslacke, a place of speciall importance, whereby the passage of victuall to the towne of Groninghen, is very muche hindred. Which I thinke will be a helpe, for perfourmance of the enterprise afore mentioned. There is no man yet named to the Government of Utrecht, but most men are persuaded, that it wilbe conferred uppon Count Maurice: and thereof, me thinkes, there is a common good liking. The Enemies forces, that lay about Bercke, are said to be departed, and gone to winter in the Duchie of Juliers, where the bruite goeth that both thei spoile the contrey, whiche is very fertile, and are in many divisions among themselves. Uppon their departure Count Overstein and the Baron of Pot- lits have conducted /into Bercke/ 130 cartes loaden with victuall and other necessaries, whereby the towne is provided for a long time. fol.119r
At this very instant, there came a good frinde of purpose unto me, to advertise the same that your H hath written astouching Count Hollocke. And likewise I finde by enquirie, that Joost Van Cleve of Embden, whose letter unto me I sent inclosed with my last, is familiarly ac- quainted with the Count: whereby there is likeli- hood, that the ouverture of the enterprise was made at Embden unto him. But I am fully per- suaded that the states of these contreis will utterly dislike that he should be imploied in that Action, fearing, if he could worke unto himself the gover- ment of the place, it may come so passe, that thei shall be worse neighboured afterward, then they are at this present. I am pur- posed to take the next and the fittest opportunitie, to breake this mater with some of this Councell, lest if it come otherwise to their knowledge, it may, by wrong relation, be construed amisse, and give occasion to suspicious humors of a newe discon- tentment. And so I take my humble leave From the Hage October 30. [8]9 Yor H. most humbly bound Tho. Bodley

Postscript: The newes are nowe come hither, that the Enemie is returned to Rees, but for what exploit, there is yet no speeche. Our Deputies are newly arrived, and I have receaved your H. letter of the 15 With my LL. Apostills to the Deputies demaundes: and also advertisment of my L. of Buckhurst comming, who no dout, if he had come hither, uppon her Majesties first resolucion, considering to what daunger and weaknes the whole state was then reduced, might have effected many thinges to her Majesties contentment. My only feare is nowe, they will only urge the redresse of that which is amisse in her Majesties people, and yeld to very litle for the reformacion of their owne government.
