Letter ID: 0146
Reference: TNA, SP 84/31/110 f.113r-114v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0146/008
Date: 09 March 1589
Note: At the word 'sundrie' there are three tightly drawn lines marked in the margin.
Copies: 0805 



Endorsed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord, the L Burghley, Lord highe Treasuror of England.

Endorsed: To the right honorable the L Burghley, Lord

Endorsed: 9 Martij 1588 Master Bodeley to my L. Gertrudenberg.

Later Addition: 9 March 88/9


It may please your L. to be advertised, that I have written two former letters unto yow, since the 21 of February of Whiche in my last, I signi- fied of Count Maurice preparation, Whiche is since imploied, as then it was suspected, against Gertrudenbergh: Where the Count accompanied with the Count of Holmes, certaine of the states, the Mareshall Villers and others, approched the 4 of this moneth, towardes the evening: with about 200 boates, of one sort and other, and 4000 souldiers. The next day after he landed his men in the mor- ning, and endevoured the cutting of the dicke to- wardes Bridawe: as also the building of a fort, uppon the point of the same dicke, whiche is called Stelhoven: Where he was shotte at from the towne, when also there issued some fewe, that skirmished with his people. But nothing of moment was per- fourmed of either side. The ennemie in those quarters is very strong, and, as it is thought, will offer very largely, to buy the towne: as he hath done heeretofore, promising 60 monethes pay to every souldier. Whiche for mine owne part, conside- ring what I heare of the desperat disposition, and over dissolute courses of those souldiers, I dout, if they can, they will rather accept, then yeld obedience to the states. I have talked with a couple, that are come from the towne, since the states arrival, who left them then at a reso- lute point, If the siege continued, to putte out all the Burghers, to make their provision last longer; or if that should faile, ether to calle in the ennemie or to fight it out to the uttermost. At sundrie times, since my imploiment in this service, I have offered heere publickly at the Councell table, fol.113v
and privatly to Barnevelt and others, that if that if they would devise among themselves, howe her Majestie might redresse their griefes in that towne, uppon shewing me the meanes, I would endevor to give them suche assistaunce, as I did not dout in the end, but to worke their content- ment. Howbeit they have rather chosen this vio- lent proceeding, as being persuaded, whiche is heere so evident, as nothing more, that all is done in Gertrudenbergh, with her Majesties good liking: wher- uppon they hold her ministers all suspected, and growe more and more in dislike of all the nation. Wherof also I have touched heretofore, in my letters to Master Secretary, some other occasions: with whome if his honors sicknes will affourde him so muche ease, as to looke uppon my letters, I beseche your L. to impart this occurence. And so I take my humble leave. From the Hage. 9 March 88 Your L most humble to commaund Tho. Bodley

Postscript: We have receaved in Councell a letter of excuse from Count Maurice, for that we were notmade privy to that enterprise. His reasons were suche shiftes, as they were scorned of all, and are not worthy the rehersall to your L. Withall he sent the copies of two letters sent unto him, from Sir John Wingfilde, and 2 others from the other captaines, as also the copie of one from himself unto them. Those of Sir John I send herewith: but the others of the Captaines, were in dutche, as likewise the Countes, contening no mater of worth. For the Countes letter is tedious, full of ordinary persuasions, to cause them to yeld, and to forsake Sir John, as a forrener and straunger, by whom they should not suffer themselves to be directed. The Captaines letters are very rudely /written/ and like for the mater to Sir John Wingfildes./
