Workdiary 27 (editorial transcript)

Link to Editorial Headnote for Workdiary 27

[BP 44, fol. 43]

{Recipe} grosse peeces of {sulphur} [part] i & calx vive [parts] ii boyl them (continually stirrig) till the {sulphur} be dissolvd; [filter]unclear, a vapor ad sicc. add a 20th part of sal Decrepit. & distill over a red Sp.

{Recipe} 2 [parts] Clay & one {sal ammoniac} distill & cohobate

{Recipe} {sulphur} (vel florum [eius]unclear) sacch ana [digere]unclear per 10 vel 12 ....approximately 4 characters illegible &c

[Rr]unclear the fromage [movir]unclear made up with sifted Ashes

A Colorless stone kept 12 or 18 days, in hot scales of steele (but not red hot) gave it the color of a faire Aigue marine.

Ad Carunculas

{Recipe} {ounce} {half} of pouder'd savine stibium (i.e., crude'ru' altered from 'ur' {copper} {drachm} ii oare (the yellow) {ounce} vi all exactly powderd & mix incorpor with yell'y' altered from 'w' wax {ounce} {half} [res. pini]unclear {drachm} ii

[BP 44, fol. 43v]

F Candela when 'tis to cover a silver pipe cover it with alcool of Bol. arm.

[Remember that the]unclear Min Celeste may be kept in Glasse, glaz'd ....approximately 3-4 characters faint inkth, & oaken Vessels [(but]unclear New) & is to be kept stopt.

....approximately at least 15 characters faint ink with sack & syrup of Elder Flowers

[{Recipe}]unclear the Inefficacy of Galens Med for mad Dogs, & of viper powder in Ireland

Tis <often> easyer to know what one ought to beleeve, than what Ar. did beleeve'b' altered from 't': for Natur. never contrad. hir selfe; but he may in one place contrad. what he teaches in anot: & we can aske Nature [BP 44, fol. 44] new questions by pre....approximately 6 characters tear in page vis'd [Experiments]; but so w....approximately 6 characters tear in page

suppose the Nature ....approximately 12 characters faded the medium employd (as if [the]unclear ....approximately 12 characters faded include a Magnet [red hot]unclear in a Box that had Iron or steele,) by &c

{Recipe} the [Præror]unclear of ....approximately 5 characters faded is [eminent]unclear for a ....approximately 5 characters faded very generally op....approximately 5 characters faded as heat, [in being]unclear {sal ammoniac} ....approximately 5 characters faded a Dissolvent; &c (answerable to a ....approximately 5 characters faded obstruent, or ....approximately 8 characters faded of purganin deleted Diuretick in Physick

Pollish Silver worke with Putty & Water.

P deleted (& Brasse with Tripoly & Water

[BP 44, fol. 44v]

....approximately 7 characters tear in pageavagants ....approximately 6 characters illegiblell comparing of Cuntrys.

....approximately 6 characters tear in pageing of Words by ....approximately 5 characters tear in pageg &c, for fleets

[BP 44, fol. 45]

(Remember to send for

[BP 44, fol. 45v]

The Divisions of Philosophers are often to be look't on like those of Geographers & Natigations; where Diff. Dominions or Names do not always argue differing Soyls & Waters.

Remember to apply this to the Stages of N's Progresses

I exam. not whose such an Op. was but whose it shud be, & por deleted it <be true>replacing 'ought to' I conclude it ought to be mine

Who <employ>replacing 'set' your Int. or their Fancys <to>insertion in line chuse their Opinions, & <leave it to>replacing 'employ' their Understandings, only to Maintain them.

Remember the Concentrat. of Beams in the Præface to the II Tome.

Remember that in hot Regions by the Ordinary Concours of the Air & Sun oft Eggs are hatch'd <in to Birds>

[BP 44, fol. 46]

Ol. Ess. I. 6 {ounce} tru Ess. Ol. ....approximately 1 character illegible 4 {ounce} of Succ. 6 {ounce} incorp. these with 4altered from '2' {ounce} of tafafa in a morter. Then ad {ounce} 8 of the pure volatil Sp. {sal ammoniac} true't' altered from '7' Vol. tafafa {ounce} 7. 20 ounces of the pure V. Sp. {urine} & {ounce} 8 of the [common[?]] sp. of Terp & 2 Gall. of {spirit of wine} [easier]unclear. Draw these all over the helm once. <from {salt} of Potashes>insertion in margin This multip. by Destill. from common oyle.

The Creation. The Flood. The oyl ponderous as {gold}. The liq. ascending & in the Air made Astral, falling againe. Moses's Manna & the Tal & sweet unctuosity imbibd out of it. The little man that went out before 7. The heated Arme. The Chaotic Net as a Recipient. The water reaching to saffron, niter, &c & the Masse the [7]unclear among them {mercury}. the {salt} [urinae]. Common [{mercury}]unclear an abortive. Columb. Dian & {copper}. That the [experiment]. may be made (but in much longer time, & with more Ch. & Diff. with [parc]unclear alone./ The Chaotic, Salvatory & Rationall [unknown abbreviation] & 88 at the top of the last of the 20 [unknown abbreviation] before multipl. 9. for the [menstruum]/ half a coccos, in deleted kindled & almost killd him./ The separable earth of Paz./ The internal Magn./ Irene [BP 44, fol. 46v] The specific for {lead} deleted {lead}./ The sh. oyl. Liquid & coagulated./ The Baracle & paz with the Ferm. or {tincture} will make a min. perp

(The common Sapo requires a Gallon of {spirit of wine} [unknown abbreviation] to 8 {ounce} of it)

[Retrospective marginalia:]

The deleted Remember that Anarus (or Aranus) is the matter of the Bombast./ & needs no addition. (unlesse perhaps at last & tis an oyl or oleiforme.

yet if this oyl be united with ana of the Bomb. of Tart. & that of {nitre} they will all come over toget.'og' altered from 'r' into one [menstruum].

With out Essential Saponary [menstruum] one may draw a true <{gold}>insertion in margin pot. of that deleted the Scor. made by injected {nitre} near deleted upon a Reg. made of 2 [parts] Reg {antimony} simpl. & one of {gold}

The [menstruum] [or {mercury}] soph. draws out of paz about a 1/4 [part] of {tincture} or oyl; which being fixt upon a due prop of {gold} [q. an commune] goes one up. 10 & that with more liq. 1 up 100 & so &.

Bomb. may be multipl. by the Essential oil itself draws from Talk.)

C deleted Keep our Melago'l' alterd from 'c' stiring till it be pulverable with it's own [Phl.]unclear extract the Chrystals make a sapo of them (a little opend by a slit calcin.) urine deleted with ol. Ess. Ju deleted Junip. & by cohob.'b' altered from 'l' unite & bring this over with <most> high Rectif. Sp. of {urine}

[BP 44, fol. 47]

Aug. 15th. The matter of the [unknown abbreviation] is the unct. [part] of Talc but that of [unknown abbreviation] is [incoroi]unclear

The Eben will relent <much> in the Air

Our'O' altered from 'T' Sp. V. is ex tale & is really unct. or oleag. & will swim on water

Each Ega second 'g' at end of word is deleted is a Separ. Elem. (viz {earth} and {water}) but made without Destillat.

The Magnet draws 4 or 5 pints in a day

Tasafa, (especially by the help of the [magnet]) is putrifyd; then subslimd into dry salt (in 2 months, but <to gaine the>replacing 'in' forma liquida; it requires 5 months more.

[Retrospective marginalia:]
q (margin, at 'the other 3')

From {ounce} i of Paz draw {drachm} ii of {tincture} reduce the rest into neg. imbibe gradatim {drachm} i till you have united it with {drachm} ix deleted 9 drams of neg. then put the other 3 & it deleted unite that 18 times the neg. may exceed the {tincture}. This poud will go deleted upon com. paz make an Eb. which (once or 2 invigorated't' altered from 'd') will upon co neg. make a Min. Perp.

By an Eg.'s reaching {lead} & is meant that it radically dissolves it into a Liq. distinct from the [menstruum]. [An]unclear or after the 6 or 7th eg. it reaches paz & all other such bodys.

Bbt multipl. it self from somthing it extracts from the bodys it works on.

Tis best preservd by immersed sol. As the [unknown abbreviation] is, by being diluted with it's owne liquid parent.

Paz hath in it a separable {earth}

A [menstruum] (short of the 3 noblest) wil so only reduce {mercury} sub. as also Ars. & deleted into sweet, & innoc., & efficac. oils.

[BP 44, fol. 47v]

Reductif. {Recipe} ban. {ounce} v, salis decr. {ounce} iii. M. F. P. si opus, adiice Ars. {drachm} v; &, (si prac.) carb. partem [duum] [resp]unclear totius. [Linus]unclear mist. partes 2, corp. reduce partem unam

{Recipe} {tin} [parts] 8, {mercury} [part] i

[BP 44, fol. 48]

Remember Workmanship. Self-enjoyment. Improvident. Pusillan. take it to be answer indistinctly workmanship deleted Counterpoyson:

Inadæquate negative Conceptions. Take hold of, but not Graspe: Dress of Matter. Use or Wisd. [undisce]unclear vera for being Too curious. Perform. our Underst. cannot reach to the maner. of Subserv. to the Person, & the End. Unconceiv. Excellency. Superemint. Knol. Unconceivable Perf: Architectonic wisdom. subservient - as to - &c. exprehensive Faculty - so many steps by which the mind ascends from the View Directive - contracted Nature & Intellect: concernd in the Fabric. Fermentative Agitat: & consequently, Collision: Mask's of Matters. Analyticall Putref. or Fermentatio. Incongr. to it self: energetic particles. Congenealness intrinsic Ferments. then to pass on, to what tis high time to prceed to release the fetterd or impr. part Heroisme Prejudicacy. feeble reason [stretgret]unclear or smal of signific./ Chance, or deleted unguided Mot. of Matter [Atomology] Impenetrable Extension./ to Physiologize Anticipation./ Cogitative Beings,/ Materialists,/ Corporealists. Directives Principle/ Fortuitous Mechanisme / Histrionicall &c/ Philos. or Philosophizing Engine.

[BP 44, fol. 48v]

Aurorian, or Corpuscular Philosophy & Probationary Hypoth. Notions, Rules &c.

Dissolve the frame is not Presumable. Permananency in a separate state & the person he sustains & the tenor of his Doctrine.

[BP 44, fol. 49]

1) [qo]unclear {tincture} of [Can[???]]unclear
2) ....approximately 6-8 characters of things to be seald up
3) The ....approximately 5-7 characters of [dry sol]unclear
4) The use of Sol. {gold}
5) The making of {salt} {antimony}
[Remember] Subl. & C V
fetid ol. {tartar}

{Recipe} 2 {pound} of Aloes in powder, to one of the berrys of Miss. of w. thorne; or apple or peare. Sun them or saltem keep them for 4, 5, or 6 in F Pils of [then]unclear to a dr. [glue]unclear over night

The Pils o deleted Syr. is mad of ana of berrys of Miss & sugar left without fire to ferment.

{Recipe} Fresh spearewort, beaten or, the Dry with a little strongth.

Abstract {spirit of wine} rect. (but not At Cohob:) 4 or 5 times from good C. V. with a Str. Fire at lest.