Workdiary WD9 (editorial transcript)

Workdiary 9 (Medical and chymical recipes, 1654?)

Content: Medical and chymical recipes from from the early 1650s; sources include Thomas Smart, Frederick Clodius, George Starkey, Benjamin Worsley, the Earl of Pembroke, et al.

General Information

[BP 25, p. 347]
[Entry 1]
[Date: c. 1654]
[Hand: Boyle]

Mr Smart's Tinctura {antimony}. {Recipe} Ant. [quantum vis] & halfe it's weight of Nitre purify'd: with a red-hot Iron fire them, & when they have done puffing; put them into a good Crucible, & let that stand in a good heat till the Matter grow greene; then remove the {crucible} & let it coole a while; but before the matter be quite cold or can attract the Aire, powder it; & poure on it rectify'd {spirit of wine}; & in a gentle heat for a Day or 2 digest it till it be tincted like a Ruby.

[Entry 2]
[Hand: Boyle]
[Integral marginalia:]
q (margin, next to 'weight of both of Nitre')

{Recipe} Talc one part, Beat it with a little more then it's owne weight of smal-cole, & twice the weight of both of Nitre; & <as many> whites of egs as will empast the Talc & Cole.

[Entry 3]
[Hand: Boyle]

Mr Worsly against Cornes. {Recipe} Balsam Sulph. {ounce} i. Mastich 2 ounces & 3 quarters.

[Entry 4]
[Hand: Boyle]

{Recipe} Arsenicke & crude Tartar ana, Misce: of this Mixture & any Mettall {Recipe} equall parts; melt them well in a strong Crucible & habebis Marchasitam. But whither the Reducing Powder or the Mettall be to be uppermost, nondum liquet.

[Entry 5]
[Hand: Boyle]

{Recipe} Sublim. grosly beaten about 2 parts; metalli Laminati, one part; put the Mettall carefully upon the Subl. in a good retort. Some of the Subl. will come over in running {mercury}; the rest will sublime in formâ siccâ; the mettall will remaine in the Bottom instar fere ceræ. Of this Mettall {Recipe} one part, terræ (as I remember) figulinæ 3 parts, pelle per retortam, & ex Venere habebis liquorem viridem, out of which with Sp. Urinæ may be precipitated a Greene Sulphur; (to be edulcorated &c)

[Entry 6]
[Hand: Boyle]
[Integral marginalia:]
q (margin, next to 'with this Powder acuate')

{Recipe} {antimony} one part, Nitre 2 parts, calcine them ad Albedinem; by frequent affusions of warme water edulcorate away the Nitre; with this Powder acuate [Salt of Tartar[?]] by keeping them for an houre (or thereabouts,) in a good crucible in a good heat, yet not strong enough to make them flow; & then separating the [Tartar Salt[?]]

[Entry 7]
[Hand: Boyle]

{Recipe} {antimony} part i. Nitri part 3. make of them a very white calx, from which draw off the Prima Medietas (Phlegme & all) that comes over in the Distillation of your vinegar.

[BP 25, p. 348]
[Entry 8]
[Hand: Boyle]

{Recipe} halfe the weight of the correcting salt (resolved first, if need be to a strong Lixivium) to any poysonous or Laxative Vegetable (if it may be & conveniency require, first Pulveris'd) & let them be exquisitely beaten & incorporated together, & in a Bladder or other convenient covering, let them stand (not neere the fire) in forti compressione, for 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 weekes (within that terme, quò diutius eo melius. Dosis, one good Pill.

[Entry 9]
[Hand: Boyle]

(M. S. Take to 20 {pound} of {antimony} one of {iron}; & with a little tartar make a smal Reg. to fall to the Bottom. Then with 8 or 9 {pound} of Mars more draw out the rest of the Reg. out of the {antimony}. The first Regul. yeelds excellent flowers, & the rest is sol.

[Entry 10]
[Hand: Boyle]

Take common Regul. <made> with tartar & Peter, grinde with it about an equal part of pure rhenish wine tartar, (or sal tartari) & set them for 3 months in a Cellar to runne per Deliq. the masse will first grow black, & then running Mercury will be separated from it.

[Entry 11]
[Hand: Boyle]
[Integral marginalia:]
q (margin, next to line 'it must be given 6, 7, or 8 drops')

{Recipe} good wheat, & wet it with Urine or faire water, & let stand so a day. Then make with it the Grand Dissolvent. This Dissolvent powred upon any Calcined Mettal resolves it into an Oyle & Feces, betwixt which it selfe swims & may be either distill'd or powr'd off from the feces, the oyl being first powr'd off from it <Mettals first calcin'd will be analysed in it.> Sol may be prepar'd for it, by a Calcination in aquâ regali: Mercury by præcipitation (take vulgar red præcipitate) From the filings of Mars it draws a red liquor excellent in Wounds. Saturne it soon turnes into a red oyle, admirable in hurts. Lapis Calaminaris it turnes (after long & strong Ebullition (absque igne) into a substance which cures, Feavers, Tertians, quartanes, & other Agues & distempers. it must be given 6, 7, or 8 drops, cum exercitatione, but in nimiâ dosi it disorders the Body. Sulphur it draws a greenish Tincture from, which cures those wrong'd by Mercury, & helpes in the stone. Turpent. it severs into Colophony & an Essentiall Oyle; the latter apply'd warme, heales the Gout & Aches. From certaine pebbles it extracts Gold. Powr'd on Aromata, it in few howres reduces them into an Extract and a worthlesse Residence. It workes on Wax as on [BP 25, p. 349] Turpentine.

[Entry 12]
[Hand: Boyle]

{Recipe} Sulph. part. i Tartar. part. ii. Nitri part. iiii. & twice as much of this Flux as of Red Præcipitate in a crucible reduce them into <an> oyle which put upon Regulus martis (in what proportion, non liquet) turnes it into a Blood-red glass.

[Entry 13]
[Note: The entry is followed by a space of approximately 2-3 lines]
[Hand: Boyle]

My L. of Pembroke's Medecine. {Recipe} Vitrum {antimony} per se factum & melt it per se 5, 6, or 7 times, till it be as red as a Ruby; upon this powder'd, poure very well rectify'd Spirit of Vinegar; & in Diges draw a golden Tincture aspiringe to Red. Poure on fresh Sp. of Vinegar, & draw a second Tincture (M. C. would use only the first) & when that is done draw away the Sp: of Vinegar ad siccitatem & with pure Spirit of Wine, out of the <Powder> that remaines in the Bottom, draw a Blood-red Tincture.

[Entry 14]
[Note: The entry is preceded by a space of approximately 2-3 lines]
[Hand: Boyle]

Vitriol will ferment with Urine, & it's sulphur come over with it, & yeeld a strange Spirit.

[Entry 15]
[Hand: Boyle]

Take Mr Smart's Menstruum & with it digest common Sulphur or Flores {sulphur} till it be dissolved, then abstract the Menstruum ad siccitatem, & mixe the matter well with Nitre; postquam detonarit put them in igne reverberii, which then the Sulphur will endure.

[Entry 16]
[Hand: Boyle]

Grinde Regulus of Antimony, & with Sp: of Turpent. by Digestion draw a Tincture which coagulate into a Balsam.

[Entry 17]
[Hand: Boyle]

A Menstruum made with Viride æris, comon Sulphur (& Sal urinæ) will do odde things; in it Powder'd {antimony} prepar'd for Distillation sublim'd into great Striæ of volatile Salt in shape like those of the {antimony}; & coralls & harts horne, at the bottome of the Retort wherein they were distill'd with this Menstruum, did grow.

[Entry 18]
[Hand: Boyle]

{Recipe} Nitre {pound} i: yellow or greene stones heated, quench'd in faire water & powder'd two ounces; fire the {nitre} with a Coale, & let as much as will burne away, & what remaines keepe either Dry for <our> Fluxe, or let it runne per Deliquium for Our Lee.

[Entry 19]
[Hand: Boyle]

In our Lixivium digest Cinnamon, wheate, &c, & there will separate a liquor supernatans, & the Lix. in the midst; the fæces at the bottom. The liquor supernatans may be separated in Balneo, & the Lix. sav'd by Decantation.

[Entry 20]
[Hand: Boyle]

In our Lix. in a gentle heat digest Lead ore, Iron ore, <&c> immature Jewels as Hungarian stones &c.

[Entry 21]
[Hand: Boyle]

Take a Calcin'd Mettall & (igne forti) melt it with our Fluxe, & turne it into a Transparent Vitrum of the internall Color of the Mettall; & this glasse powder'd & (igne vehementi) melted, yeelds a glorious Regulus.

[Entry 22]
[Hand: Boyle]

Put Sulphur into the Cereall Menstruum, & when it begins to putrify & grow into a black Masse, calcine it with equal parts of Nitre, & then put it into a Reverber. Smart [himself].

[BP 25, p. 350 (original pagination p. 4)]
[Entry 23]
[Hand: Boyle]

Menstruum quercinum dissolves vegetables with a separation of parts, & may be saved as our Lix. it reduces Spices into an Extract, & drawes a Tincture of Corall, Mars, &c. but is much inferior to the Cereall Menstruum.

[Entry 24]
[Hand: Boyle]

Mr Smart hath with Sp. of Salt extracted {gold} ex silicibus acording to Glauber's way.

[Entry 25]
[Hand: Boyle]

Menstruum Cereale drawes an oyle out of Tarre (&c) as out of Turpentine.

[Entry 25]
[Hand: Boyle]
[Integral marginalia:]
Q (margin, next to 'about 5 or 6 howres')

Mars being kept in a strong fire about 5 or 6 howres with ana of Pot-ashes, is calcin'd.

[Entry 27]
[Hand: Boyle]

The Cereall Menstruum is exhibited together with the dissolved Lap. Calaminaris, unseparated ad 3, 4, 5, 6, vel 7 guttulas.

[Entry 28]
[Hand: Boyle]

If to <calcin'd> saturne You adde about ana of Potashes, <& mixe them well> they will both run per Deliquium.

[Entry 29]
[Hand: Boyle]

Oyl of Amber, & severall other Chymicall Oyles will by digestion draw a red Tincture out of Corall; which by cohobations in a retort (igne arenæ) will come over yellowish, & the latter droppe red or (at least) reddish.

[Entry 30]
[Hand: Boyle]

To one part of finely powder'd Amber, put about 3, or 4 of {spirit of wine} to draw the Tincture; & keepe them (in a good Bolt-head well stopt) in a good heate in Sand for 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8 dayes, till the Tincture be drawne. NB. 1. If the {spirit of wine} be not well [dephlegmated], the worke will not succeed. 2. The Bolthead must be well fixt in the sand, & <fastned> to the sides of the furnace, least the great Ebullition or Gas, cast it downe.

[Entry 31]
[Hand: Boyle]

Common Flores {sulphur}is (& so, probably, other sulphurs) may by frequent Cohobations be brought over in [spiritu vini].

[Entry 32]
[Hand: Boyle]

The Caput [Mortuum] of Vitriol (&c) should lye a month in the Ayre betwixt each Distillation. Try whether the same way will not bring over the Cap. M. of Tartar.

[Entry 33]
[Hand: Boyle]

Mr Sm. Fluxe for mettals & to draw Gold out of unripe Minerals is (1) this of Glauber {Recipe} Saw-dust made of tilia or Linden-wood (Sm. sometimes uses Saw-dust of Firre) i part, of good sulphur 2 parts. of purify'd & wel dryed Nitre 9 parts. Make a Mixture which kindle at the top with a Cole. (2) this of his owne viz. {Recipe} Sulphur p. i. Cole powder'd (he used Oake-coale) two parts; Peter 4 parts. Mixe these. 4 or 5 parts of the Fluxe to one part of the Minerall. <With this Flux Sm. did much in Tinne calcin'd. NB Gl. would have this Mixture kindled (to reduce Mettals & mineralls) from above, it being dangerous to do it from beneath.>

[Entry 34]
[Hand: Boyle]
[Integral marginalia:]
Sm. himself.

{Recipe} Sulph. p. i. Tart. p. ii. Nitri p. iiii. put 2 parts of this Fluxe to one part of red præcipitate made with [Aqua Fortis] & let them boyle well in a strong [cruci]ble & Fire. They will give a liquor that will dye the Skin red. To this adde much more Reg. of Ant: & let them flow together & turne to a red <& transparent>     

[Entry 35]
[Hand: Boyle]

Mars calcin'd with Pot-ashes, will without a      Fluxe, in a good Fire give a Rare Regulus & glassy [scoria]     

[BP 25, p. 351 (original pagination p. 5)]
[Entry 36]
[Hand: Boyle]

With Acetum quercinum may be extracted & reduced into oyles the powder'd Glasses of Tin, lead & Antimony, but scarce of the more compleat Metals. Sm.

[Entry 37]
[Hand: Boyle]

With Mr Smart's flux if you be to try an oare or Minerall, mixe it powder'd with the Flux, if to Melt a Mettal, put it in the midst of the Fluxe.

[Entry 38]
[Hand: Boyle]

Glauber having drawne {gold} out of Pebbles by the Sp. of Salt, boyles the Residue in faire water, which settling in the Cold, lets fall to the Bottom a suttle Calx, of which he makes his Porcellane.

[Entry 39]
[Hand: Boyle]

M. S. tooke Tin calcin'd with the (old) cinders of <Iron> oare, this he steep'd in frigido in his Menstruum Cereale for two or 3 dayes, & wheate likewise then he made up <into a masse like Dough> this calcind Tinne & Iron with it's weight of the prepared Wheate & Sand-mixed together; <(this Masse must be kept in a strong Fluxe for at least 24 houres together.)> & had a Regulus like Lead; & a Cinder like steele, hard & that would pollish &c. Into this masse he once thrust as many thinne plates of Copper as he well could, & gave a strong Fire, <for divers howres, during which it often changed Collor.> & then put it into his [Menstruum] Cereale which turn'd it into an Oyle, which put into a Crucible in a strong Fire gave him a hard stone &c.

[Entry 40]
[Hand: Boyle]

Mr Sm. himselfe for Crucibles takes one part of the best Clay, & one part of good broken Crucibles finely powder'd & searc'd, he makes up his Masse (exquisitely beating it, with as little Moisture (water) as can possibly be made to serve. Then he fils his molds with it, & goes on Glauber's way, observing to put betwixt the Mold & the Masse an oyld Paper (or Parchment, which is better) to keepe the Masse from sticking to the Mold, & draw out the Crucible by: this Paper or Parchment, to line the mold closer may be of 3, 4 or 5 peeces. His Friends Crucibles are made of the Sand that the Glasse-men use, & the lees of Strong ale or beere (Dantzicke or Hamborogh beer he usd) which being made up into a masse must be very well beaten into the mold, & after some dayes, <you> must cut out with a knife as much of the masse as is requisite to leave a crucible by the sides of the mold; which crucible ought to have a good thicke bottom left it, & must be afterwards as it were vitrify'd in a strong heate.

[Entry 41]
[Hand: Boyle]

Take to a Barrel of muddy wine a Pottle (or more to a Hogshead or bigger Vessel) of good wine of the same sort; warme it well, & with a lighted Paper burne away the Spirit, then adde to it 2 or 3 (or more) whites of egges well beaten, & put it in scalding hot into the Vessell of Wine, & with a convenient sticke stirre it very well up & downe, & it will cause a Precipitation. The same [BP 25, p. 353 (original pagination p. 6)] Mixture will in like manner correct wine made of hony, & moreover takes away the hony tast. A little of our Fluxe likewise betters wine & strengthens it.

[Entry 42]
[Hand: Boyle]

Mr. S. uses Galmey extracted with the [Menstruum] Cereale in the Cure of Agues & Feavers.

[Entry 43]
[Hand: Boyle]

He likewise uses the [Menstruum] Cereale to extract {gold} out of Sand & Flints.

[Entry 44]
[Hand: Boyle]

He uses his Fixt Sulphur extracted with the same menstruum for those that have been injur'd by Mercury. As likewise in the Stone & Gout (in which he outwardly uses HIS oyl of Turp.)

[Entry 45]
[Hand: Boyle]

He digests Minerals in his Aqua Gradatoria in a moderate heat, but stones in Frigido.

[Entry 46]
[Hand: Boyle]

By the same way that he makes his Tincture of the Flowers of Ant. he drawes Tinctures out of the Regulus of {antimony}, & the filings of Mars.

[Entry 47]
[Hand: Boyle]

Mr C. dissolves his Corall into a calx instar Butyri in ore liquescens, in Phlegmate Saturni, after the Chrystialls have been 4 or 5 times imprægnated with Sp: aceti, which must each time be drawn off ferè ad siccitatem.

[Entry 48]
[Hand: Boyle]

For the Scurvy {Recipe} a handfull of Cochlearia, & breake it (but let no knife nor other Iron touch it) somewhat small, & on it poure a quart of Rhenish or good white wine, & let then infuse 24 houres, or till the wine be tincted with the vol. salt. of this fasting & before supper take about 3, 4 or 5 ounces.

[Entry 49]
[Hand: Boyle]

Mr. C. says his Essentia mumiata [Cornus] cervi, certainly cures the Sciatica.

[Entry 50]
[Hand: Boyle]

Take Pot-ash {pound} i. dissolve it in a little stale urine & to it adde of pulveriz'd Ant. {pound} ii. mixe them well & in a large glasse let them stand in a Cellar or window. Grinde likewise Potashes with pure white sand well wash't, & set them in a Cellar.

[Entry 51]
[Hand: Boyle]

Sp. Salis Armeniaci out of calcin'd tin, lead, or copper drawes a Tincture; out of copper yellowish, bitter, & unsafe. Out of Filings of Mars in about 3 weekes it drawes a red sweet Tincture. Being infus'd with Galmey, it doth in Frigido in about 2 or 3 dayes draw a greene Tincture admirable in Agues & Feavers. Dosis about halfe a spoonfull. NB. 1. The [Cereal] Menstruum out of Galmey drawes a yellowish Tincture inferior to the former, which (former, was it Mr S. us'd so succesfully. 2. He separates not the Sp. Salis Arm. from the <minerals> dissolv'd in it. 3. From Spices (& probably other Vegetables) it drawes out all that's good, < &> leaves only a worthlesse caput mortuum.

[BP 25, p. 354 (original pagination p. 7)]
[Entry 52]
[Hand: Boyle]

To one part of pure white sand, well wash'd & dry'd, (tho not heated & quench'd) take 6 parts of Nitre.

[Entry 53]
[Hand: Boyle]

The Talc prepar'd for oyl, must after the Nitre hath done puffing, be kept in a good flux for at lest a quarter of an howre.

[Entry 54]
[Hand: Boyle]

Take of the calcin'd Lead Potters use, & with Pot-ashes reduce it into     

[Entry 55]
[Hand: Boyle]

Take of the water of Nettles (both the Juyce & distill'd water would be try'd) & when You make Glasse, quench it 3 or 4 times therein.

[Entry 56]
[Hand: Boyle]

The Menstruum [Cereal] Mr Sm. also made in the second Furnace, but not so well (at least as to Quantity) as in the First.

[Entry 57]
[Hand: Boyle]

Vitriol (& probably other Minerals, & Tincture of {antimony}) may be fermented with made Wines.

[Entry 58]
[Hand: Boyle]

Take Helmont's Liquor Betulæ & with it in stead of common Water, with Raisins make a Raisin wine. Wherein may also be confermented Semen Dauci & Becabunga;

[Entry 59]
[Hand: Boyle]

The Pr. of Holstein drawes a Tincture with {spirit of wine} acuated after a peculiar manner, out of Cinnaber of {antimony} of great Efficacy in Physicke.

[Entry 60]
[Hand: Boyle]

Mr C. præpares Crab's Eyes by reducing them into a Salt with Sp. Aceti, & then edulcorating this Salt by some Abstractions of Sp. of Wine.

[Entry 61]
[Hand: Boyle]

Take weake {spirit of wine} & in it for some dayes digest juycy orange or lemon Peeles, & there will supernatare their [oyl or] Essence.

[Entry 62]
[Hand: Boyle]

{Recipe} Viride æris {pound} i. calcinetur igne cementationis per se, & septies extinquatur in Lixivio facto ex felle bubuli, urinâ veteri, sale decrepitato, & terebinth. communi; Reducatur in Massam <cum> sale Petræ, & cum duplo plumbi testetur toties donec super testam maneat clarum. Communicavit Dr Jones, qui ipse expertus est, & nactus est [auris] pondus coronæ aureæ anglicanæ, & aliquanto plus.

[Entry 63]
[Hand: Boyle]

To make salt-peter, cover a convenient Place on the Top, leaving it open on the sides, to exclude the Raine, but not the Aire: then take good Earth fit for the Purpose, & make bankes of what lengh You Please, of about 2 foot broad, & as high as the workmen can conveniently lay the Earth with their Shovels. But of this height, from foot to foot there must be Partitions of straw lay'd, to keepe the earth from knitting too much [BP 25, p. 352 (original pagination p. 8)] & on the top of the uppermost banke there must be made a kind of Trench of about halfe a foot in depth & a foot in breadth, on which must be powr'd all the urine &c can be procur'd. The earth after the Peter hath been drawne out of it, must be lay'd up againe as before to attract or produce more.

[Entry 64]
[Hand: Boyle]

Take a young Rabbet, strangle him & immediatly with smal wands beate him very well all over for 1/2 an howre or an howre. Then cut slices of the flesh (freed from the sinews) & lay them at a distance from the fire & continue them so (turning them as need requires) till they grow to be neere about as dry as Mummy (NB You may dry them in the Wind, & either way they will dry blackish) then beat them well in a cleane mortar, & they will seeme more moist, & then adde to them a 10th or twelfth part of {vinegar} & beate them for halfe an howre or more till they be perfectly incorporated like a Dow; & immediately cramme them as hard as you can into boxes, which must be carry'd in one's Pocket 3 weekes or a month.

[Entry 65]
[Hand: Boyle]

Digest Minium with Sp. Tart. volat. & it will mortify the Sulphur & extract a hæmatinum. The Sulphur thus putrify'd; (& looking at that rate) what remaines must be distill'd over in a retort into a Receiver halfe full of water. Oyle of Turpentine (not of the Colostrum) after frequent Rectifications from an Alcali, will performe the same. And likewise extracts {sulphur} vulgare, & of {antimony} &c, & no sulphur therewith extracted will be vomitive.

[Entry 66]
[Hand: Boyle]

To make his Cerussa [antimonii] St. takes one part of Stella & two of Nitre, & powders them together, & so calcines them into a very white Ceruse, which afterwards by ablutions with warme water he edulcorates.

[Entry 67]
[Hand: Boyle]

Take Stella, {silver} & {mercury} & make an {amalgam}, which must be digested washt [till]      the Blacknesse be consum'd & then the {mercury} drawne of, & new {star} put to the Lune; & the {amalgam} new made & handled as before: this do severall (    ) times & out of a {pound} of {silver} You will have neere an ounce of {gold} to be separated by Aqua Fortis.

[Entry 68]
[Hand: Boyle]

The Correcting Salt being mixt & beaten up into a Dough with Hellebore, & confermented it's due time is thereby volatiz'd.

[Entry 69]
[Hand: Boyle]

A halfe part of corrected <other Vegetables> at least must be mixed with corrected <opium> to repaire the sluggishnesse thereof; & at least an eighth part of opium with other corrected Vegetables, ad pacationem Archei.

[Entry 70]
[Hand: Boyle]

Take Lapis Calaminaris, Flores {sulphur}, & [Pot] ashes ana beate them well together, powre on them as much (new urine as <can> soake into them & swimme a <very> little over them & then digest them.

[Entry 71]
[Hand: Boyle]

Take Iron, Lead or Tinne, & a 1/2 or 1/3 of [Pot] ash. & in the 4th Furnace it will calcine them, in 3 or 4 howres, & may be recoverd out of them by ablution.

[Entry 72]
[Hand: Boyle]

Take calcin'd Lead, tinne or Iron, & [BP 25, p. 355 (original pagination p. 9)] about a third Part of Ash, let them putrify together till they grow blacke or earthy; then keep them a while in a Crucible in a strong heate, & after set them in a cellar to run per Deliquium.

[Entry 73]
[Hand: Boyle]

Try salt of Tartar & crude tartar powder'd together & set <them> to putrify under ground, & see whether they will not turne into a limus or a Neutrum quid that will transire per alembicum.

[Entry 74]
[Hand: Boyle]

Take flos {sulphur}is 2 parts, uncalcin'd allome one part & with butter never at all salted, make an Unguent, ad scabiem volaticam, sore legs &c.

[Entry 75]
[Hand: Boyle]

Take one part of camphire & on it drop 3 parts of ol. amygd. dulc. & grind them well together in a Brasse Mortar, where let them stand all night & in the morning You shall have a greene ointment, excellent in breaking out about the lips, or inward excoriations & scabs of the nose.

[Entry 76]
[Hand: Boyle]

Radix enulæ campanæ fermented with beere doth powerfully drive out the Itch.

[Entry 77]
[Hand: Boyle]

Ros vitrioli or the Phlegme which first comes over, is an excellent Medecine for Burnes; & sharpe humors or heate in the Eyes; which if they be much inflam'd by the sharpe humors then a little Saccharum Saturni would be dissolved in it.

[Entry 78]
[Hand: Boyle]

Flos. [sulphuris] dissolv'd in oyle, & digested for two months or thereabouts foetorem amittit, maximâ saltem ex parte.

[Entry 79]
[Hand: Boyle]

Sal mar. Decrepit. is to be mixt with the {sulphur} & {mercury} in the making of Cinnaber.

[Entry 80]
[Hand: Boyle]

Take Peter & tartar ana, with the Peter calcine the Tartar, into a white Calx, stirring it continually inter calcinandum, least the masse cleave to the Crucible. Of this Masse finely powder'd put an ounce by little & little upon an ounce of melted Flos {sulphur}is or finely powder'd Brimstone; very carefully avoyding both the Fire & too great heat; & continually stirring the masse till the ingredients be duely incorporated & the masse looke of a Purplish color. To {ounce} i of this mixture finely powder'd put a pint of good Sack, let them stand in a warme Place (stopped to digest for 2 or 3 or more howres: then dissolve in a very-very little Rose-water a pound of fine Sugar & stirre it over a Chafing-dish of coales least <whilst> some part is more thoroughly dissolving, the rest congeale. On this Powre the tincted Wine (before carefully decanted) & keepe them still stirring till all the sugar be dissolv'd in the wine, & the whole mixture become of the consistence of a very thinne Syrup, which will tast very strong of the {sulphur}. This syrup carefully bottle up & keepe for use.

[BP 25, p. 356 (original pagination p. 10)]
[Entry 81]
[Hand: Boyle]

{Recipe} of Minium one pound, of limatura martis halfe an ounce, of good white-wine vinegar (not distill'd) somewhat above a Pint: put these into a quart <stone> bottle or Jugge; which being well stop't, let them be well shaki'n together till they be duely mixt. Then put the Bottle in the sun, a hot stone, or on warme ashes, (stirring & shaking it well 3 or 4 times during that space) for 24 howres. Then decant the Liquor. And on the same minium & Filings, you may powre on another pint of Fresh Vinegar, & proceed in all things as before, & this Processe may be repeated so often, with the same Minium & only fresh Vinegar, till all the Virtue & sweetnesse be extracted out of the Minium, & Filings; (out of which by <the Vinegar's> continuing the longer upon them it is supposed to extract the greater virtue.)

[Entry 82]
[Hand: Boyle]

Take a Hare kill'd by hunting or coursing (i.e. cum terrore) & in it's warme blood dip (new) linnen clothes, till they have drunke up as much Blood as they can. Then hang them up in the wind or some warme Place to dry leisurely. When You would use this blood, put a peece of the imbu'd linnen about the largenesse of a shilling or halfe crowne (first cut small) into a wine glasse of wine or some other conveninent vehicle; & when it hath soak'd there a while, wring out all the Blood out of the shreds of linnen into the Wine, which then give the Patient, that is troubled with Fluxes, especially the Dysentery.

[Entry 83]
[Hand: Boyle]

Take calcin'd Silver, copper, <NB: the lead must be put in last of all, & all must be kept in a flux for 12 or 14 howres.> lead & tinne & melt them in a strong Crucible, & put to them some Pot-ash to have a Regulus transparent & tincted with severall Colors like Jewels.

[Entry 84]
[Hand: Boyle]

Take calcin'd Venus Saturne & Mars, & melt them with {star}is, & keepe them long in a good fluxe to have a strange Masse (Sm. had his like an unguent.

[Entry 85]
[Hand: Boyle]

Take Regulus of {antimony} (made with a third part of {iron}) one ounce, to a pound of Pewter, & melt them well together & the Regulus will make the Pewter both more sonorous & more white.

[Entry 86]
[Hand: Boyle]

Take {antimony} two parts & Galmey one part, & make a Regulus.

[Entry 87]
[Hand: Boyle]

'Tis the Acetum quercinum with which put upon the Iron Ore Mr Sm. makes his Spaw-water, putting the tincted Acetum into faire Water ad gratam usque aciditatem. This prepar'd Water is (inter alia quamplurima) excellent for sore-throats, (gargarized.)

[Entry 88]
[Hand: Boyle]

Take stella martis, & with part of Peter grinde it, & fire it with a Cole, & so bring it into a Masse; on which powre some of the [BP 25, p. 357 (original pagination p. 11)] Menstruum Cereale, & the whole after a short digestion will be reduced into a little Residence & a red liquor, a few Drops whereof will tinge a good quantity of {spirit of wine} into a deepe Red & makes it an excellent Medecine.

[Entry 89]
[Hand: Boyle]

Take limatura [martis] part. i. Nitre part. ii misce, accende, & detonare sine. then powre on      Menstruum, & extrahe tincturam, which you may againe draw off by & into Sp. of Wine.

[Entry 90]
[Hand: Boyle]

{Recipe} Common Turpent. digest it with [Menstruum] Cereale, & draw of Your Menstruum in a head & Body, with it will come over Oleum clarum supernatans, & a translucid Colophony will remaine in the bottome.

[Entry 91]
[Hand: Boyle]

Ash workes strongly on Galmey, as also on {antimony}, to 4 parts of which 3 of Ash must be mixed, & the Mixture kept in a cold cellar in a wide open Vessell will in 3 or 4 Months sever the {sulphur} from the running {mercury}.

[Entry 92]
[Hand: Boyle]

Our Acetum Quercinum (aliorumque forsan lignorum) doth all that Sp. Salis Armeniaci will do, as well as it (if not better (says Mr Sm.)

[Entry 93]
[Hand: Boyle]

Take Sand part i. powder'd Charcole parts ii. Niter parts v or vi. Misce; then heat a crucible red hot, & whilst it is heating, set the Mixture on fire at the top with a quicke cole; & let as much as can, burne away, then take the remaining masse, & put it offulatim into the crucible, & give it a strong fluxe & melt it into a greenish vitrum which in a cellar will run per deliquium into a Liquor of the same Nature with Glauber's liquor silicum.

[Entry 94]
[Hand: Boyle]

Our Terrene Menstruum mixt with Water, will extract the Virtue out of Wheate & all Vegetables, & will by digestion, in time fixe Metals (& Minerals) says Glauber.

[Entry 95]
[Hand: Boyle]

Take a peece of steele, rub it well upon a load-stone, & then stroke the aking tooth & contiguous gummes divers times therewith.

[Entry 96]
[Hand: Boyle]

Fill a hollow tooth with turpentine, & with a red hot Iron kindle it & let it burne in the tooth & seare it, which <is an> infallible cure as Dr Charlton assures me.

[Entry 97]
[Hand: Boyle]

Pot-ash & {antimony} must be a while digested in a gentle heat to change Colors.

[Entry 98]
[Hand: Boyle]

Take to a Pipe of Wine about a Gallon of strong ale wort that hath not wrought, & in each Gallon dissolve {pound} i of honey, & adde to them as much flower of ground malt as will make them like batter, which must be put in warme into the Wine & mightily stirred in it, & [BP 25, p. 358 (original pagination p. 12)] then the Wine after 10 or 12 weekes (& not before) must be rack't off from the Lees, & if it were prick't or could not be kept in the Vessell for it's mad working, this will perfectly recover it. Stirke.

[Entry 99]
[Hand: Boyle]

{Recipe} Sal. marinum Hispanic. primo decrepita, postea funde igne forti. Of this melted Salt, put 2 ounces to a common barrell of beere or ale; it corrects sowrenesse & prevents it; & in sommer will keepe ale good & briske for 6 weekes together (says Dr St.) Muria duely made after Helmont's way will do the same, but the common Brine oftentimes will not, it's halituous spirit being not <duely> spent, & exantlated upon the Flesh.

[Entry 100]
[Hand: Boyle]

Urine & Savine will præcipitate muddy wine but makes it unwholesome; Chalke doth it more safely.

[Entry 101]
[Hand: Boyle]

Cohobate Sal ar: upon dulcify'd colcotar till all be fixed in the bottome, which will runne per deliquium into a greene sweet oyle, & yeeld greene fixt Crystalls, that will keepe their color in the fire.

[Entry 102]
[Hand: Boyle]

Make our Ens with a third part of Stella in relation to the colcotar; & if the Dose exceed not two graines, it will not vomit.

[Entry 103]
[Hand: Boyle]

To produce insects, make a Kind of Rob of the Juice of the vegetable, & lay it on a kind of wicker flat thing, not broade enough to touch the sides of the earthen Vessel You put it into : & under this Wicker floore cast little stickes or strong thatch to support it; that so the aire may ambire materiam putrifaciendam, over it likewise may be cast a little of some light thatch &c but the vessel must not be fill'd full. then it must be shallowly bury'd in the earth, the top being cover'd with something that may be remov'd at pleasure, to see the alterations of the matter.

[Entry 104]
[Hand: Boyle]

{Recipe} Galmey one ounce, Pot-ashes {ounce} {half} salis marini one pound, powder the Galmey, & with tantillum aqua font. mixe the ashes with it, & then adde the sea-salt & beate them well together into a masse, which let stand a day or 2. The same way may be opened the Body of Nitre &c.

[Entry 105]
[Hand: Boyle]

Keepe {copper} & {lead} ana in a fluxe for 4 or 5 houres, & have a regulus which powder'd will tinge Vitrum Saturni greene.

[Entry 106]
[Hand: Boyle]

{Recipe} {antimony} p. i Galmey p. ii. with a little peter or Pot ash melt them into a Golden Regulus.

[Entry 107]
[Hand: Boyle]

{Recipe} Ash {pound} i. dossolve it in [quantum satis] of Urine, put to it lb 3, 4, or 5 of Minium Misce, let them stand to putrify 5 or 6 dayes. then humiditatem evoca; & what remaines melt in a good fire into (a <q> greenish) masse: which kept very dry is an excellent flux or in a cellar will run per deliquium into Glaubers Aqua Saturni .

[Entry 108]
[Hand: Boyle]

His Ens [auris] is either in floribus [antimonii], silicibus, & yellow sand.