Workdiary WD3 (editorial transcript)

Workdiary 3 (Aphorisms in English, 1647)

Content: Moralistic and theological aphorisms in English from c. 1647-9, preceded by the heading 'L.D.'

General Information

[BP 44, fol. 114]
L. D.
[Entry 1]
[Date: c. 1647]
[Hand: Boyle]

I beg your Pardon for making you so slow a return of my H. T. for your exc. Letter of the 26 of Dec. & I shud have needed your pardon much more, had your favors in it been lesse: The excesse of them in such variety of obligations; justifys me in the leisure I take to taste & enjoy ech endearing Circumstance a part: weighing & comparing with one another the several Delights I owe you.

[Entry 2]
[Hand: Boyle]

I shud despaire of efficacy to convince you by anything that can flow from a Pen annimate but with such Dull reflections as mine.

[Entry 3]
[Hand: Boyle]

Lest I shud incurre the Taxe, either of Hyp. if I shud by Sil. confesse an assent in matters of Rel. where I am not convinc't: or of Perversenesse shud I dissent without showing cause for it.

[Entry 4]
[Hand: Boyle]

Could I admit of such a Doctrine, that in the Affaire of our Faith I ought to be swayed by any humane Auth. either of one or many; I shud at this instant publish a Valediction to my Op. what great wits soever <may> sustayne them; as willingly as I do here grant you the Preheminence above the hihest I have knowne.

[Entry 5]
[Hand: Boyle]

Their veracity I attribute infinitely unto, from a due Cons. of all those happie Circ. wherewith your Eloq. authorizes it.

[Entry 6]
[Hand: Boyle]

You cannot aggravate their Impiety enough.

[Entry 7]
[Hand: Boyle]

If any former slip of my Pen can be but wrested to such an injustice, let me purge my selfe by a solemn Rec. But I hope my words imported not any such sense, I am sure my sense intended not any such words.

[Entry 8]
[Hand: Boyle]

Wherein by 2 restrictions I am safely protected from any just Imp. of so injust a Negative. The one by the very Exc. of many Cases attributes to their Test. a Validity in many: the other allowes it an induceing Power in the very denying it a Convincing one: & tends no way to an Exclusion but onely to a Qualification of their Evidence.

[BP 44, fol. 114v]
[Entry 9]
[Hand: Boyle]

Wherein I can in no wise Venture to give Sentence upon their Evidence

[Entry 10]
[Hand: Boyle]

Little of materiall or waighty can be said on this subjecte that his rare & piercing observation has not anticipated.

[Entry 11]
[Hand: Boyle]

And this I hope I may safely affirme without wrong either to their abilitys or good Wills.

[Entry 12]
[Hand: Boyle]

In which I have prevented the need of Examples by many instances both of &c.

[Entry 13]
[Hand: Boyle]

Some of which I take to be Beames, all more then Moates, fit to be removed out of their Eyes, before we can with reason resigne up our Senses to their Guidance & Mamid      Aire-beaters

[Entry 14]
[Hand: Boyle]

No marvell that to decide such they shud want wills, having neither meanes nor occasion to actuate their abilitys; or that they shud want abilitys, having noe provocations that might stimulate their wills.

[Entry 15]
[Hand: Boyle]

These were the Considerations that possest me when &c.

[Entry 16]
[Hand: Boyle]

Shud I grant them all to be true, it woud not follow that they were sufficinet: till it did appeare, (which I think never will, tho for the present we will suppose it.)

[Entry 17]
[Hand: Boyle]

My former Instances I conceive have sufficiently evinc't.

[Entry 18]
[Hand: Boyle]

Will bring you into a Circle (of Augmentation)

[Entry 19]
[Hand: Boyle]

To border upon Impossibility.

[Entry 20]
[Hand: Boyle]

Are delivered by such a Multitude of men, as contayne in them all the Variety of Dispositions & Affections incident to the Nature of man.

[Entry 21]
[Hand: Boyle]

The [Unfrustrable] apetence of Truth an appropriate of humane nature.

[Entry 22]
[Hand: Boyle]

Which for brevity sake I note onely in the margent, pronounce to me in as cleere a sence as may be, the sufficiency of Scripture & superfluity of relying upon Traditions.

[Entry 23]
[Hand: Boyle]

The organ then of our motion to hev'n being Faith & that Faith the strongest assent of our soules; the Ground upon which it must March ought to be no lesse [BP 44, fol. 115]Solide then Infallibility: since the strongest assent cannot be given but upon the strongest Inducement.

[Entry 24]
[Hand: Boyle]

And lastly, I beleeve, that all Points whatsoever of [Christian Religion[?]] are there set downe as perspicuously & as cleerly intelligible to all Capacitys, as they are cleerly necessary to be beleeved by all: & that God's Mercy in the Merits of Christ, accepting alike the fayth resultant from the Dark mists of the ignorant, & from the Cleerest intelligence of the Learned; the Lambe may wade to his Blisse, through the same water throu which the Elephant may swimme.

[Entry 25]
[Hand: Boyle]

Besides God's equallizing Capacitys by his acceptance.

[Entry 26]
[Hand: Boyle]

Let me have your Patience or your Pardon a Little farther.      Lucida intervalla

[Entry 27]
[Hand: Boyle]

In the happyer as well as more Monarchicall Condition of &c.

[Entry 28]
[Hand: Boyle]

Since it was a Forme not chosen for the best, but impos'd by adversity & oppression: which in the beginning forc't the Church from what it wisht to what it might.

[Entry 29]
[Hand: Boyle]

How Camelion like that has been, how various is as visible as greene.

[Entry 30]
[Hand: Boyle]

Not the safest Course, for he would be found packing towards &c.

[Entry 31]
[Hand: Boyle]

The Ballances being so equally pois'd that the overbearance of either scale is hardly perceptible.

[Entry 32]
[Hand: Boyle]

As we do in the other most true & prime Emanation of Nature, Friendship, which on your part to me I am      must needs spring from thence; since my small merit affords no other motive: & as for mine to you, I am sure it is impossible without an entire concurrence of all the forces of sympathy, for any &c

[Entry 33]
[Hand: Boyle]

Differencyes being rightly reconcilable onely by such Mediums as both Partyes consent in.

[BP 44, fol. 115v]
[Entry 34]
[Hand: Boyle]

Ces dernieres Preuves de son amour plus claires que les premieres de sa haine et je ne vous avouerois pas la Trahison que <je> vous fis; si mon dessein n'eust esté tres-bon, & le succez tres advantageux pour vous.