Workdiary WD38 (editorial transcript)

Workdiary 38 ('The XVII Century' and 'The XVIII Century')

Content: Experimental accounts, notes and observations from 1686-91, many involving the specific gravities of various substances

General Information

[BP 21, p. 219]
The XVII Century.
[Entry 1]
[Hand: Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
Weight of the fibrous part of [Human Blood] (in uncertain-Greg hand)
Tbd to the Letter H

We took two ounces of the Fibrous part of Human Blood, carefully separated from the Serum, & dry'd them severally in 2 clear cak'd Glasses, the one in a South Window in the room over our Laboratory, & the other upon the Sand of our digestive furnace in a part remote from the Focus where the Heat is alwayes very gentle. The former when it was dry enough to be <easily> pulverable, weighed {drachm} iii + 5 g. & the latter {drachm} ii + 43 gr.

[Entry 2]
[Hand: Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
{calx} of oyster shells (in uncertain-Greg hand)

Oyster shells free'd from their external scurf, were by being kept above two hours <in the fire> reduc'd (after some blackness) to a pure white Calx, which discover'd it self to be much of the nature of common Lime, not only by the Tast, but by these Marks 1. The powder of it being rub'd with Syrup of Violets soon turn'd the Liquor green. 2. Some of the same Powder being strow'd upon a Solution of Sublimate, presently afforded an Orange Precipitate.

[Entry 3]
[Hand: Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
odde {caput mortuum} fixt. (in uncertain-Greg hand)

Two half pounds of Oyl of Dantsic Vitriol, having been distill'd at two several times with an equal weight of Spirits totally Ardent, afforded about {ounce} ii of a cole-black Caput mortuum, which being put into a Crucible & kept an hour in the fire, wasted to <somewhat less than> half an ounce.     

[Entry 4]
[Note: Entry crossed through in ink]
[Hand: Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
h (margin, at end of paragraph)

We took about the bigness of a walnut of clean cotton, & having moisten'd it throughly with Chymical or (as Artists call it) Essential Oyl of Carvi, & then a little press'd it together, we put it into a clean Copper Spoon, (because we had one at hand, & would avoid spoiling a [BP 21, p. 220] Silver one) & then put to it a little very strong & smoking Vitriolic Spirit of Nitre, made after our way, These Ingredients presently began to act on one another, & the Cotton to grow black, & to emit a very thick Smoke, which was in a trice follow'd by <a large> actual Flame, as shining at least as that of a Candle, & somewhat more yellow; < (Save that in one or two places it was of a fine blew, upon the account, as I suppose of some corroded C Particles of the Copper Spoon ) > It was accompany'd with Smoke, issuing out at the top, as Flames usually are, & being blown out, <soon> rekindled of it self. § But this Tryal having been made, because < it 'twas> cold Weather, so near the fire, that some of the Fumes that issu'd from the Mixture before the Flame broke forth, might by a Sceptic be pretended to have been kindl'd thereby, & so the fire be propagated to the Spoon; we repeated the [Expt], in another place (having divers Spoons at hand) & found, as we expected, that it succeeded as before; save that, because Tryal was <well &> carefully made, the success was somewhat better; for the Flame being blown out three or 4 several times, was spontaneously rekindl'd, & the Cotton burnt a long while after without Flame like a piece of Charcoal or a lump or Tinder.

[Entry 5]
[Note: Entry crossed through in ink]
[Hand: Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
h (margin, at end of paragraph)

But because I doubted, whether every Essential Oyl as such might be proper for this [Expt], I thought fit to make Tryal of it with Oyl of Anise-seeds, that being different from most other Chymical Oyls, that it will Coagulate of it self, even in moderately cold Weather. Wherefore we took some, that <seemd> totally Congeal'd, (as they express it) & by that Sign appear'd to be pure & unsophisticated; & having with Heat reduc'd it to Fluidity, we proceeded with it as with the Oyl of Carvi; but found, that thô the Mixture afforded Smoke, yet it afforded no Flame at all. So great an interest has Texture in this Affair.

[Entry 6]
[Note: Entry crossed through in pencil]
[Hand: Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
h (margin, at end of paragraph)

To shew that among fluid Essential Oyls, that of Carvy is not the single one, that is fit to afford a Flame; we took about the bigness of a Walnut of Cotton, & having drench'd it in Chymical Oyl of Juniper, & press'd it a little to free it from superfluous Liquor, we put to it in a Copper Spoon, <some> of our strong Vitriolic Spirit of Nitre; upon which it did immediately, as we expected, send up, together with copious Fumes, a [BP 21, p. 221] large & vivid Flame that was very yellow, & lasted for a while; but being then blown out; did not rekindle of it self, nor by holding it so that the Fumes reach'd to an actual fire. Wherefore for greater security, we reiterated the [Expt] carefully, but observ'd little that was peculiar in it, save that when the Flame broke forth of it self, it did it with a surprising Noise, equal, by our guess, to that which half a pound, or a greater quantity, of Gunpowder kindled in the free air, would have produc'd.

[Entry 7]
[Note: First paragraph crossed through in pencil]
[Note: Square brackets surrounding 'I have several time thought ... design'd to produce' are Boyle's own and are not editorial]
[Hand: Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
{circle} (margin, beginning of first paragraph)
Tbd (margin, beginning of first paragraph)
h (margin, at end of first paragraph)
h (margin, at end of second paragraph)

To try whether Cotton were necessary to our way of producing Flame, as we presum'd a Body analogous to it, thô not, as the Chymists speak, of the Vegetable, but of the Animal Kingdom, would not be as proper we took about the quantity of a Walnut of black Wool (not so much because it is thought of a hotter nature, but because we had no other at hand) & having well moisten'd it with Chymical Oyl of Carvy, we put to it some of our Vitriolic Spirit of Nitre, & presently had (what we look'd for) <such> a copious & blazing Flame of a yellow Colour, that this <Accension> seem'd to be <somewhat> more easily produc'd than in any of the former [Expts].

[I have several times thought, that the Accension produc'd by the mixture of Bodies Cold as to touch, depended Mainly (for I do not say Only) upon this; That by the Mixture of these Bodies there is produc'd such a change of Texture, & particularly as to Pores, that either the more Spirituous & active Ingredients are set at Liberty & <powerfully> Excited, or the <translucent> æther is determin'd to excite in the Compound Body <such> a vehement & tumultuous Agitation of the minute parts, as is sufficient to put them into that State wherein we call the Aggregate of them Flame. This Opinion or Conjecture I thought fit to examine by some Tryals, wherein thô the chief Agent & most active Ingredient was still retain'd & made use of, yet <there should be a Change of> one or other <of the two remaining> Ingredients, but especially of that which is commonly reputed by Chymists, & not by them alone, to be the proper Seat of Inflammability, if not the only Fuel of Fire. To make this Examen, I thought fit to substitute Wooll to Cotton, & so to vary the Oyls I would imploy, that my choice should comprehend Inflammable Liquors of very differing sorts, & indeed of as many of those that then came into my thoughts, as I had then within my power [BP 21, p. 222] And, to comply with my present hast, I shall for brevity's sake, make use of Barbarous but Compendious Names, & call the Experiment formerly describ'd <sometimes> Phlogistic, sometimes Flammiferous, but most commonly Flammific, from the Flame that it dos, or is at lest design'd to produce. ]

[Entry 8]
[Hand: Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
h (margin, at end of paragraph)

We took Spirits totally Inflammable, such being lookt upon by Chymists, as <a> highly rarefy'd Sulphur (of Vegetables,) & the proper Principle of Inflammability; & having with this, instead of an Essential Oyl, made the Flammific Experiment, after the manner <already> more than once recited, we did not find that the Commixture produc'd any store of Fumes, much less any actual Flame. And, which seem'd somewhat odd, the Cotton was not burnt to any thing near Blackness, nor so much as brought to be rotten or very soft

[Entry 9]
[Hand: Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
h (margin, at end of paragraph)

Because [Expts] made for another purpose, & elsewhere <related, make it probable that in Alcol Spirit of Wine, thô diligently rectify'd, the Sulphur or Oyl of the Wine is very much attenuated; I thought fit to make a considerable variation of the Experiment, by trying it with a Liquor that seem'd to be very much of kin to an Essential Oyl of Wine; & yet is made of Wine by the help of no other Ingredient than Vitriol. For this Liquor is a true Oyl that will not mixe with Water, as the abusively call'd Oyls of Vitriol, Tartar &c. will do. Nor is it Acid, but tasts when it is well made like an some peculiar kind of Aromatic Oyl, & is like it also in subtlety of Parts & Penetrancy. But having moistned Cotton with this Liquor, & put our Menstruum to it, thô there was a great Tumult excited, accompany'd with very copious Fumes, it appear'd as red as Fire, yet there was not any real Flame produc'd.>

[Entry 10]
[Hand: Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
h (margin, at end of paragraph)

Expressd Oyls abounding in an Inflammable Ingredient, much more Dense than that which constitutes high rectify'd Spirit of Wine, & even than that of the Essential Oyl of Carvy; we thought fit to try with this more heavy Liquor, the Flammiferous Experiment. And having with good Oyl of Olives, (as that which seem'd the fittest to be made an Instance of express'd Oyls) & proceeded in the rest of the Tryal after the usual manner; we observ'd that upon the commixture of the Ingredients, a great tumult was excited & a pretty deal of Smoke emitted, but no Flame at all ensued; but the Cotton was by the corrosive action of the Menstruum brought to be very rotten or soft, & of a dark < & alb or somewhat blackish> Colour.

[Entry 11]
[Hand: Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
Tbd (margin, at first paragraph)
h (margin, at end of first paragraph)
Tbd (margin, at second paragraph)
h (margin, at end of second paragraph)

After all the foregoing Tryals made with our Phlogistic Menstruum upon Oyly Liquors, we thought fit to make one upon a Substance that was not Fluid, nor easy to be mix'd with <al>most <any> of the Oyls we had for other purposes long ago attempted to unite it with. We cut off then a little bit of our Glacial Noctiluca or consistent Phosphorous, & lapping it up in a convenient quantity of <dry> Cotton, we put a little of our kindling Spirit upon it, & stirr'd them a little to give the easier access to the Menstruum. Whereupon the Mixture suddenly took fire, <(which was> accompany'd with a pretty deal of Smoke), & afforded us one of <a more> vehement white vivid & almost dazling Flame [BP 21, p. 223] than could well have been expected from so small a quantity of Fuel. And after the Flame was expir'd the remaining Matter sent forth store of Fumes, but neither so dark nor so red by far as we have observ'd in divers of the foregoing [Expts]. And when we had for tryals sake put a little bit of a well kindled Coal upon the soft matter that remain'd in the Spoon, this Coal was thereby kept in a kind of dancing motion so long, that the Bystanders justly admir'd it, especially since it was not overcast with Ashes, but kept alive as if it had gently blown all the while.

But, because I thought it might be suspected, that the <abovemention'd> stirring of the Ingredients to mingle them, thô it were done very faintly might contribute to the accension of them by reason of the Disposition of the Phosphorus to be kindl'd by Agitation, we did for the greater security reiterate the [Expt] without stirring together the Ingredients as before, & yet there was produc'd a Flame < so> exceeding fierce & blazing almost to a wonder, <accompany'd> with a pure & extraordinarily vivid Light, & the Matter remaining in the Spoon after the exspiration of it, continu'd for a considerable while not only to Smoke but to boyle.

[Entry 12]
[Hand: Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
h (margin, at end of paragraph)

The black Liquor that goes under the Name of Barbadoes Tar, because of some resemblance it has to that vegetable substance, in point of Colour & some other Qualities & Uses, is <yet held to be> a Mineral Liquor; & a literatet person that gather'd it in the Island of Barbadoes, assur'd me that it was a Bituminous Substance, which He had found gliding from Rocks on the Sea-side; so that it seems to be a coarse kind of Petroleum. Wherefore to make our [Expt] upon a true Bitumen, we took some of this Liquor, which thô esteem'd very penetrating of it self, we had for other purposes made more pure & subtil by Distillation. We took, I say, this Oyl of Barbadoes Tar, & having moistned Cotton with it (in one of the Spoons hitherto often imploy'd) we put to it our <kindling> Menstruum; but found less Commotion & Smoke to be produc'd therby than we had observ'd in any of the [Expts] recited in this Paper. Only the Cotton <was observ'd to be> somewhat alter'd, especially when stirr'd with a stick of Glass, appearing to be not of a black but of a red Colour; nor did it, [BP 21, p. 224] for <all> that Colour, so easily take fire at a piece of lighted Paper, as Cotton in other Tryals is wont to do.

[Entry 13]
[Hand: Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
Reg of {antimony} & {copper} (in uncertain-Greg hand)

lb.i of {antimony} & lb{half} of very good Copper being melted together & cast into a Cone, afforded a Regulus weighing five ounces & {drachm} v & a solid Recrement weighing fourteen ounces & {drachm} i (which seem'd to have a pretty deal of Reguline Matter remaining in it) besides {drachm} xiii {half} of Recrement that was not solid.

[Entry 14]
[Note: The entry is followed by a large space of approximately 15 lines separating this from the followig entry]
[Hand: Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
{sulphur} of {antimony} (in uncertain-Greg hand)
h (margin, at end of paragraph)

lb i of {antimony} & lb.i of good Oyl of Dantsic {vitriol} being mix'd together & distill'd ex arena by degrees of fire, afforded above {drachm} vii of fine yellow Sulphur, that sublimd into the neck & upper part of the Retort; & then by a Mischance (the Fire being too much increas'd) the Receiver was blown off from it. But being rejoyn'd to it, & the operation continu'd; we had <near {drachm} vi {half} > more Sulphur sublim'd, but mix'd here & there with black Antimonial matter, from which 'twas not easy to separate it fully. So that the whole amounted to above {drachm} xiii 1/2     

[Entry 15]
[Note: The entry is preceded by a large space of approximately 15 lines separating this from the preceding entry]
[Hand: Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]

We took two bits of our Icy Noctiluca, each being about the bigness of half a small pea, & having put them into a Copper Spoon, without Cotton or any Consistent Body besides themselves, we put upon them some of our Flammific [Msm]. This for a while scarce appear'd to work upon the Phosphorus, scarce producing so much as a manifest Smoke. But a while after the Fumes began to rise: & thô the Spoon did not seem to be considerably heated, yet there was a great Commotion between the Fluid & Consistent Substances; whence issu'd first many Fumes, & presently after a sudden & loud eruption of a Flame, which was very large, & was so white & vivid that it dazled our Eyes, but <it> quickly vanish'd; & soon after it was succeeded by another, dazling & very short <liv'd> Flame, that seem'd produc'd as it were by way of Explosion, by the accension of the second Fragment of the Noctilucal Matter.

[BP 21, p. 225]
[Entry 16]
[Hand: Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
[Human Blood] congeald. (in uncertain-Greg hand)
h (margin, at end of paragraph)

Divers ounces of well condition'd Human Blood, having been in sharp frosty Weather expos'd to the cold air for many hours, the whole mass seem'd to be congeal'd throughout, & was firm enough to have portions of it differing in shape & bigness, cut out with a knife. One of these portions that we more particularly consider'd, seem'd to be stuff'd with thin plates of Ice, variously situated in the mass, & very numerous; & on the outside or superficial parts, there appear'd several tufts of thin plates, that had their edges in the surface of the lump, & had the appearance either of the Crystals of Salarmoniac dissolv'd in Water, or of little Fans display'd.

[Entry 17]
[Hand: Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
{copper} cemented with {sulphur} (in uncertain-Greg hand)

{ounce} iii of fine Copper cut small being cemented with common Sulphur for above an hour, in a Crucible with a Cover luted on it, were made pulverable: & thô the Sulphur appear'd to have been burnt away, yet the mass was found {ounce} iii + {drachm} v + 43 gr.

[Entry 18]
[Hand: Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
{gold} & {silver} in {water} (in uncertain-Greg hand) (margin, at first paragraph)
{cross} (margin, at first paragraph)
Hydr. Jarr in Hydr. oyl of Turp. (in uncertain-Greg hand) (margin, at second paragraph)
q (margin, at second paragraph)

A Mixture of gold & Silver weighed ten picols. A mass of Gold & a lump of Silver (each of the same weight of ten picols) were also taken. The mass of Silver weigh'd in Water lost half a pound of its weight in the air. And the mass of Gold lost one 9th of a pound.

The Hydrostatical Jar weigh'd in the air {drachm} vi + 51 gr.
in Oyl of turp. {drachm} iv + 23 gr.
[Entry 19]
[Hand: Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
NB Exp. with {mercury} {lead} & Tinglass (in uncertain-Greg hand)

We took {ounce} ii of Lead & as many of tinglass & having melted them together, before this Mixture was cold we put to it {ounce} iiii of Mercury. Of this < liquid> Amalgame we strain'd {ounce} vii + {drachm} ii through shammy Leather & of those being committed to distillation there came over into the Receiver {ounce} iv + {drachm} iii & the remaining Caput mortuum amounted to {ounce} ii + {drachm} vi.

[Entry 20]
[Date: 27 March 1689]
[Hand: Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
March 27
[Retrospective marginalia:]
Ice produc'd by {sal ammoniac} (in uncertain-Greg hand)

About lb{half} by our guess of powder'd Salarmoniac, having a pint or better of common Water put upon it in a glass Retort whose outside was sprinkled & wetted with the same Liquor, the Ingredients being moderately shaken together the Mixture grew so intensely cold, that in about a minute of an hour according to conjecture, the external Water was turn'd into Ice that could be & partly was scrap'd off with a Knife on whose Blade it was at [BP 21, p. 226] first a consistent Body, but then quickly melted.

[Entry 21]
[Hand: Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
Crystalls of sea salt (in uncertain-Greg hand)

lb i of Bay salt being dissolv'd in Water, filtred, & set to Evaporate, the first Crystals taken off from the surface of the Water & dry'd, amounted in weight to {drachm} v {half}. The next that stuck to the bottom & sides of the vessel, & was taken off in an entire Cake, weighed {ounce} ii +{drachm} v.

[Entry 22]
[Hand: Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
How much sp. of {urine} satiates good oil of {vitriol} (in uncertain-Greg hand)

{ounce} iv of {oil} of {vitriol} took above {ounce} XVII of good rectify'd {spirit} of {urine} to satiate it.

[Entry 22a]
[Hand: Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
Hydr. (in uncertain-Greg hand)

(A Jamaica Metal that look'd like pale Copper weighed

in the Air {drachm} v + 53
in Water {drachm} v + 17
So that its proportion to an equal bulk of Water was as that of 9 8/10- to 1.)

June 10
[Entry 23]
[Date: 10 June 1689]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
Increase of weight in {gold} fulminans

Two drachms of fine gold (commonly called water gold) being dissolved in good common {aqua regia} & præcipitated with {oil} of {tartar} [per deliquium] though the calx were carefully edulcorated & dryed, yet the {gold} fulminans was <found> to exceed about 40 gr. the weight of the {gold} first taken.

[Entry 24]
[Date: 10-11 June 1689]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
sp. of butter acid
June 11

spirit of May Butter distilld in a retort & not yet rectifyed appeard to be <of an> acid rather <than>an urinous nature, for it made syrop of violetts more purplish then before it destryd the blew colour in our double tincture, & made an ebullition when pourd upon salt of tartar

[Entry 25]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
{urine}ousnesse of serum of blood.

Serum of sound humane blood though it was kept about a day & a night after the blood was drawn did yet retain so much volatile spirit that it <readily> restord the blew colour to som of our double tincture that had been deprivd of it.

[Entry 26]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
26 (margin, at first paragraph)
acidity of an essentiall {oil} (margin, at first paragraph)
CP (margin, at first paragraph)
Tbd (margin, at first paragraph)
2 (margin, at first paragraph)
{urine}ousnesse of the white of an egge (margin, at second paragraph)
2 (margin, at second paragraph)
Tbd (margin, at second paragraph)

Common water that had been thrice distilled over (in a retort) with      part of (new english) essentiall oyl of origanum & carefully separated from it, did both smell & tast strongly enough of the plant, & being dropt into <2 distinct parcells> of our double tincture, quickly deprived them of their blew colour

The glare of a fresh egg <beaten> to water did discernably but yet very faintly restore < some> blewnesse to the disanimated chromatick tincture

[Entry 27]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
good Exp. about fire

To examine what proportion of combustible matter may be contained in a body destroyed by a slow fire & without actuall flame (we took one of (the larger size) of) those perfums that by some are stild candele pre fumo, & having put it into the scale of a good balance wherein it was found to weight a dragm wanting a grain (59 gr:) we kindled it at the top & let it burn down leisurely to the very bottom & found that the ashes remaining in the scale amounted to four grains.

[Entry 28]
[Date: 10-11 June 1689]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
a viper poyson'd
Jun. 10.

We tooke a somewhat large & dark coloured viper & having (by pinching her throat) forc't her to open her mouth wyde we let fall into it first one drop & very soon after another of <our> tobacco poison This done we let go the viper & observed it to be very uneasy by her restless & disorderly motions & her body appeard to be swelld, then she quickly fell into convulsions, & at the end of about 4 minutes & < after she had taken the liquor> she was found to be dead

[BP 21, p. 227]
[Entry 29]
[Date: 17 June 1689]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
Jun 17.
[Retrospective marginalia:]

A piece of white marble weighing in the air 1169 grains did weigh in the water 738 gr. so the proportion was found to be as 2 71/100 to 1.

[Entry 30]
[Date: 18 June 1689]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
Jun 18
[Retrospective marginalia:]
h (margin, at end of paragraph)

glasse of {lead} weighing in the air {ounce} {half} gr ii did weigh in the water {drachm} iii gr xvii, so the proportion was found to be as, 5 1/2 to 1.

[Entry 31]
[Date: 27 June 1689]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
{urine}ousness of beans & pease

Some green pease & green <beans> were separately distilld in retorts placd <in sand> the unrectifyd liquor of each of them appeard to contain some volatile or urinous salt or spirit (though but in a very small proportion.) for it readily precipitated <out of> the solution of sublimate a white substance; & allso turnd syrop of violets green. but these effects seemd to be better performd by the liquor drawn from the beans, then <by> that afforded by the pease, both these liquors being set to rectifie, & two spoonfull or two that first came over from each of them, being taken off their tast was but faint, nor did they much better then unrectifyd liquors perform the forementiond experiments. Yet they (thô but faintly) restord a blew colour to some double tincture, that had been depryvd of it.

[Entry 32]
[Date: 29 June 1689]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
June 29
[Retrospective marginalia:]

Tinn ore weighed, in the air, {ounce}. i. {drachm}. ii. g. vi. In water {drachm} vii. {scruple} ii gr.x. so the proportion of the ore to an equall bulk of water is as 3 69/78 to 1

[Entry 33]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]

The mundick sparre. Weighed in the air <{ounce} {half} {drachm} {half} g. vii> In water {drachm} iii g. xv so the proportion is as 3 31/82 to 1.

[Entry 34]
[Date: 1 July 1689]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
July 1
[Retrospective marginalia:]

A red stone got in England weighd in the air {ounce} ii {drachm} i g. viii. In water {ounce} i {drachm} iv {scruple}i g. vi so the proportion is as 3 142/302 to 1.

[Entry 35]
[Date: 18 JUly 1689]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
July 18.89.
[Retrospective marginalia:]

Lapis nephriticus of a good sort weigh'd in the air gr 286 1/2 in the water 193 gr. so the proportion is as 3 6/93 or 1/15 proxime to 1 of water.

[Entry 36]
[Date: September 1689]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
{water} Transmuted into vegetables

Scorpion grasse set in water Aug. 23 weighing 26 gr. Sept. 22 weighd 40 gr.

[Entry 37]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
{water} Transmuted into vegetables

Raphanne Aquaticus the same time weighd 62 gr. which weighd but 35 gr.

[Entry 38]
[Date: September 1689]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
{water} Transmuted into vegetables

Aug. 23 it lost a leaf weighing 10 gr. Sep. 22

[Entry 39]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
{water} Transmuted into vegetables

Besyds these there increasd by standing in water, Scordium, self-heal, prunella vinca pervinca, Ranuncle commune, Ranunculus flammens, Asarr Wormwood, Alkakengi, Watercresses.

[Entry 40]
[Date: September 1689]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
{water} Transmuted into vegetables

Vinca pervinca Aug. 23 weighd 11 g. Sep. 23 weighd 16 gr.

[Entry 41]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
fine {sulphur} vive in {water}

a <peice of> native pellucid {sulphur} brought from mount Ætna in the air weighd {ounce} {half} {scruple} i g. ii in {water} {drachm} ii {half} i.e. in air 262 gr. in {water} 150. so the proportion is as 1 112/150 to 1 of water

[Entry 42]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
bismuth in {water}

Bismuth in air weighing {ounce} i {drachm} ii {scruple}i g. xv in {water} weighd {ounce} i {drachm} i {scruple}i g. viii3/4 therefore its weight is as 9 1/3 to 1 of the same bulk of water.

[Entry 43]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
marcasite of {vitriol} in {water}

Marchasite of {vitriol} in the air weighd {ounce} iii {drachm} vi {half} in {water} {ounce} iii gr ii therfore the proportion is as 4 278/388 or 2/3 præter-propter to 1. of water.

[Entry 44]
[Date: 7 September 1689]
[Hand: C]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
brothe long kept sweet
Sept: the 7th

Four Ounces of pretty strong Jelly Broth were put up in a viol with one ounce of Totally Inflamable Spirits & the Orifice of the Vessell being Carefully stop'd with a Cork & that sealing wax it was set aside Aug the 29 to be kept for tryall dureing a Twelve month at least & accordingly the Vessell having been this day (viz) Sept: the 7 of the then following year open'd the Broth smelt sweet & well for ought we perceived as at first [BP 21, p. 228] for which reason the glass being againe closed as before <is> set aside for further Tryall.

[Entry 45]
[Date: September 1689]
[Hand: C]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
mint fed by {water}

A A sprig of mint weighing thirteen graines was < July the first> put into a viol furnished with destild water & being taken out (because it began to wither) Sept: the 6th & dryed in a napkin was found to weigh twenty Nine grains

[Entry 46]
[Hand: C]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
marjoram fed in {water}

At the same time (viz July the first) A sprig of Sweet Marjorum weighing thirteen graines was put into a viol furnish'd with Destild water & being taken out at the same time <with the former> & dry'd as before was found to weigh twenty four graines.

[Entry 47]
[Date: 1 October 1689]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
Oct. 1
[Retrospective marginalia:]
obs. about colour of flame

A piece of paper dipt in a strong solution of french {verdigris}, thô as the Laborant did (& as I think truly) affirme made but in common water did when cast upon the fire afford a flame ting'd with a fine blew but not alltogether unmixt.

[Entry 48]
[Date: 6 October 1689]
[Hand: Smith]
[Integral marginalia:]
Oct. 6
[Retrospective marginalia:]
obs. about 2 Thermoscopes

The Tall Mercurial weather glass was at No 19 this morning it being a white frost.

[Entry 49]
[Hand: Smith]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
[observation] about 2 Thermoscope

The small Thermoscope was a little below No 2.

[Entry 50]
[Date: 18-19 October 1689]
[Hand: Smith]
[Integral marginalia:]
oct. 18. 89 (above centre)
[Retrospective marginalia:]
Weight of {urine} & harsh {water}
oct 19

the glasse bubble in Mr Smiths <the stone cutters> pump water weighs {drachm} i g. xxvii lesse by 1/4

[Entry 51]
[Note: 22 October 1689]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
Weight of {urine} & harsh {water}

The same bubble in Mr Boyl's urine weigh'd {drachm} i g. xxiv.

[Entry 52]
[Note: 23 October 1689]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
a snake like marcasite in {water}

A marchasite shap'd like a serpent without a head weighd {ounce} i {half} gr. iv in the Air, & in the water weighd {ounce} i {drachm} i g. vii so its proportion is as 4 16/177 to 1 of water of the same bulk.

[Entry 52a]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
sp. of {sal ammoniac} with oyter shells

There was taken {calx} of oyster shells & pouderd {sal ammoniac} of each three ounces, being mixd there was put to them as much water as would wet them (guess'd to be between an ounce & an ounce & an half these being destilld in a retort placd in sand afforded about of spirit of {sal ammoniac} moderately strong.

[Entry 53]
[Date: 1 November 1689]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
Nov. 1
[Retrospective marginalia:]
our thin {mercury} in {water}

The thin {mercury} in air weighd {ounce} i {drachm} i g. xxiii in {water} {ounce} i {scruple}i g. xxii so the proportion of that {mercury} to {water} of the same bulk is as 13 30/41 to 1.

Common {mercury} in the air weighd {ounce} i {drachm} iii {half} g. vi 1/2 in {water} {ounce} i {drachm} ii {half} g. xv {half} so the proportion of its weight to that of {water} is as 13 43/51 to 1.

[Entry 54]
[Date: 5 November 1689]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
nov. 5 (above centre)
[Retrospective marginalia:]
A pound of {oil} of Rosin with {lime}

Rosin being powderd & well mixt with <a pound & an half> of quicklyme reduc'd allso to powder & destilld in a retort, plact in Sand afforded a copious oyle not butterlike or thick like that of wax but transparent <thô> of a deep colour which was a brownish red

[Entry 55]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
h (margin, at end of paragraph)

To enable my self to make the better estimate of the frigefactive power of severall salts dissolved in water, we put this evening into a somewhat tall <drinking> glasse, the ball of a seald & gagd Thermoscope, the globulous part whereof was externally about [BP 21, p. 229]      in diameter,      & the stemme or pipe was about      inches in hight, the cylindrall cavity being <by our guesse> about      in diameter, then we did somewhat more then cover this ball with water, taken out of a glasse vessell, wherein enough had been put in for all the subsequent tryalls, <in> this water we sufferd the Instrument to rest a pretty while, till the Included liquor was supposd to be of the same degree of coldnesse with the ambient, & then applying it to the frame furnishd with division, whence we had remov'd it to manage it more conveniently we observd the tingd {spirit of wine} to stand at a quarter of an inch & a half of an inch above the place markt frost

Then four ounces of beaten Nitre being put in together, to be sure the liquor should have more salt then it could dissolve, the sp. was observd quickly to descend & presently to subside above an inch, & then fell lower & lower till it rested an inch & a quarter below the line of frost <whence> after a little while it began to ascend again, so that its whole descent amounted to      inches, this done we tooke out the weather glasse, & sufferd the Sp: of W. to remount which it did speedily enough, & having emptyed & made clean the drinking glasse, & furnished <it> with water from the same vessell whence that <for the> Saltpeter had been taken wee put in the thermoscope, & suffered it to stay as before, & when we judg'd it to have stayd a competent tyme, to reduce it to the coldnesse of the water we put into it four ounces of a pulverisd mixture consisting of two ounces of niter & as much {sal ammoniac} this made the {spirit of wine} descend much more hastily then the former & in no long tyme it subsyded from inch & a half below the lyne markt temperate to another lyne within an inch & a quarter of the bottome of the stem so that it subsyded in all      inches, & to try that upon the by when the colourd spirit would fall no lower we removd the ball of the thermoscope into a glasse furnace with water taken out of the first nam'd glasse cistern, by which liquor as a denser ambient the spirits seemd to be impelld up more nimbly than it would have <been> by the Air. Thirdly having empty'd & clean'd the glasse & furnish'd with water out of the same cistern we put the Instrument to be refrigerated by it as much as <that> could do it, <then> wee put into the glasse four ounces of meer {sal ammoniac} without mixture, which soone made the tingd spirit <precipitately> descend, from below 2 Inches beneath the lyne of temperate towards the bottome, above which the place it rested at was but an inch & a quarter. so that it fell < but little or> but little or not all lower, then formerly when the mixture of salts made it subsyde. Afterwards we proceeded in the same method with four ounces of bay or sea salt but found that it made the colourd sp. subsyde much above half an inch, & lastly we made a tryall [BP 21, p. 230] after the same manner with water of the same cistern which was kept all the while in one place, & four ounces of good gunpowder where <of> two ounces were pulverisd & the other not, by which means the colourd sp. was made to subsyde one inch & a half below the lyne of temperate to 3/4 of an inch below the lyne of frost, which was within half an inch of the lowest station it had been brough to by the saltpeter.

[Entry 56]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
{salt} prunellæ made with {oil} of Turp.

Two ounces of crystalls of {nitre} being melted in a crucible there was thrown upon it from tyme some oyl of Turpentine instead of {sulphur} by which means flames were excited & sal prunellæ was made which we designd to prepare by the help of this oyle that the acid sp. of {sulphur} might not as in the common way, it may be suspected to be joind with the remaining part of the {nitre} which in our Exp. was {ounce} i {drachm} vii g. x <that> would no longer flash upon the injection of the oyl so that in operation there was a diminishing of 50 grains of the first weight of the salt.

[Entry 57]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
heat produc'd by sp. {urine} & {nitre}

The tender Thermoscope marked X was put into a cylindricall glasse such as the shopes style a mustard glasse & into this was pourd as much rectifyd sp. of {urine} as did more then cover the globulous part of the Thermometer which was left in the liquor for a convenient tyme that the ting'd {spirit of wine} might be reducd to the same degree of coldnesse with the ambient sp. of {urine} by which it was brought downe to the <enammeld> mark above the ball. Then we dropt into it some strong sp. of {nitre} but warily least the ebullition might make the liquors or froth overflow: & we observed that before the {urine}ous was satiated by {nitre}ous, the colourd {spirit of wine} was impelld up to the      mark which was but 4 of being the highest of all <those of> the instrument

[Entry 58]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
Zink & {copper} colliquated

Thre parts of {copper} being melted meerly by the force of fire one part of Zink was thrown into it & <upon their> being mixt they were into an ingot whose surface was of a Golden colour but the masse tho in some measure it yeilded to the hammer yet it was brittle ( yet scarce enough so to make good soder) & being broken show'd a grain not so much as yellowish.

[Entry 59]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
Zink destroyd by {sal ammoniac}

Twelve dragms of {sal ammoniac} being <well> mixd with half the weight of filings good Zink & sublimd in a small retort there ascended a considerable proportion of the sal armoniack in forme of flowers, the remainder (for it was not a caput mortuum) which was the thing we lookt for, was a fusible substance which by <the> change <of texture> we designd to produce had quite lost all appearance <not only> of Zink, but of any metalline body

A litt

[Entry 60]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
odde [mixture] of {oil} of {vitriol} & {oil} of aniseeds

A little <of> unsophisticated, & coagulated oyl of aniseeds was put into a small wyde mouthd glasse, & some good oyl of {vitriol} dropt upon but thô there was in a trice producd a fine & intense rednesse in the mixture yet it did not appear that the oyl was dissolvd & brought into a fluid state, thô to facilitate the dissolution the mixture was [BP 21, p. 231] stirr'd to & fro with a stick of glasse.

[Entry 61]
[Note: Entry crossed out in pencil]
[Date: 7 December 1689]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
Dec. 7. 89
[Retrospective marginalia:]
smoaking {spirit} of {salt} not flammifick
h (margin, at end of paragraph)

To try whether another {salt}ine [MSM] then our flammifick one if it were made exceeding strong would not be able to kindle {oil} of Carawayes we prepard some sp. of {salt} after a peculiar manner which made it exceeding strong <so that> when the viall 'twas kept in was at any tyme opend it would presently emitte a thick (thô white) smoke. But this so corrosive spirit it self being put upon cotton drencht in oyl of Caraways in a copper spoone after our usuall manner did scarce produce any sensible warmth in the spoone & did not only not take fire but emitted fumes themselves spareingly enough. The cheif operation I observe being that by degrees the cotton & other stuffe that was in the spoone grew <a> darker & darker colour, & at length became allmost quite black, but the flame it afforded when a bitt of lighted paper was held to it, was <very> yellow & lucid.

[Entry 62]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
butter of {nitre}

Twelve {ounce} of crystall of {nitre}, & as much {oil} of <{vitriol}> being {distill}d by degrees of fire & at lenth so strong for divers hours that the bottom of the glasse retort melted afforded {ounce} ii of <very> dry & white {caput mortuum} & which is unusual about two dragms by guesse of a substance that lodgd it self near the mouth of the retort was in colour & consistence very like butter of {antimony}, 'twas all very corrosive <& ready> to <attract or imbibe> the moist air.

[Entry 63]
[Note: Entry corssed through in pencil]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
odde production of cold & heat
Nov. 9. 89

To confirme what we have elsewhere deliverd about the Mechanical origine of heat & d cold wee devisd the following Experiment. wee tooke a small & hermetically seald Thermoscope whose stemme was divided into parts equall enough as to sense by little specks of amel that sharp liquors might not eat off, or spoile the marks. The ball of this Instrument we put into a slender cylindricall vessell (calld in the shops a mustard glasse) & more then coverd with strong <oyl of {vitriol}> & left there a while to be reducd to the temper of the surrounding liquor; <Then> We cast upon it by degrees grossely powdered {sal ammoniac} which presently was wrought on furiously by the [MSM] <&> by <this> conflict was producd a seeming effervescence with great noise & store of froth which more then once was ready to run out of the vessell. <But for all> this seeming ebullition the mixture instead of growing hot did really grow cold <or & colder> as appeard not only when the vessell was touchd by the fingers on the outsyde, but by a surer mark which was the descent of the colourd spirit of wine, how <much> farther it would have descended <for the liquor was not near satiated with the {salt}> we were hindred from discovering by an unlucky accident that broke the thermo[BP 21, p. 232]meter, & put an end to the <first> part of our Experiment, But <this was no hindrance to> the second part, which for its noveltye wee mainly design'd, for when wee pourd this actually <& considerably> cold [Mr] into three or four tymes its weight by guesse of common water <that was likewise actually cold> this second [Mr] did as I expected immediatly grow so hot that I did not like to keep my fingers <for> a minute or two upon the outsyde of the glass

[Entry 64]
[Date: 11 December 1689]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
dec. 11. 89
[Retrospective marginalia:]

To Try whether by the help of {lime} we could turn dry {salt} of {urine} into a <spirit or> liquor (which probably <as being devoyde of fle flegme> would be exceeding strong & fit for divers good uses) or destroy it, or do partly one & partly the other we took a (nimbly made) mixture <{ounce} ii {salt}> of volatile {salt} of {urine} & as much good {lime} & put them into a small retort to be destilld in a sand furnace. The event was that the greatest part of the {salt} came over in forme of a liquor & retaind its fluidity whilst it continu'd in the receiver but when it was pourd out thence into a viall it <was> quickly coagulated into a butterlike substance

The {caput mortuum} weighd      & to finde out whether what was <not found> of the salt was by the <operation> of the {lime} turnd into a earthy substance or retaind its saline forme we made a lixivium of the remainder of our {caput mortuum} & when we evaporated it we obtaind not <at most> above two gr. by our gues of a saline substance which readily enough turnd syrop of violets green, it seemd rather to be of a lixiviall than {urine}ous nature, by its turning thô somewhat slowly a solution of {sublimate}te yellow.

[Entry 65]
[Date: 25 December 1689]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
Dec 25. 89
[Retrospective marginalia:]
Satiated Salt of Tartar examind.

The {salt} of {tartar} satiated with distilld vinegar, & then warily coagulated, & afterwards dissolvd in common water being dropt into a {tincture} of lignum nephriticum did at first very much take of the blewnesse of it, either by its saline parts as seemd not unprobable or by diluting the {tincture} with its aqueous or by both together, but the acidity was so faint that even at first it did not quite take off all the blewness, & after a while that colour seem'd manifestly <enough> to encrease a little in the mixture.

[Entry 66]
[Date: 27 December 1689]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
Dec 27
[Retrospective marginalia:]
sulphureous oyl of wyne

Eight {ounce} of oyl of English {vitriol} being by degrees mixt with as much totally inflammable spirit, & about so much as one days previous digestion, committed to destillation per Retortam & the operation being warily & slowly made wee did by these means obtain (what most [BP 21, p. 233] Chymists would not have Expected) about an ounce of clear <& true> oyl that would not mix with water but readily sink in it, the smell was not fragrant but sulphureous & extremely pierceing. The black {caput mortuum} was taken out & put to a smaller Retort, whence being destilld with a stronger fire it yeilded about {ounce} i {half} by guesse of an acid sulphureous liquor whose smell was much stronger than its taste, & ther remaind of very dry & black [caput mortuum] near about half an ounce.

Jan. 1. 1689/90
[Entry 67]
[Date: 1 January 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]

To show the diffusiblenesse of {tincture} that may be even in wood not considerably compact or heavy, wee put by degrees one graine of good lignum nephriticum first one {ounce} of water & after that it infusd 2 or 3 days, so much more of the same liquor as made it up three {ounce} & a dragme, so that one of wood not barke communicated a visible {tincture} to fifteen hundred tymes its weight of water, & yet the {tincture} was double viz. yellowish & blew, & so manifest that it seemd capable of being visible if we should make a considerable addition to the quantity of the liquor

[Entry 68]
[Date: 7 January 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
Jan 7
[Retrospective marginalia:]

The spirit of wyne in great part Inflammable that was drawn from oyl of {vitriol} in the above-mentiond Experiment viz: the      was put to an equall weight of fresh oyle of {vitriol} & destilld againe, & afforded this 2d destillation a spirit somewhat like the former save that it was more sulphureous & sharp, & containd a smaller portion of inflammable matter, & by this 2d destillation we obtaynd an oyl heavyer then the sp. but which by our estimate did not much if at all exceed a 4th part of the quantity of that we got the first tyme.

[Entry 68a]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]

To manifest to some virtuosi the changes that a spiritualisd {salt} may make on a corporall one whereon it does not without fire discover any notable operation & that also by the reaction the volatile liquor may as well have some of its parts reducd into their pristin corporeall form as elevate <many> parts of the grosse body into the form of a spirituous liquor we made the following experiment. We took {ounce} i {half} of crystallis'd {nitre} & having pouderd it we put upon it {ounce} iv of good sp. of sea salt these we distilld together <in> a {retort} <not> with a <naked> fire but only in a sand furnace & yet wee obtained an {aqua regia} partly consisting of {nitre}ous parts as appeard by the red fumes that after the while were passd filld the receiver <afterward we cut the {retort} to take out> the dry {caput mortuum} or rather the remaining {salt} which we dissolvd in fair water & then sufferd to evaporate very slowly by which means I had as I [BP 21, p. 234] expected pretty store of <small> crystalls that floted on the surface of the water & were <of> cubicall figure emulating that of sea salt. And when these grains were grown big & heavy enough to sink, the evaporation without fyre being continued they were succeeded by others, either of the same shape or very near it, that fastned themselves to the syds & lower parts of the glasse, by looking on which one would not suspect the coagulated <salt> to <have been once {nitre}>

[Entry 69]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]

To make some tryall of the subtlety of animal calces wee tooke some hearts-horn burnt very white & having powder'd it filld with it a slender glasse pipe open at both ends but having a little Rag tyed over the orifice of the lower to keep the Calx from falling out. This end of the pipe wee put into a glasse into a glasse whose bottom was flattish & coverd with Red wyne to <the height of > about half an inch. The meashes or smalls pores of the Rag giving accesse to the liquor did in 3 or 4 houres tyme ascend into the pipe by the small interstices between the grain of the pouder, <to> the height (by our guesse) of about 4 inches.

[Entry 70]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]

Some rectifyd {oil} petræ being shaken together with strong oyle of {vitriol} did not make such an effervescence as 'tis wont to do with {oil} {distill}d from substances belonging to the vegetable or animal kindome but yet the {oil}late {oil} grew intensely Red so as to be allmost opacous whilst the other {oil} grew more limpid & swame at the top of it, the surfaces of <both of> them not at all appearing confounded.

Jan. 25
[Entry 71]
[Date: 25 January 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]

Fine {gold} & fine {silver} designd for experiments were melted in equall weight; & of the mixture, which lookt white like silver we did in a tender ballance carefully weigh out {drachm} ii in the Air & afterwards found it to weigh in {water} {drachm} i {half} g xxi 1/8 so that its proportion to water was as 13 52/100 to 1.

[Entry 72]
[Date: 25 January 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
Jan 25.
[Retrospective marginalia:]

Upon the Inducements & for the the purposes elsewhere      mentiond wee tooke filings of steel & put to them instead of oyl of {vitriol} (the usuall solvent in the preparation of {vitriol}lum {iron}tis) a [satis quantum] of <good> sp. of sea salt & made therewith by solution, filtration & NB, by a slow & wary evaporation <a> salt that shot into green crystalls like {vitriol}. This {vitriol}late substance we dryed carefully (to avoid calcining it) & then tooke {ounce}      which wee put into a glasse retort & destilld in a sand furnac fit to give a strong fire: by this means, after about hours, , (during <2 or 3 hours> of which tyme the matter came over in white fumes) wee obtaind about {ounce}      {drachm}      of a spirit acid in tast like {oil} of {vitriol} & somewhat {sulphur}eous in sent besyds which there ascended in a [BP 21, p. 235] dry forme three sorts of matter, whereof the principall was in the neck of the {retort} & amounted to near a spoonfull of sublimate or flores, that were not only of a deep Red but abounded in corpuscles pretty enough & sparkling or glittering.

[Entry 73]
[Note: Square brackets surrounding 'Thô there is fallen ... above 30 inches' are Boyle's own and are not editorial]
[Date: 28 January 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
Jan. 28 89/90
[Retrospective marginalia:]

[Thô there is fallen much rain these three days last past the <{mercury} in the> Baroscope continued more high then could be expected & was this morning yet higher standing at about 4/10 above 30 inches]

[Entry 74]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]

The prysmaticall crystall amounts to 3/8 of an inch its decrement in water is 9 in yellow sp. of {salt} it weighs 8 gr 3/4 lesse than it did in water, & in the green sp. of {salt} it weighs 45 gr. lesse than in the water.

[Entry 74a]
[Note: The marginal date probably refers to the date at which the experiment was actually performed and not the date at which the entry was entered into the workdiary. This entry was evidently recopied from earlier notes]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
march 26.1660.

Æolipile {ounce} viii {drachm} iii gr. v Empty'd of Air, save only containing in it {ounce} i {drachm} iv gr. 32. The Air being let into it increasd its weight by xi gr. so that it weigh'd in all {ounce} viii {drachm} iii gr. 13.

The Æolipile heated red hot, & immediately plung'd under water, suck'd as much water, as together with the Æolipile weigh'd {ounce} xxvi {drachm} ii gr. 30. The same Æolipile quite filled with water weigh'd {ounce} i {drachm} ii g. 30 more the weight of the Æolipile it self was {ounce} vi {drachm} v.

[Entry 74b]
[Note: The marginal dates, referring to 11 and 14 December, suggest that the experiments were performed in December of 1689, but not recorded in the workdiary until late January 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
Dec. 11.
14. (margin, at second paragraph)

A full bladder weighing {ounce} i {drachm} i gr. 42 1/2 press'd close together wanted 14 gr. of the same weight, the same bladder filld with water weigh'd lb. xiii v {ounce}

A bladder not very hard blowne weighing {drachm} i gr. v prick'd & empty'd wanted half a graine of the same weight the same bladder oyl'd fill'd with water, & weighd was found to weigh {ounce} viii {drachm} i 1/2

[Entry 74c]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]

The great marbles 3 <inches> in diameter moistend with oyle sustain'd eighty four pounds.

[BP 21, p. 236]
[Entry 74d]
[Note: The significance of the siglum following 'amber' in this entry and entry 80b is unclear.]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
Aug. 18 A grain of fine {gold} at the present rate is worth 2 pence & 4/5 of a penny (margin, at top of page, next to first line)
feb 14 89/90 (margin, at line 'Another glasse bucket was found to weigh')
found to be A English Talk (margin, at line for 'a stone resembling Talk')
march 1 (margin, next to deleted line for 'Calx of {tin}')
the weight of hide park water equall to it in bulk is 18 {scruple} 1/2 (margin, at line 'this amber weigh'd in {air}')
this being empty weighd in {water} xxxi 1/2 grains (margin, at line 'another round glasse phiall')

A french Louis d'or in {air} {drachm} i g. xxxxiv in {water} {drachm} i {half} g. 8 prop. 17 1/3 to 1
Amethyst weighs in {air} {drachm} iii g. ix ----- in {water} {drachm} i {half} g. xxvii 3/4 prop as 2 68/100 to 1
An <Emerald> weighd in {air} 35 1/8 g ----- in {water} 24 31/32 g. --- prop as 3 45/100 to 1
Seed pearl weighd in {air} {drachm} iv ----- in {water} {drachm} ii {half} 1/2 --- prop as 2 68/100 to 1
A Spanish piaster in {air} {drachm} i {half} g. xv 3/8 ----- in {water} {drachm} i {half} g. ix 3/8 --- prop as 17 97/100 to 1.
French Chalk in {air} {drachm} iiii g. iii ----- in {water} {drachm} ii {half} 1/4 --- prop as 2 61/100 pr. to 1
French Chalk in {air} {drachm} iiii {half} g. xi ----- in {oil} Turp. {drachm} iii g. x 1/4 --- prop. as 3 99/100 to 1
Another glasse bucket was found to weigh {drachm} vi {half} g. 20 1/4 in {water} {drachm} iv gr. 12 1/2
Copper Ore of a blew Colour weighd in {air} {drachm} iii g. 1/2 ----- in {water} {drachm} ii gr. vii prop as 3 4/10 to 1 prox
Spanish {mercury} weighd in {air} 480 gr. in {water} gr. 446 prop as 14 11/100 to 1
Benjamin of the purest sort in {air} ----- {drachm} vii g. 17 1/2 --- in {water} {drachm} i g. xxiv prop
Ivory ----- in {air} {ounce} i {drachm} i {half} g. xxvii 1/2 in {water} {drachm} iv g xxiv prop as 1 79/100
The long crystall in {oil} of {vitriol} {drachm} i g. xvii 1/2 ----- in {water} {drachm} ii g. xl
A peice of red amber in {air} {drachm} v g. vi in ----- {water} g. xii prop as 1 4/100 to 1
The [glass] ball weighd in Mr Boyls {urine} ----- {drachm} i g. 23 3/4
The crystall in the same {urine} ---------- {drachm} ii g. 38
Unicorns horne in {air} {drachm} iv g. x 1/2 ----- in {water} {drachm} ii prop as 2 8/100 to 1
a stone resembling Talk in {air} {ounce} i {drachm} i g. iv ----- in {water} {drachm} v {half} g. xxxii prop as 3 1/181 to 1
the Crystall <of 256 grains> in Strong Solution of Mercury in {aqua fortis} Weighd {drachm} i g. v 1/4 prop: as 1 70/100 to 1
Cornish bismuth in {air} {drachm} iii {half} g. iii 1/4 in {water} {drachm} ii {half} g. 41 1/4 prop as 10 13/100 to 1
the crystall in {distilled vinegar} fortiori weighd {drachm} ii g. 39 in comon brandie {drachm} ii g. 45 1/4 In green sp. of Salt {drachm} i {half} g. xxv 1/4 in another sp. <of {salt}> {drachm} ii {half} g. 1 1/4. In deptford liquor {drachm} ii g. 18
bismuth ore in {air} {ounce} {drachm} i ii g. 1/2 in {water} {drachm} vii {half} g. 48 1/2 prop as 5 94/100 to 1

Amber weighd in Mr Boyls {urine} grains 4. in Sm. g. 11 1/2 in St C. g. iii

Talk English in {air} {drachm} iii g. ii 1/4 in {water} {drachm} i {half} g. xii 1/4 prop: as 2 28/100 to 1
Copper ore white {ounce} {drachm} i i g. 1 1/2 in {water} {drachm} vii {half} g. xvii 1/2 prop. as 6 44/100 to 1
{sulphur} vive weigh'd in {air} {ounce} i {drachm} i; g. xvi 1/4 in {water} {drachm} v g. ii prop: as 2 18/100 to 1
<the piece of> red amber [siglum] in claret 8 grains 1/2 in sack 1/2 gr. in water 6 gr. 3/4
the long crystall in [solution] {sal gem} {drachm} ii {scruple} i in [solution] {sal ammoniac} {drachm} ii g. xxxiv 1/4 <in {distill} water 6 gr. 2/4>
Eagle stone <long four squard &> hollow within in {air} {ounce} {drachm} i iii in {water} {drachm} vi g. xxvii
Cinnabar of {antimony} in {air} {drachm} iii g. 16 in {water} {drachm} ii {half} g. xviii prop as 7 to 1
An egge in {air} {ounce} ii {drachm} i g. xvi in {water} {drachm} i g. ix
Turkish {gold} in {air} grains 170 --- in {water} 162 prop. as 19 13/100 to 1
Tincal in ----- {air} gr: 46 ---- in {water} 19 prop as 1 70/100 to 1
the white glasse which is finely cut with a stopple of glasse & {silver} chain {ounce} i {drachm} iii {half} g. x
black marble in {air} {ounce} ii {drachm} i g. xxvii 1/2 in {water} {ounce} i {drachm} iii prop. as 2 73/100 to 1
[siglum] another round glasse phiall {ounce} i {drachm} iii {half} gr. xix in {water} {drachm} vii g. xi full of <a strong> solution of calcinaturm {ounce} i {drachm} i gr. ix so the weight of calcinatum above water of the same bulk is 118 gr. this full of calcinatum {ounce} ii {half} g. xxv so the weight of the liquor in air is {ounce} i {drachm} {half} g. vi prop to water of the same bulk as 1 29/100 or 3/10 prox.
the small piece of red amber in Mr Boyle {urine} gr. iv
the round glasse viall, & stopple full of milk in {air} {ounce} ii {drachm} ii {half} g. xxviii in {water} {drachm} vii g. xxiv

[BP 21, p. 237]
[Entry 75]
[Date: 17 March 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
March 17 1689/90
[Retrospective marginalia:]

Four ounces of our Menstruum for Sulphur had almost as much of finely pouderd Antimony put little by little into it, & the Sulphur that emerged, being taken of with a wooden spoone, for one of metall were there improper that which was skimmd off being dry'd amounted to between {drachm} iii {half} & {drachm} iiii.

[Entry 76]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]

An ounce of high rectifyd spirits did in the cold readily enough dissolve two dragms of {salt} of {tartar} in a somewhat soft consistence prepared by abstraction of our anomalous spirit from This solution was but a little yellowish, was milde & adiaphorous enough in taste it would not destroy the blew colour of the party colourd {tincture} <&> it did <not very> readily, thô it did after a while precipitate solution of Sublimate into pale orange substance.

[Entry 77]
[Date: 27 March 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
March 27. 90.
[Retrospective marginalia:]

About nine of the clock yesternight we did for more purposes than one put into a strong crucible (which happen'd to be much larger than was needfull) three ounces of fresh Quicklime, well mix'd with half the weight of {sal ammoniac}, the pot was kept in a smiths forge, between a quarter & half an houre, that the mixture tho very stubborne might be brought to fusion, which it was but not so strong a one as that it could be pour'd out. The <vessell> being remov'd from the fire & brought home, & sufferd to stand a while <at some distance from> a fire, , for a certaine reason, & after it had been kept there a while the bottome of it was put in a bason of cold water to hasten the refrigeration. This done the lower part of the melting pot was knockt of with a hammer & the mixture which was found as we expected to be very hard, was <with the closely adhereing fragments of the pot> carried, before it was quite cold, into a darken'd corner of the roome, the better to discerne, any light that might be producd, then of the fragments strucke against a piece of [BP 21, p. 238] steel, by which it did afford tho not readily some sparks & the person in whose hands it was, looking very heedfully at it, perceiv'd after the percussion was over some <small> luminous parts, that glimmerd like the scales of fishes, the light I could easily perceive, but it seem'd somewhat doubtfull in the dark what it proceeded from, till by putting ones finger upon the luminous part & bringing it where the candle shone it was found to proceed from the mixture it self not the vessell. Wee afterwards made severall tryalls most of them with good effect to produce the like phænomenon, but those which succeded best, were such as I causd to be try'd by rubbing briskly with the fragments one against another, for by this means the light appear'd much more vivide & much more extended.

[Entry 78]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]

Examen des poids cydessous nommees rapporté par Mr Boyle dans ses Memoires sur les eaux Minerales

ounces dr: gr:
Islington water from the Musick house 3 4 36
Islington water from the vault with steps 3 4 39
Islington water from the cellar 3 4 39
Tunbridge water 3 4 38
The Germane spaw water 3 4 40
Common water destill'd 3 4 41
Common water 3 4 43
Acton water 3 4 48 1/2
North hall water 3 4 50
Epsom water 3 4 51
Barnet water 3 4 52
Dulledge water 3 4 54
Straton water 3 4 55

[Entry 79]
[Date: 4 May 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
May 4
[Retrospective marginalia:]
what [quantity] of sp. {nitre} dissolves & kept dissolv'd {mercury} & {silver}

Spiritus {nitre}tri prepared our way <{ounce} i {half}> dissolvd & kept dissolvd {drachm} xi of {mercury} our sp. {nitre} {ounce} i dissolv'd of fine {silver} {drachm} v 1/2

[Entry 80]
[Date: 10 June 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
Jun. 10. 90.

The Cylindricall Syphon furnishd with {mercury} {drachm} ii of {oil} of {vitriol} reachd above the {mercury} to 4 Inches & 5/8 of an Inch, & the like of sp. of Wyn that would totally burn away reachd in the other leg to 9 inches & 7/8 of an Inch.

[Entry 80a]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]

Gur of {lead} in {air} 844 1/2 in {water} 639 7/8 prop. as 4 12/100 to 1.

[BP 21, p. 239]
[Entry 80b]
[Note: This entry was evidently recopied from earlier notes]
[Note: The significance of the siglum following 'amber' in this entry and entry 74d is unclear.]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
Ap. 23. 90 (margin, next to line 'the 1/224600 of the whole weight')
Apr. 29. 90 (margin, at line 'this amber weigh'd in {air}')
May 3. 90 (margin, at line 'A piece of Red corall')
May. 1. 90 (margin, at line 'the glasse viall & stopple empty')
May. 24. 90 (margin, at deleted line '{silver} cuppled in {air}')

{spirit of wine} in the glasse viall & stopple weighd in {water} {drachm} vi g. xi 1/2.
{oil} of {vitriol} in the same <viall> weighd {drachm} xii {half} g. xvii in water
The viall full of serum of mans weighd in {water} {drachm} vii g. xxiv. the same in {air} weighd {ounce} ii {drachm} ii g. xxviii
The <very> small but strong loadstone weigh grains 52 1/4
The piece of amber [siglum] in {spirit of wine} rectif. weighs 34 gr 1/8 in common brandie it weighd - - - - - gr: 17 1/8
In English Brandie the Amber weighd gr. 16 in Sp. ardente baccarum Sambuci 16 grains
The purely white viall with a stopple of the same & flat bottome weigh'd in {air} {ounce} i {drachm} i g. xi 1/2 in {water} {drachm} vi g. ix 1/2
The metall got from the suppos'd minerall of {vitriol} {lead} & {vitriol} {antimony} weighd - in {air} {ounce} i {drachm} ii {half} g. xxiv in {water} {ounce} i {drachm} i {half} g. xxiv 1/2 prop as 10 99/100 to 1.
The brasse Cube, weighd {ounce} i {drachm} iii g. iii 1/8. full of {oil} of Turpentine it weighd {ounce} i {drachm} vi {half} g. xv 1/4. so the cubicall inch of oyl weighs {drachm} iii {half} g. xi 1/8
Argol white & fine in {air} {drachm} iii {half} in - {water} {drachm} i g. xvii
The wax ball weighd 210 gr. in {air} the {tin} in {air} weigh'd 230 gr both together in {water} weighd 186 1/2 the Tin alone weighd in {water} 196 1/2
{lead} in {air} weighd 230 the wax 210, both together <in {water}> 196; lead alone in {water} weighd 207 1/2.
In {spirit of wine} Angl. rectific. 1 the Amber [siglum] weighd grains 38 1/2.
in another 2 drawn from the same wyne 37 graines
In {water} {lime} indifferent strong - grains 7.
The amber [siglum] in sea water long kept weigh'd gr: 1 1/8
The oaken inch coated with bees wax weighd {drachm} iii {half} g. x. the lead of {ounce} {half} in the {air} & the coated cube together in water {drachm} ii {half} g. vii 1/2 the cube before coting weighd {drachm} iii g. xiii 1/2 the lead alone in {water} 210.
the walnut {drachm} ii g. xiii coated it weighd {drachm} iii g. xi 1/2
the 1/224600 of the whole weight of a floating piece of wax weighing {ounce} iv {drachm} v g. xxvi made it loose its Equilibrium & sunk in <the> water whereof deducting 24600 there remains 200000.
Crabs Eyes in {air} {drachm} ii {half} g. xii 1/2 - in {water} {drachm} i g. xxiii 1/2 prop: as 2 1/10 to 1
the amber [siglum] in phlegme of brandy weighs 12 gr in hide park water 7 3/4. In Mr Boyle's {urine} grains 3 1/2
A piece of Red corall {drachm} ii g. ix 1/4 in {water} g. 80 1/4 prop: as 2 62/100 to 1
<An> Egge before rosting (in which the shell burst toward the end) {ounce} i {drachm} iii {half} g. xv lost in rosting g. xiii.
Another before boyling {ounce} i {half} {drachm} i g. x 1/2 lost v gr: in boyling it coold in the water the shell not breaking.
the glasse viall & stopple empty weigh'd in Sir Edmund Kings <purging> water 26 1/4 gr.
Tutty in air weighd {drachm} iii {half} in water - {drachm} ii {half} g. xii 1/4 prop <as> 4 30/100 to 1
The amber [siglum] in rectif. sp. of milk evaporated vii 5/8 g.
The Gold kept long in digestion in {air} {drachm} iii g. xi 1/16 in {water} {drachm} iii 9/16 prop 18 19/100 to 1
a Guiney in {air} - {drachm} ii g. ix 1/16 in {water} - {drachm} ii g. ii 1/16 prop. as 18 43/100 to 1
Cupelld {silver} made brittle & oddely prepared weighd in {air} {drachm} i {half} g. xi 1/2 in {water} {drachm} i g. xxvii 1/2 prop 7 1/4 to 1
African {gold} in {air} {drachm} ii g. L 2/8 in {water} {drachm} ii {half} g. xii 1/2 prop 20 4/10 to 1
The crystall ball in mother of deptford water weighd {ounce} i g: L -1/4

<supposd to be> {gold} depravd by the Anti <elixir> in {air} {scruple} iv g. 1/8 in {water} {drachm} i g. xv 1/8 prop as 16 2/100

[BP 21, p. 240]
[Entry 81]
[Note: This entry was evidently recopied from earlier notes]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
May 20.90.

To make some estimate what porportion of acid salt the {salt}ine portion of the [spirit] of Humane blood may be able to mortifie, wee took {drachm} {half} of dry & hard [volatile] {salt} of humane blood & dropt into it strong [spirit] of {salt} till the conflict between them ceast & then weighing the [Mr] we found that quantity of <acid> [spirit] of {salt}, had been imployd to satiate the half dragm of [volatile] salt of blood.

NB. 1st. That thô by the multitude of bubbles, & the noise that accompany'd them would have made one think that the effervescence was very great, yet there was really producd as far as I could judge by the touch no more than <a> luke-warmness.


[Entry 82]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
{spirit} {salt}
glasse {ounce} i {half} g. 23
{salt} blood {drachm} {half}
{ounce} i {half} gr. LIII.
glasse {salt} & {spirit} {ounce} i {drachm} [7] gr. 4.
{spirit} {nitre}
glas. {ounce} ii - ii
{salt} blood {drachm} {half}
{ounce} ii {half} g. 9
Glasse {salt} & {spirit} {ounce} ii {drachm} ii gr. 5
[Entry 83]
[Date: 9-10 July 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
July 9 (90)
[Retrospective marginalia:]
{nitre} not kindled by sea salt, but by {sal ammoniac}

dry'd sea salt being cast upon an ounce of {nitre} in fusion was violently enough decrepitated, did not produce any flame or flashes (except perhaps once that some grains of injected {salt} seem'd to produce a little) but when afterwards some small bits of {sal ammoniac} were cast after one <after> another upon the same melted {nitre}, there were producd such a tumult & such flashes as are usually observ'd by making of fixt {nitre} with bits of Charcoale not to say such phænomena as <may be> observd in making of sal prunellæ with {sulphur}.

[Entry 84]
[Date: 9-10 July 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
July 10.
[Retrospective marginalia:]

A [Mr] of two parts of {nitre} & one of {sal ammoniac} both reducd to powder was cast in by lesse than half a spoonfull at a tyme into a glowing crucible, & did as I expected, from tyme to tyme fulminate & afford flashes but inferiour to those that are wont to appear in the making of {salt} prunellæ.

[Entry 85]
[Date: 9-10 July 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
July 9
[Retrospective marginalia:]

We melted in a crucible an ounce of good {nitre}, & then cast on it at <severall tyms> some dry [volatile] {salt} of {sal ammoniac} sometimes in little lumps, sometimes in the forme of powder. But thô these prejections made a Tumultuous agitation, yet the [Mr] did not at all fulminate, nor afford any flashes, or light, notwithstanding that the fusion of the {nitre} was so good, that the crucible was red hot.

[BP 21, p. 241]
[Entry 86]
[Note: This entry was evidently recopied from earlier notes]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
Jun 5. 86.
[Retrospective marginalia:]

Some May butter being {distill}d in {sand} afforded a [spirit] that without rectification was very penetrating both in smell & taste, its colour was not red nor reddish, but of a somewhat dark yellow <in> its composition acidity did manifestly prevaild for it readily destroyd the blew colour of the double {tincture} it presently began to work upon crude corall it did not turn syrop of violets green it {precipitate}tated a lixivium of {sulphur} & increasd its stinking smell & upon salt of Tart. it Immediately made an ebullition

[Entry 87]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]

The {oil} was strong & rankly sented & abounded in suttle parts without rectif: it was readily dissoluble in totally ardent [spirit]

[Entry 88]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]

Last night I viewd a bladder, (whether a pigs or a lambs I know not) which when lank was ty'd very strongly ab <out> the neck & was ( <by> means that need not here be describ'd) got down into the globulous part of a pretty large bolt glasse which was afterwards carefully exhausted by the help of our pneumaticall engine, after which the stemme of the glasse was hermetically closd, & to secure the slender part of it was coverd with a pretty long pipe of Tin, that was cemented on to the stem of the glass that there was not much Air in this bladder, when it was conveyd into the bolt glasse was evident because it <could be> made to passe quite through a pipe that was not short into the expanded part of the vessell & yet, while I saw it, it had <been> by the withdrawing of the Ambient Air Allowd swell to its full dimensions & yet when I saw it & heedfully viewd I judgd it to have continud in that state ever since it first blew it self up, & two things are very remarkable in the Experiment, one that the bladder did not at all appear to be mouldy or putrify'd, & the other that Air highly rarifyd or Expanded should retaine its springinesse for ought appeard undiminishd for so very long a tyme for a carefull & sincere domestick of mine that had assisted at such experiments, & had formerly put me in minde of this, asurd me that he had kept it in his custody, & for the most part lockt it up for the space of twentie year.

[Entry 89]
[Date: 19 July 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
July 19 90

four ounces of Guaiacum being burnt in an earthen pipkin afforded but xxvii gr. of Ashes, the most part of which were very white.

[Entry 90]
[Note: This entry continues on p. 243, as entry #91. The two separately numbered sections are here joined together as they are obviously part of the same entry. The two parts of this single entry are interrupted by the (unnumbered) specific gravity calculations on p. 242, which will be presented after the conclusion of this entry]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
90 (margin, at first line of entry)
91 (margin, against 'Liquor and the pouder' at top of p. 243)

Wee took two ounces of [flowers] of {sulphur} & {ounce} i of {salt of tartar} & having melted the former in an earthen vessell the salt was strowd upon it & stirrd into it <that they might> well encorporate, the masse being very red, <was taken out> & part of it being beaten in a warm morter & alcool of wyne immediately pourd upon it before the Air had made it relent a high {tincture} was presently extracted, upon the shaking together the [BP 21, p. 243] Liquor & the powder upon another parcell of the same red masse pulveris'd was pourd some rectify'd [spirit] of {urine} that was strong enough to have {salt} lying at the bottome, this [Mr] at first appeard opacous & very green, but after some hours the liquor grew clear enough, & appeard of a good yellow, smelling & tasting of {sulphur}. But at the bottome there lay a pretty quantity of powder that was <as> green as the [Mr] at first appear'd.

[BP 21, p. 242]
[Entry 90a]
[Date: July 1690 with later additions.]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
Jun. 11 (margin, at line for 'Glasse of {lead}')
July 9 (margin, at line about 'The spoild {gold}')
July 22 (margin, at unfinished line for '{gold} extracted from')
Aug. 6 (margin, at fifth line, where there is a space in place of the substance measured)
March 4. 90/1 (margin, at line for 'Seacoal')
Sep. 21. 91 (margin, at line for 'My Lord Burlingtons ore')

Glasse of {lead} per se in {air} --- {drachm} ii g. LVI 1/2 in {water} ---- {drachm} ii g. 33 7/8 prop. 7 41/100 to 1
The spoild {gold} in {air} --- 80g. in water ---- 75 1/8 prop. as 16 41/100 to 1
{gold} extracted from -----     
English {tin} in {air} ---- XLVI 9/16 in {water} ---- XLIII 5/8 prop as 15 85/100 to 1
     Seacoal in {air} ---- {ounce} i {drachm} vii {half} g xxi ---- in {water} ---- {drachm} iii g. xviii 1/2 prop as 1 25/100
Brittle {silver} in {air} ---- {drachm} ii g. 17 1/4 in {water} ---- {drachm} i gr LVIII 1/2 pro: 4 64/100 to 1
Tutenague in {air} ---- {drachm} ii g. XLIX 1/2 in {water} ---- {drachm} ii gr 34. prop 10 93/100 to 1
French Guiney ---- {drachm} i gr. XLIV 1/8 in {water} ---- {drachm} i gr 38 3/4 prop 19 37/100 to 1
{silver} 3 {gold} 1 [Mr] in {air} --- {drachm} v g. 39 7/8 in {water} ---- {drachm} v g. ix prop: 11 2/247 to 1
{silver} 2 {gold} 1 [Mr] in {air} --- {drachm} v gr LVIII 7/8 in {water} ---- {drachm} v gr. xxviii pro. 11 62/100
{silver} & {copper} {ana} in {air} --- {drachm} iii gr. xx 1/2 in {water} ---- {drachm} iii prop 9 78/100 to 1
Lap. Amianthus in {air} --- {drachm} ii gr. LI 3/4 in {water} ---- {drachm} i gr LVII 1/8 prop 2 2/100
Cornish bismuth ore {drachm} v gr. 29 in {water} ---- {drachm} iv gr. xxxv 6 4/10 to 1
White Mundick from Cornewall ---- in {air} --- {ounce} i gr xiv 7/8 in {water} ---- {drachm} vi gr iii 7/8 prop. 3 77/100

Bononia Stone {ounce} i {drachm} vii g. XLII ---- {drachm} xi g. vii 1/8 pr. 4 33/100 to 1
My Lord Burlingtons ore ----------
in {air} --- weighd {drachm} vii g. 19 1/2 in {water} ---- {drachm} vi g. xviii pr. 7 14/100 to 1
fyrestone in {air} --- {ounce} {half} g. xvi 1/2 in {water} ---- {drachm} ii {half} g. viii pr. 2 6/10 to 1

[BP 21, p. 243]
[Entry 92]
[Note: The first eight lines of this page, numbered as entry #91, are the continuation of entry #90, begun on p. 241, and are transcribed with that text]
[Date: 24 July 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
Jul. 24 (90)

This day there was put together into a single violl two ounces of the {oil} of {vitriol}, & as much distill'd {water} upon whose [Mr] there ensud an intense heat insomuch that the upper part of the glasse at a good distance from the Liquors grew so hot that the person who was employd about making the [Expt] complaind that he could not well hold his fingers there; And the same day two other {ounce} of the {oil} of {vitriol} being put to six {ounce} of destilld water the [Mr]      intensly hot, but yet was not judgd quite so hot as the other. These two viols being slightly stopt were set asyde to be digested for some tyme

July 25. 90
[Entry 93]
[Date: 25 July 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]

Ten drops of Our {tincture} thô long kept, & thereby impaired suffic'd <so> to impregnate about if not full two ounces of destill'd {water} that a little powder of Galls being cast into a portion of it presently produc'd a purple colour, as deep thô not alltogether as lively as it would have done if the Liquor had been a minerall water brought from the Spaw, or Tunbridge.

[Entry 93a]
[Note: This entry is followed by a space of approximately 7 lines, separating it from the following entry]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]

Into an ounce of good Spirit of {salt} was dropt <rectify'd> {spirit} of {urine}, (so strong that some [volatile] {salt} lay undissolv'd in the bottome of it) till the acid liq. was fully satiated with the {urine}ous {salt} of which it was found by weight that      had been employ'd to mortifye the {spirit} of {salt}.

[Entry 94]
[Note: This entry is preceded by a space of about 7 lines, separating it from the preceding entry]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]

Into half an ounce of good [spirit] of {nitre} wee put at severall tymes as much finely powder'd calculus Humanus of a whitish gray colour & taken out of the bladder, as it would dissolve, which provd to amount to 33 [BP 21, p. 244] grains. When the first & greatest parcell which was a scruple was put into the [MSM], there was after a little while producd a brisk effervescence which made the [Mr] and bubbles swell to the upper part of the glasse There were some light fæces but inconsiderable that remaind undissolv'd in the [spirit] of {nitre}, whose colour was not very much alter'd by this operation.

[Entry 95]
[Date: 25 July 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
July 25 90

Good [aurum fulminans] being mixt with 4 tymes its weight of Gunpowder finely powder'd, & layd along upon a smoot brick like a narrow traine of Gunpowder was fird with a piece of well kindled coale, but thô the gunpowder took fire yet the golden-powder did not goe of with it, but made brisk cracks grain by grain as the kindled coale came to touch sometimes one graine & sometimes another. And thô to set on fire the remaining granuls of the {gold}den powder we lengthend the former tryal by the Addition of another consisting of meer powder, this additionall traine blew up without making the metalline granuls fulminate.

[Entry 96]
[Date: 30 July 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
July. 30.

One part of our factitious {sal ammoniac} made of <the two spirits> of {urine} & of sea {salt} being put to four parts of good [spirit] of {nitre} made a brisk {aqua regia}. Where in <two> pieces of leaf {gold} being successively put, were in the <cold> dissolvd allmost in a trice.

[Entry 96a]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]

To satiate two ounces of [spirit] of {salt} there was requird a light weight a little over or under of {oil} of {tartar} [per deliquium] of two ounces.

[Entry 97]
[Date: 5 August 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
Aug. 5. 1690

Six ounces of good [spirit] {nitre} being drawn off from an ounce & a half of {sal ammoniac}, there remain'd not very much of the {salt} at the bottom of the retort. Then new {sal ammoniac} being added to the quantity of {ounce} i {half} the menstruum was powr'd back upon it and drawn off with a stronger fire than before which so encreasd the liquor that there remain'd <in a dry form> but 100 grains that ascended into the neck of the retort like white flores & 12 grains of spungy black stuff that lay in the bottom of the Retort like a {caput mortuum}.

[Entry 98]
[Date: 13 August 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
Aug. 13 (90)

We melted an ounce of good Tin, & then put to it as much {mercury} mixing the Ingredients that they might the better incorporate; The {amalgam} lookt prettily within that was consistent, & continued in the figure, given it by the vessell it was made in. Being broken it lookt very prettily, & was found very friable, as we designd it should be, To the end it might be capable of being reducd to powder & mixt with other pulverisd bodies fit for our turn.

[Entry 99]
[Date: 14 August 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]
Aug. 14. 90

Two grains of Icy Noctiluca was put into a glasse weighing {drachm} iv {half} cover'd with a paper full of holes.

[BP 21, p. 245]
[Entry 100]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]

Having distill'd six ounces of lapis calaminaris & as much {sal ammoniac} with a strong fire, & set asyde the [spirit] which was exceeding fiery, we afterwards broke the Retort, & upon the grossely pulveris'd {caput mortuum} we put water enough to cover it & sweeme a little above it. This mixture did as we expected quickly begun to grow warm & soon after grew so hot that I was afraid to touch the glasse that containd it with my hand, this heat as far as I could gueese did for sometime <increase>, & continu'd thô not so intense yet considerable for a pretty while after, thô when the water was first put on, the {caput mortuum} had had tyme to be throughly refrigerated the affusion not having been made till the third after the destillation.

The XVIII Century
[Entry 101]
[Date: 16 August 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
Aug. 16
[Retrospective marginalia:]
{silver} refin'd a new way

We tooke some sterling silver coynd amounting to {ounce} i g. xii & having refind it <our way> without cupelling or the help of {lead} it appear'd to have lost {drachm} i grains 29 & the silver that lookt fine being weighd in water was found to be to that liquor as 10 18/100 to 1.

[Entry 102]
[Date: 18 August 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
Aug. 18. 90
[Retrospective marginalia:]
ascent of wyne in wood

As one way to discover <in some sort> the measure the filtratration of liquors through vegetable bodies we made choice among shavings of dale boards <of> one that was about an inch broad & pretty uniforme this we <gently stretch'd> & fastn'd to a piece of wood tying it at both ends to prevent curling & to keep it streight, this done wee put the lower end both of the frame & of the shaving into a glasse furnish'd with a fit quantity of <Red> wyne as that liquor whose ascent <by> its colour would < by> best be discern'd, then placeing this instrument in an erected posture, & a quiet place we left it there for some days, & having observ'd <that> for two or three of these <it> did no more ascend we measured the tinged part of the shaving, & found that from the surface of the stagnant wyne <to> the upper part, of the <discolour'd> shaving the distance was about 9 metres & 1/2.

[Entry 103]
[Date: 23 August 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
Aug. 23
[Retrospective marginalia:]
Quick fixation of {nitre}

There was taken a lb. (or 16 oz.) of crystalls of {nitre}, & <these> being in a metalline mortar <layd together in a heape of> convenient shape the heape was kindled at the top, & then the matter being successively & dextrously stirr'd (according to our way) the parts of the {nitre} it self kindled one another, & in not many minutes, were by this means reduc'd to a masse or lump that tasted alcalisate enough, & was without and within to of a blew colour allmost like a turcoise, & yet of this [BP 21, p. 246] matter, the single pound of {nitre} afforded us about xiii {ounce} x gr. of phosphorous was set to run [per deliquium] the 2 of Sept. the oblong crystall in Mr Mattons vinegar weighd {drachm} ii g. xxxvi 1/2

[Entry 104]
[Date: 12 September 1690]
[Hand: C]
[Integral marginalia:]
Sept. the 12
[Retrospective marginalia:]
Strange attraction made by the Noctiluca

The Ten graines of <solid> Phosphorus that was exposed to the Aire the 2d of this month, appearing this day wasted to the bigness of Less then a pins head the Liquor into which it was resolved in a small clear Cake Glass <being not weighed it> amounted to above forty four graines if not (considering what <Liquor> stuck to the <inside> vessell) full 45 graines, that is about 4 times & 1/2 as much as the Noctiluca weighed at first: at the end of 8 or nine days the matter being look'd upon against the light was discern'd to <send up> manifest smoake or fumes, & even this night when it was stir'd with a small stick of Glass we saw it Emit Fumes not only manifest but in proportion to the body that afforded them Copious.

[Entry 105]
[Date: 17 September 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
Sept. 17.
[Retrospective marginalia:]

We took a fragment of Solid Noctiluca of about the bignesse of a pea, & placing it between two flat pieces of clean glasse, endeavor'd for tryalls sake to extinguish it, as men are wont to do bits of kindled charcoale, snuffs of candles & other such common fires by compression. But thô we thrust the two pieces of glasse strong against one another yet we were not able by this means to extinguish the fire, or <totally> destroy the luminousnesse of the matter. for all about the edges, the matter shone very near if not full as vivid <ly> as before, & so it did over all the lower surface too, when the glasse has been separated that surface enjoy'd the contact of the air. But the upper part of this noctilucall matter, which because of the pressure it had been expos'd to, stuck very close to the lower surface of this upper glasse, & was thereby fenc'd from the contact of the Air Appear'd black or considerably except as was lately noted at the edges which were touch'd by the Air whether the two glasses were kept compresst, or the darken'd part was lookt on through the upper glasse only.

[Entry 106]
[Date: 19 September 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
Sept. 19. 90
[Retrospective marginalia:]

To make the {mercury}iall {water} for silvering over {copper} wee ground together 3 parts of {sal ammoniac} to 2 of {mercury} & {sublimate}d the [Mr] in a vessel then we tooke the white part of the sublimate [BP 21, p. 247] & having separated the little globules of running {mercury} that were yet dispers'd among it, we dissolvd it in fair {water}, & by filtring the [solution] thorough cape paper we had a limpid liquor fit to give very clean {copper} the colour of {mercury} in a trice, this [solution] gave a white <{precipitate} with oyl of {urine}> not a yellow one as common {sublimate}te does; & so it did with [spirit] <of> {urine}ne.

[Entry 107]
[Date: 3 October 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
oct. 3. 90
[Retrospective marginalia:]

About noone the weather being but indifferently clear & faire the {sun} beams were suffered to fall upon a flate looking, & were reflected thence so as to fall conveniently upon the greater dioptricall burning glasse, which was plac't <about> six foot from the other, & the focus of the burning glasse being made to fall upon a piece upon a piece of black paper presently burnt a hole in it, & allso producd a good deal of smoake in a piece of a wooden box blackt with Charcoal.

[Entry 108]
[Date: 21 October 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
Oct. 21. 90.
[Retrospective marginalia:]

48 grains <- 1/4> of perfumed candle being kindled & suffer'd to burn of it self did give 4 grains of Ashes that made no Alteration on syrop of Violets.

[Entry 109]
[Date: 21 October 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
oct. 21.
[Retrospective marginalia:]

Two {ounce} of {sulphur} & one of {mercury} being mixd & <kept> stirring over the fire till the {sulphur} was wasted afforded {drachm} v of Æthiops Niger of which powder many little particles were glittering.

[Entry 110]
[Date: 25 October 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
oct 25 90.
[Retrospective marginalia:]

The rectifyd [spirit] of fresh horse dung, had no {urine}ous smell or tast, thô it were penetrative enough upon the tongue. It had but a very faint acidity, & yet it was of an acid rather then an alcalisate nature, the first appeard by this that its tast was not sensibly acid, it would not manifestly worke upon powder'd corall, nor so much as make an undoubted conflict with {salt of tartar} (& at least it did not in the small quantitys of both that we employ'd) but yet it had some acidity appeard by its readily depriving the double {tincture} of its blewnes, & by its as readily making a white {precipitate}tate with the Red lixiviall <solution or> {tincture} of {sulphur}.

[Entry 111]
[Date: 5 November 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
Nov. 5. 90
[Retrospective marginalia:]

The Rectifyd [spirit] of Hay drawn in a retort did appear much more manifestly acid than the [spirit] of fresh horse-dung for it readily tooke away the blew colour from the double {tincture}, or the red from the {tincture} of Brasil it made syrop of violets purplish, & had the operation it should have as an acid, on two or three other bodies.

Spirit of barly drawn in a retort & put to rectifye <the more volatile part> of the liquor <which was that,> that first came over seemd by the tast & smell to consist mainly of an anonymous [BP 21, p. 248] spirit, & yet not so entirely, but that by some of our ordinary ways of tryall we concluded it to be acid. But the acidity was much more manifest in the red liquor that remaind, & so was rather dephlegmd than rectifyd for this liquor readily tooke off the rednes of a {tincture} of brasil, & made an audible as well as a visible ebullition with {salt of tartar} but readily wrought briskly enough upon crude corall in the cold.

[Entry 112]
[Hand: Smith]
[Integral marginalia:]
[Retrospective marginalia:]

The reddish [spirit] that came over with the [volatile] Salt of nettles (that shot in it into such fine Chrystalls) as it smelt like an Animal [spirit] so like an {urine}ous [spirit] it made with [solution] of sublimate a white precipitate, it restord blewness to the disanimated double {tincture}, it turnd syrup of violetts green & made a great conflict & frothy ebullition with {spirit} of {salt}.

[Entry 113]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]

For severall purposes, & particularly to make an alcalisation of {nitre} without charcoale, or other such combustible bodies, we tooke {ounce} vi of fine {nitre}, & as much burnt {alum}, & having mixt them we put them into an open crucible, we kept that vessell & the contained matter, <red hot> for above two houres, & then taking it out of the crucible, it appear'd that we had lost five ounces of the first weight (or twelve ounces) some of the matter at the bottome was found to have been melted & to have acquired partly a yellowish, & partly a greenish blew colour, the rest of the matter was white, & seem'd <not> to be much, thô it was a little alter'd but the lower part manifested it self to be alcalisd by readily affording a yellow {precipitate}tate with [solution] of {sublimate} & the turning of the Syrop of violets into a deep green.

[Entry 114]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]

Fine white Borax destilld per se in a retort plac't in Sand afforded a more copious liquor than we expected, which thô it was so very faintly acid as to be allmost quite insipid & not to make any visible conflict with salt of {tartar}, did yet appear not quite devoyd of acidity since it turnd the syrop of violets purplish, & readily depriv'd the double {tincture} of its blewnes.

[Entry 115]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]

Equall parts of fine Borax & {oil} of {vitriol} being distilld by degrees of fire, which was made so strong at last as to keep the retort two or three hours red hot in [BP 21, p. 249] the Sand, afforded a good quantity of a very corrosive liquor, & which may seem strange a considerable proportion of salt that ascended with it & passd into the receiver thô it was perceiv'd that the [Mr] committed to destill sent up any white or red fumes, like {nitre}, {salt}, {vitriol} &c. the {caput mortuum} was for the most part turnd into a lump of fine glasse.

[Entry 116]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]

Two {ounce} of Borax calcin'd in a glasse {retort}, & the like weight of good burnt {alum}, were mixt & put into a crucible, where in a fire not violent the <mixture> puft, & swelld considerably & for a good while, then twas kept about an houre, & a half in Fusion, whereby the most part of it was brought into a transparent & colourless glasse, as the rest that lay in a lump at the bottome, would in all probability have been, <if it> had been kept longer in the fire the crucible being broken, a part of the matter <that was supposd to weigh three or four dragms> stuck <too> close to the syds & bottom of it to be easily recover'd the weight of the glasse which was allmost all glasse amounted to 10 grains.

[Entry 117]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]

[spirit] {verdigris}, in a moderate heat, did draw a red {tincture} from glasse of Antimony made per se in 36 howres.

[Entry 118]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]

Equall parts of {sal ammoniac} & Roch allome being dissolv'd in fair water, & very slowly evaporated a good part of the allome shot in grains figur'd as crystalls of that salt are wont to be long before any of the {sal ammoniac} appear'd to shoote in its proper figure, namely of combs, or of feathers.

[Entry 119]
[Date: 25 December 1690]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
Dec. 25
[Retrospective marginalia:]

To show how much, even those that are calld first Qualityes depend upon the Texture of Agents, & patients, & <mechanicall> Circumstances of action wee made the following [Expt], which thô somewhat odde answer'd my expectation. Upon <two or three spoonfulls (by estimate) of snow> snow put into a thin viall wee pour'd about half a <spoonefull> by guesse of good oyle of {vitriol} , & having observd that the [MSM] [BP 21, p. 250] did, as it should <do>, make a speedy solution of the snow, wee presently put the bottome of the glasse that held the [Mr] into water, where it produc'd as wee desir'd not only an actuall cold, but in the contiguous parts of the surrounding liquor, so intense a one, that allmost as farre as the [Mr] reacht, the outside of the glasse was cas'd over with Ice manifestly sticking <to it>, & not without some difficulty to be scrapd of with a knife, & this glaciation was performd in about a minuts tyme. Afterwards suffering the snow to be quite dissolvd, we proceeded to the 2d part of the [Expt], which was to poure out of the same viall, some fresh {oil} of {vitriol}, into the fore-mentiond cold [Mr], whereupon there presently insud as we lookt for not only a manifest but a very considerable degree of heat. This [Expt] being repeated & succeeded the 2d tyme <with > with this difference, that when more oyle of vitrol was put into the dissolvd & already impregnated Ice, the [Mr] grew so hot that <I found the heat glasse too hot to hold continue to hold it in my hand>

[Entry 120]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]

It may give light into the nature of Cold to know whether, or no, a liquor environ'd by another may be turn'd into Ice, thô the ambient liquor remaine unfrozen. To resolve this enquiry we <suspended> a small round bubble almost full of common water in a vessell containing sufficient quantity of oyle of Turpentine. This vessell being encompassd with <our> frigorik [Mr] of Ice & {vitriol}, the water in the bubble was after some minutes found glaciated, the ambient oyle continuing fluid.

Jan. 1. 90/91
[Entry 121]
[Date: 1 January 1691]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]

To <confirme what I the conjecture I elsewhere offer is> that some winds may derive a great degree of coldnesse from that of bodies over which, or through which they passe, wee tooke a seal'd, & Gagd Thermometre, & having settled it in a fit posture, wee caus'd the common Aire of my chamber to be blowne a while upon it, with a paire of ordinary hand bellows by which <means it was> but a very little <that it descended> then observing that the <red> {spirit of wine} rested at about a quarter of a division or Inch below the mark [BP 21, p. 251] which was set to denote frost, wee encompasd a great part of the pipe of the same bellows, with beaten Ice, & then blew upon the ball of the Thermoscope as before, & soon perceivd the Spirit to subside ( <thô> not hastily) more & more till it came to be about three quarters beneath three then to make the cold more keen we mixt the Salt with the Ice that lay about the pipe & found as wee expected that the liquor descended afresh & continu'd to do so for a while till it it had fallen <in all far as> the 4th of a division from its first station

[Entry 122]
[Date: 12 January 1691]
[Hand: Smith]
[Integral marginalia:]
Jan: 12 1690/91
[Retrospective marginalia:]

A green finch newly killd & plumd was this day put entire to be preservd into a wide mouth glass coverd with a flat plate of glass ground exquisitely to it at kept down by a spring to make it continue close.

[Entry 123]
[Date: 30 January 1691]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
Jan 30.
[Retrospective marginalia:]

Four ounces of {sulphur} [vive] being powderd & put into a small, but not a very small retort were put into a Sand capell <fire> was administred to it: for about 4 houres, being made very strong toward the latter end of that tyme, the event was <That> there passd no liquor into the Receiver, that there sublim'd into the neck of the Retort an ounce, & a dram, & about a half of pure fine {sulphur} melted into a lump a good part of which appear'd allmost transparent the Capaut Mortuum lookt prettily abounding with glittering corpuscles, it weigh'd      but I cannot alltogether depend upon this weight because I perceiv'd a crack in the glasse thô I did not discern that any thing was run out of it.

[Entry 124]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]

Four ounces of {sal ammoniac} & as much {lime} being (separately) powder'd & mixt were put by spoonfulls into a red hot crucible, & when all the stuff was in it was melted with a strong fire & the matter pour'd out was found to weigh about six ounces. the glasse did break through the violence of the fire so that some of the matter was lost in the sand.

[BP 21, p. 252]
[Entry 125]
[Hand: Smith]
[Retrospective marginalia:]

An ounce of strong {spirit} of {salt} & as much {spirit} of {sal ammoniac} made with quicklime afforded a little phlegmatic liquor & in the neck of the retort {drachm} ii & about an half of {sal ammoniac} which lookt very prettyly.

[Entry 126]
[Date: 6 February 1691]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
feb. 6
[Retrospective marginalia:]

A pound of {mercury} being kept in the Frigorifick [Mr] (of 4 parts of Ice to 1 of {salt}) till it was allmost dissolv'd, the < Gagd> Thermoscope <with Amel>, that was before brought to the temper of the <ambient> water by standing in it some tyme, <at the end of which it rested 1/2 division above the fourth black bead> was, by putting into it this <viall containing the> infrigidated {mercury}, made to subside in a few minuts, 3/10 of a division, & 1/2. The same Thermoscope after being reduc'd <to the temperature> of more of the same water <in another vessel> as before, was by putting {oil} {vitriol}li about      infrigated , had its ting'd [spirit] brought down to 8/10 of a division, one above, & 7 beneath the same black <bead>, it subsyded more hastily than the {mercury} made it do, & which is more the bottle being kept somewhat longer in the water, appear'd to have gaind a piece of Ice thô not a thick one, <stuck to> the outsyde of the Glasse.

[Entry 127]
[Date: 27 February 1691]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
feb. 27 90
[Retrospective marginalia:]

Half an ounce of good rectifyd butter of {antimony} being well washt with water afforded {drachm} ii g. xxv of very white & somewhat glittering {mercury} vitæ.

{sal ammoniac} & {lime} ana lb i [averdupois] being well powderd & melted together did give lb i {ounce} ii {drachm} vii of     

[Entry 128]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
[Retrospective marginalia:]

The Braisilian plant which is specifick for bloody fluxes is in their language called Beguguill.

[Entry 129]
[Hand: Smith]
[Retrospective marginalia:]

Two pound of {sal ammoniac}, & as much quicklime, being first melted, & then kept in fusion for half an hour after afforded lb ii & above four ounces of matter strongly cakd.

March 25 1691
[Entry 130]
[Date: 25 March 1691]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Retrospective marginalia:]

This day was put up, as much blood as was taken at one phlebotomy from a young man at the shop of a French Surgeon where I had a bolt-head with a long neck & a funnel at which the blood as soon as 'twas taken out of the vein might be conveyd hot, & uncoagulated into the vessell, which I caus'd presently to be closd up stop, & set asyde in a quiet place to be there kept & have its changes, if any shall happen, observ'd.

[BP 21, p. 253]
[Entry 130a]
[Hand: C]

Wee tooke a Cylindrical Tube of glass closed at one End <&> open at the other into this wee pour'd common water to the hight of one foot carefully measur'd then pouring out the water into another glass & drying the tube on the inside, wee put into it fine & dry wood Ashes < & lightly shook> & lightly shook them but without compressing them till they reach'd the above mention'd hight mark'd <with a graver> on the out side of the Pipe then wee pour'd back some of the foremention'd water & when that was soaked up more which pierced downwards slowly enough but at Length it arriv'd at the bottome when all the water was pour'd in. The mixture being suffer'd to settle for two or three days the ashes were found to have subsided Little by little & the supernatant water was growne cleare. This done we measur'd the two bodys againe & found that the water was three Inches & <about> three quarters above the mark <& about two Inches & a halfe beneath it> & consequently the Ashes that took up the space of a foot in the Tube were <not> able to soak up before they began to subside much above two thirds of the Cylindricall foot of water & after they were settled there swam near halfe an Inch more then halfe a foot above them. An Experiment to the same purpose being tryed with first puting in a Cylindricall foot of Ashes & when they were taken out as much water as reached to the same hight the Ashes being by degrees put in & Lightly shaken but not suffer'd to rest many hours made the water rise three Inches & three Eights about the formerly mention'd mark distant a foot from the bottome of the Tube by all which it appears that the Vulgar Tradition that a glass of Ashes will containe as much water as [BP 21, p. 254] tho there were not any Ashes in the Vessell is farr from being true.

[Entry 130b]
[Date: 10 June 1691]
[Note: First paragraph crossed through in ink]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
Jun 10. 91.

A pound of {copper} [averdupois] weight being kept in the glasse house [days] 38 acquir'd 2 ounces & two dragms more of the same weight.

{copper} plates which <in> the shop they were bought at weigh'd a lb averdupois weight, being kept in the glasse house in a heat capable to keep glasse in fusion for 38 days, app

Wee took {copper} plates cutt small which in the balance of the shop they were bought in weigh'd a lb averdupois & left them to calcine at a glasse in a heat capable of keeping glas melted at the end of 38 days we found the plates calcin'd & brittle as if they had been calcind by stratification with sulphur; & thô there remaind a small lump guess'd to <weigh> about a dram that chancd to be left uncalcind yet the whole pound of {copper} being weighd in our balance appeard to have gaind computing by estimate some fragments that were employd upon tryalls, or casually lost about two ounces of [averdupois] weight.

[Entry 130c]
[Date: 23 July 1691]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
July. 23 91

{oil} {vitriol} {ounce} ii took {ounce} viii {drachm} vii of good [spirit] {urine} to satiate it, & being filtred & evaporate to a drynes gave a white {salt} but brownish towards the bottome weighing {ounce} i {drachm} vi g. LV.

[Entry 130d]
[Date: August 1691]
[Hand: uncertain-Greg]
[Integral marginalia:]
Aug. 91.

Wee mixed {ounce} xii of {sal ammoniac} & {lime} ana first well powdered & sifted & set them to run [per deliquium]