[Integral marginalia:]
Jun 5. 86.
[Retrospective marginalia:]

Some May butter being {distill}d in {sand} afforded a [spirit] that without rectification was of a deleted very penetrating both in smell & taste, its colour was not red nor reddish, but of a somewhat dark yellow ‹in› its composition acidity did manifestly prevaild for it readily destroyd the blew o deleted colour of the double {tincture} it presently began to work upon crude corall it did not turn syrop of violets green it {precipitate}tated a lixivium of {sulphur} & increasd its stinking smell & upon salt of Tart. it Immediately made an ebullition

[Retrospective marginalia:]

The {oil} was strong & rankly sented & abounded in suttle parts without rectif: it was readily dissoluble in totally ardent [spirit]

[Retrospective marginalia:]

Last night I viewd a bladder, (whether a pigs or a lambs I know not) which when lank was ty'd very strongly ab ‹out› the neck & was the deleted ( ‹by› means that need not here be describ'd) got down into the globulous part of a pretty large bolt glasse which was afterwards by the deleted carefully exhausted by the help of our pneumaticall engine, after which the stemme of the glasse was hermetically closd, & to secure the slender part of it was coverd with a pretty long pipe of Tin, that was cemented on to the stem of the glass that there was not much Air in this bladder, when it was conveyd into the bolt glasse was evident because it ‹could be›replacing 'was' made to passe quite through a pipe that was not short into the expanded part of the vessell & yet, while I saw it, it had ‹been› by the withdrawing of the Ambient Air Allowd to deleted swell to its full dimensions & yet when I saw it & heedfully viewd I judgd it to have continud in that deleted in that state ever since it first blew it self up, & two things are very remarkable in the Experiment, one that the bladder did not at all appear to be mouldy or putrify'd, & the other that Air highly rarifyd or Expanded should retaine its springinesse for ought that deleted appeard undiminishd for so very long a tyme for a carefull & sincere domestick of mine that had formerly put me in minde of it deleted assisted at such experiments, & had formerly put me in minde of this, & deleted asurd me that he had kept it in his custody, & for the most part lockt it q deleted up for the space of twentie year.

[Retrospective marginalia:]
July 19 90

four ounces of Guaiacum being burnt in an earthen pipkin afforded but deleted xxvii gr. of Ashes, the most part of which were very white.

[Retrospective marginalia:]
90 (margin, at first line of entry)
91 (margin, against 'Liquor and the pouder' at top of p. 243)

Wee took two ounces of [flowers] of {sulphur} & {ounce} i of {salt of tartar} & having melted the former in an earthen vessell the salt was strowd upon it & stirrd into it ‹that they might›replacing 'till it was' well encorporate, the masse being very red, ‹was taken out› & part of it being beaten in a warm morter & alcool of wyne immediately pourd upon it before the Air had made it relent a high {tincture} was presently extracted, upon the shaking together the