Entry: 1
Hand: Greg

Entry: 2
Hand: Greg

Entry: 3
Hand: Greg

Entry: 4
Note: Entry crossed through in ink
Hand: Greg

Entry: 5
Note: Entry crossed through in ink
Hand: Greg

Entry: 6
Note: Entry crossed through in pencil
Hand: Greg

Entry: 7
Note: First paragraph crossed through in pencil
Note: Square brackets surrounding 'I have several time thought ... design'd to produce' are Boyle's own and are not editorial
Hand: Greg

Entry: 8
Hand: Greg

Entry: 9
Hand: Greg

Entry: 10
Hand: Greg

Entry: 11
Hand: Greg

Entry: 12
Hand: Greg

Entry: 13
Hand: Greg

Entry: 14
Note: The entry is followed by a large space of approximately 15 lines separating this from the followig entry
Hand: Greg

Entry: 15
Note: The entry is preceded by a large space of approximately 15 lines separating this from the preceding entry
Hand: Greg

Entry: 16
Hand: Greg

Entry: 17
Hand: Greg

Entry: 18
Hand: Greg

Entry: 19
Hand: Greg

Entry: 20
Date: 27 March 1689
Hand: Greg

Entry: 21
Date: 27 March 1689
Hand: Greg

Entry: 22
Date: 27 March 1689
Hand: Greg

Entry: 22a
Date: 27 March 1689
Hand: Greg

Entry: 23
Date: 10 June 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 24
Date: 10-11 June 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 25
Date: 10-11 June 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 26
Date: 10-11 June 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 27
Date: 10-11 June 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 28
Date: 10-11 June 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 29
Date: 17 June 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 30
Date: 18 June 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 31
Date: 27 June 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 32
Date: 29 June 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 33
Date: 29 June 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 34
Date: 1 July 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 35
Date: 18 JUly 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 36
Date: September 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 37
Date: September 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 38
Date: September 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 39
Date: September 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 40
Date: September 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 41
Date: September 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 42
Date: September 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 43
Date: September 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 44
Date: 7 September 1689
Hand: C

Entry: 45
Date: September 1689
Hand: C

Entry: 46
Date: September 1689
Hand: C

Entry: 47
Date: 1 October 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 48
Date: 6 October 1689
Hand: Smith

Entry: 49
Date: 6 October 1689
Hand: Smith

Entry: 50
Date: 18-19 October 1689
Hand: Smith

Entry: 51
Date: 18-19 October 1689
Note: 22 October 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 52
Date: 18-19 October 1689
Note: 23 October 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 52a
Date: 18-19 October 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 53
Date: 1 November 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 54
Date: 5 November 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 55
Date: 5 November 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 56
Date: 5 November 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 57
Date: 5 November 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 58
Date: 5 November 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 59
Date: 5 November 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 60
Date: 5 November 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 61
Date: 7 December 1689
Note: Entry crossed out in pencil
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 62
Date: 7 December 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 63
Date: 7 December 1689
Note: Entry corssed through in pencil
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 64
Date: 11 December 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 65
Date: 25 December 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 66
Date: 27 December 1689
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 67
Date: 1 January 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 68
Date: 7 January 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 68a
Date: 7 January 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 69
Date: 7 January 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 70
Date: 7 January 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 71
Date: 25 January 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 72
Date: 25 January 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 73
Date: 28 January 1690
Note: Square brackets surrounding 'Thô there is fallen ... above 30 inches' are Boyle's own and are not editorial
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 74
Date: 28 January 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 74a
Date: 28 January 1690
Note: The marginal date probably refers to the date at which the experiment was actually performed and not the date at which the entry was entered into the workdiary. This entry was evidently recopied from earlier notes
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 74b
Date: 28 January 1690
Note: The marginal dates, referring to 11 and 14 December, suggest that the experiments were performed in December of 1689, but not recorded in the workdiary until late January 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 74c
Date: 28 January 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 74d
Date: 28 January 1690
Note: The significance of the siglum following 'amber' in this entry and entry 80b is unclear.
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 75
Date: 17 March 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 76
Date: 17 March 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 77
Date: 27 March 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 78
Date: 27 March 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 79
Date: 4 May 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 80
Date: 10 June 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 80a
Date: 10 June 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 80b
Date: 10 June 1690
Note: This entry was evidently recopied from earlier notes
Note: The significance of the siglum following 'amber' in this entry and entry 74d is unclear.
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 81
Date: 10 June 1690
Note: This entry was evidently recopied from earlier notes
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 82
Date: 10 June 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 83
Date: 9-10 July 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 84
Date: 9-10 July 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 85
Date: 9-10 July 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 86
Date: 9-10 July 1690
Note: This entry was evidently recopied from earlier notes
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 87
Date: 9-10 July 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 88
Date: 9-10 July 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 89
Date: 19 July 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 90
Date: 19 July 1690
Note: This entry continues on p. 243, as entry #91. The two separately numbered sections are here joined together as they are obviously part of the same entry. The two parts of this single entry are interrupted by the (unnumbered) specific gravity calculations on p. 242, which will be presented after the conclusion of this entry
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 90a
Date: July 1690 with later additions.
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 92
Date: 24 July 1690
Note: The first eight lines of this page, numbered as entry #91, are the continuation of entry #90, begun on p. 241, and are transcribed with that text
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 93
Date: 25 July 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 93a
Date: 25 July 1690
Note: This entry is followed by a space of approximately 7 lines, separating it from the following entry
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 94
Date: 25 July 1690
Note: This entry is preceded by a space of about 7 lines, separating it from the preceding entry
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 95
Date: 25 July 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 96
Date: 30 July 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 96a
Date: 30 July 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 97
Date: 5 August 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 98
Date: 13 August 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 99
Date: 14 August 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 100
Date: 14 August 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 101
Date: 16 August 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 102
Date: 18 August 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 103
Date: 23 August 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 104
Date: 12 September 1690
Hand: C

Entry: 105
Date: 17 September 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 106
Date: 19 September 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 107
Date: 3 October 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 108
Date: 21 October 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 109
Date: 21 October 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 110
Date: 25 October 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 111
Date: 5 November 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 112
Date: 5 November 1690
Hand: Smith

Entry: 113
Date: 5 November 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 114
Date: 5 November 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 115
Date: 5 November 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 116
Date: 5 November 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 117
Date: 5 November 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 118
Date: 5 November 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 119
Date: 25 December 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 120
Date: 25 December 1690
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 121
Date: 1 January 1691
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 122
Date: 12 January 1691
Hand: Smith

Entry: 123
Date: 30 January 1691
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 124
Date: 30 January 1691
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 125
Date: 30 January 1691
Hand: Smith

Entry: 126
Date: 6 February 1691
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 127
Date: 27 February 1691
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 128
Date: 27 February 1691
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 129
Date: 27 February 1691
Hand: Smith

Entry: 130
Date: 25 March 1691
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 130a
Date: 25 March 1691
Hand: C

Entry: 130b
Date: 10 June 1691
Note: First paragraph crossed through in ink
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 130c
Date: 23 July 1691
Hand: uncertain-Greg

Entry: 130d
Date: August 1691
Hand: uncertain-Greg