Boyle WorkdiariesWorkdiary 30Page 3 of 3
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to an imaginary point, that in Pistol bullets, & the like small globes reaches allmost to the midle of the bullet, I say allmost, because this point is plac'd short of the Center about a 10th part of the Diameter.

For a Pendulum to vibrate 1/2 seconds a quarter of the Length namly nine inches 15/16 is to be taken.

A pound of raisins was set to ferment with water in a glass, covered with a bladder on the 26 of Nov. and on the 26th of December following the bladder was taken off with a pritty Quantity of produc'd Air.

[Integral marginalia:]
Octob. 29

Equall parts by guess of totally ardent [sp{superscript t}] of fermented sugar and highly rectified [Sp{superscript t}] {sal ammoniac}, being shaken together in the cold did presently begin and in a short time made a coagulum, that seem'd at first to take up the greatest part of the space possess'd by the two mingled Liquors, but afterwards subsided in the form of a white saline powder which I judg'd not to fill much above a quarter of that space.