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June 25
[Retrospective marginalia:]
Retract. (in Greg hand)

Remember in the 16th Essay deleted to justify that, [among worthy men'e' altered from 'a', <a>replacing 'the' sophister, there mention'd, deleted that for vaine glory persists to maintaine a manifest errour, can not get so much credit by shewing in it a specimen of the subtilty of his wit, as he must loose by so visibly misuseing it, to the prejudice of the Truth.

[Retrospective marginalia:]
Retract (in Greg hand)

Prosecute that passage <in> the account of our Island, where 'tis said that [there is scarse anything more ignominious among <true>replacing 'our' philosophers, than out of pride or Vanity to defend a detected Error, because one has once embrac'd it. For <we ought to>replacing 'they' thinke that <to be>replacing 'being' subject to erre <is> a frailty so incident to humane nature, and the persisting in an Error a disingenuity so blemishing to it that <candid men>replacing 'they' are highly offended, with any, who, to avoide confessing , that he is but a man an m deleted an innocent error, that only shews he is but a man, < but> declares by a culpable obstinacy that he is a bad man.

[Retrospective marginalia:]
various (in Greg hand)

[Remember] in the 19th Essay deleted to [consider how far deleted whether some of the particulars'ulars' altered from 'les' there mention'd may be allow'd an internal Principle of motion, whilst others have but an external.

[Retrospective marginalia:]
H of Q (in Greg hand)

[Remember] to shew how, in the 17th Essay deleted, <that> all the differing bodys mention'd <&c>replacing 'in the long Parenthesis' are but difering Dresses of their common matter, or rather the same matter in variety of dresses

[Retrospective marginalia:]
Ch. Pr. (in Greg hand)

Remember About the beg. of the same Ess to deleted shew the difference between or deleted essential or Hypostatical {mercury}, & that which is really to be found imbodyed with other Terrestrial Substances.

[Retrospective marginalia:]

[Remember] also deleted to shew that the nature of this consists not in any substantial form, or any such like imaginary entity, but only that 'tis made up (or chiefly abounds with) small parts so deleted& so condition'd as to size, shape, & Contexture & (in most cases also) as to motion.

[Retrospective marginalia:]
P. & F. (in Greg hand)

[Remember] the differing channells of pores'r' altered from 'l', to be met with according to several aspects & positions, as those of deleted the Allyes made by <Trees>replacing 'trises', Greg hand dispos'd to quinqunces &c.

[Retrospective marginalia:]
P. & F. (in Greg hand)

[Remember] to shew that the difference betwixt the specific gravity of gold & {spirit of wine} is reducible to Porology