Boyle WorkdiariesWorkdiary 27Page 1 of 13
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{Recipe} grosse peeces of {sulphur} pt i & calx vive pts ii boyl them (continually stirrig) till the {sulphur} be dissolvd; [filter][unclear], a vapor ad sicc. add a 20th part of sal Decrepit. & distill over a red Sp.

{Recipe} 2 pts Clay & one {sal ammoniac} distill & cohobate

{Recipe} {sulphur} (vel florum [eius][unclear]) sacch ana [digere][unclear] per 10 vel 12 [approximately 4 characters illegible] &c

[Rr][unclear] the fromage [movir][unclear] made up with sifted Ashes

A Colorless stone kept 12 or 18 days, in hot scales of steele (but not red hot) gave it the color of a faire Aigue marine.

Ad Carunculas

{Recipe} {ounce} {half} of pouder'd savine stibium (i.e., crude['ru' altered from 'ur'] {copper} {drachm} ii oare (the yellow) {ounce} vi all exactly powderd & mix incorpor with yell['y' altered from 'w'] wax {ounce} {half} [res. pini][unclear] {drachm} ii