Boyle WorkdiariesWorkdiary 22Page 2 of 104
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ter fire, and yeerely about may with a strong westerly gale, brings off the land a sensible heat; as when a house is on'e' at end of word deleted fire, such as are neere to leeward can hardly endure; and this so penetrateth the doores and windowes being shut, the houses are not withstanding so warmed, that the chaires and stooles admit hardly the uses they were made for, without cooling them, and the place where we abide, by often sprinkling of water; but the extremity hereof neyther lasteth long, nor commeth often, onely five or seven dayes in a yeere, and then but from nine or ten a clocke in the forenoone untill foure or five in the afternoone, at which time a coole breeze from of the sea, qualifies againe this intollerable heat; wherein many of the natives are in their travell suffocated and perish, and of Christians a Dutchman as he was carried in his palamkeene, and an Englishman walking but from the towne to the <bridge>replacing 'borre', F hand little above an English mile dyed both in the way. the rest of these foure moneths are very hot farre exceeding the hottest day in our climate, and would'u' inserted so continue but that in July August September, and october the raines are predominant, which with their frequent violent, and long continuing showres cooles the Earth, and revives the partcht roots of the sun burnt plants of the earth, sometimes rayning so long together, and