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Physiologicall Entryes
From the IXth of July.
[Retrospective marginalia:]

I tooke some of the stony-wood that is not soe hard as to cut glasse but yet seems to be a petrifyd Body throughout (& therefore differing from Wood barely incrustated with stone) & haveing dissolvd it in spirit of Venus & sufferd it gently to evaporate by the warmth of the Sun; the solution shot into very transparent & finely figur'd bodys like Rock Christall, but in Tract of time by the further Action of the Sun made them loose their transparency in the superficiall part where they grew white almos deleted as if they had been calcind.

[Retrospective marginalia:]

A peice of Orpiment weighing in the aire {drachm} ii gr. 27. & 3/32. weighd in the water {drachm} i {half}. gr 11 1/2. & 1/32.

[Retrospective marginalia:]

The metalline Gum made with Copper & Sublimate ana being kept for <about 8>replacing 'some' months, in a somewhat wide mouthd glasse, though stopd with a Corke that had a peice of Leather tyd over it, did not only co deleted loose its first color & acquire one like that of Verdigreese but had almost all the Lumps it consisted off coverd over with a whitish Browne that seemd to be a saline Efflorescence, where one might observe a good Number <of> long Christalls as it were that appeard to be stiffe & yet far more slender then a haire.

[Retrospective marginalia:]

An oar that was sent me up for Gold oar I ghessd to have its yellow Tincture rather from Mars & accordingly found that [sp{superscript t}] of Salt made a solution of it almost as yellow as that of Gold in Aq. Regis. & yet this solution I found to be Martiall.