Boyle WorkdiariesWorkdiary 18Page 3 of 19
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{ounce} {half} of {nitre} all these being small ground & melted cast into the horne then you find a [King ] beat it of drive it with {lead} till it bleacheth

To Separate {gold} from {copper} in a pot per sal alcaly & to bring it to a [King ]

Make a lie of Lime & willow ashes let it boyle halfe away, then take {sulphur} {sal ammoniac} {nitre} & verdigreece alike quantity, all smal ground, let them all boyle away to driness.

{Recipe} what quantity may be thought of {copper} & twice as much {lead} granulate it <or> {Recipe} 1 lb of {copper} in shruff mix it with the above said pouder & of lie put all in a pot luted & set it to melt in a wind furnice, first with a small fire thecorrect reading is then increase the fire that it melt, then the {gold} setleth to the bottome, this must be driven of as is usuall without addition on a Test & this is the best Seperation which may be had.

to fix {silver}

{Recipe} {copper} {lead} {iron} filings 1/4 lb. [{sulphur}]unclear {ounce} ii of {antimony} {ounce} i deleted 1 lb. let it streame in a pot 6 hours