Boyle WorkdiariesWorkdiary 18Page 1 of 19
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To get silver out of {antimony}

{Recipe} 1 lb. of {antimony} {ounce} ii of {lead} & {ounce} {half} of {copper} let all these flow & streame together in a pot, being well streamd cast it into a horne, then the {silver} & {lead} setleth together in a Regulus when congealed then beat of the Regulus.

To Graduate {silver} & to make it heavy

Proceed as foloweth then it [giveth][unclear] a {gold} weight, & when a {silver} is thus made, ther is it fitt to graduate with it, & especially if [added][unclear] unto the {gold} then it doth easily seize on the {water}

Item {ounce} ii of fine splitter silver {ounce} {half} of [entie][unclear] {ounce} i of red Calmin If you cannot have these, then take silver-entie & Calmin put it into a pot super specterum, & put upon it venice glass set it into a wind oven that the Pot stand high, that it you may well look into it, & when it hath streamed once then take the lid from the pot & cast venice glass upon it again, let it streame 12 hours, the longer