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Philosophicall Diary
Sept. the 20th.
[Integral marginalia:]
Sep. 20th.

1. The Sol mirabile must be sublim'd out of its weaker Sp. 4 or 5 times or oftner till it be sufficiently impregnated therewith. Then it must be distilld from twice its weight as I remember of Salt of Tartar into a Liquor. <in minerall Safron>[replacing '&'] this digest [ '[approximately 5 characters illegible]' deleted] for a few daies & distill them both together over the helme. Then pour this yellow volatile Liquor upon common red powder (but it is better if the powder be made with the acid oyle of Sulphur) make them flow together after Digestion into a Ruby, to which you may afterwards use Borax & Copper. (Note that if the Saffron be digested very long in the menstruum it will yeild it's 2 Elements whereof this Sulphurious will remaine with the Liquor & be volatiliz'd by it. The like may be don with other flowers especially the next of kin to Saffron.

[Integral marginalia:]
Sept. 23th

2. The oyle of {hartshorn} is the specifick wherewith the man in Holland confessd that he did all his Cures with, in the Plague. Take scales of Iron, Salt of Tartar, minium & [space of 5 characters] drive them over in a strong coated Retort with a vehement fire into a Receiver halfe full of cold water [ 'according' deleted] according to Monsieur L'Roy.

3. Take Sp. of Vineger, poure it upon good quicklime. And then draw over['v' altered from 'f'] first the phlegme & lastly the Sp. which may be usd in extracting tinctures, as may alsoe the Sp. of vinegar fortifyd with decrepitated Sea Salt.

4 In impregnating the Salt of tartar, 1st the <light> Sp. must be drawne over, then the phlegm & lastly the more fixt Sp. which is that of most use in this Case & each time the tartar must be calcind till it <be> ready to flow.

[Integral marginalia:]
Sept. 29,

Bath the part bitten by a made Dogg with oleum {sulphur} per Camp. it will smart exceedingly, but will kill the Poyson if it be applyd within the 3d day after the hurt, but the sooner the better. This Remedy [ 'was' deleted] is much