Boyle WorkdiariesWorkdiary 12Page 1 of 18
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Begun this First of January 1654/5
And to be continu'd, by God's Assistance, during my Life.
[Integral marginalia:]
Jan. 1°.
Tinctura {antimony}iiHelmontii Junioris

1) {Recipe} [antimonii] contusi {pound} i. affunde Sp. Aceti {pound} ii Digere donec flavescat (quod fit interdum 14 diebus, interdum vero 4 vel 5, imo 6 hebdom.) Tincturam destilla ad siccitatem, pulverem aurei coloris lava aquâ purâ, donec aceti odor abeat. Tum [spiritum vini] optimum pulveri siccato affunde, & rubedine insigni tinctum (effundendo se à facibus) distilla ad siccitatem (ex alembico.) Dosie Grana duo aut 3. Contra anginam & quasvis pene difficultates prodest. Ultra mille hydropicos eo curavit. Dr Rashius.

2° 2) Oleum Tereb. 2 or 3 times rectify'd upon Decrepitated & then melted Salt, will bring over Sulphurs with it, ex retorta. Dr Unmisig suo damno expertus est.

3) Young Helmont cures the Ulcers of the Lungs with the Pulvis sympathicus inspers'd upon the Blood & matter spit out by the Patient.

4) Dr Coeffler calcin'd Tin with Calx viva, according to Basil. Valent. his way (extant     space of 15-17 letters) & twice or thrice had the lucke to reduce it, & had it turned into Luna fixa. But oftner could not do it. Mr CL. to whom he gave a quantity of the Powder.)

5) Sir Kenelme D. commends above all his Secrets the Tinctura [antimonii] ex vitro & Sp: primò Aceti, postea vini, secundum Basilium. (pag Curr. Triumph.) He makes this Tincture with Sp: Aceti <ex> vino not ex [antimonio]. And his Vitrum [antimonii] is red red, which it will become from the 6th to the 10th fusion.

6) Mr Smart made thus his Sal [antimonii]. He tooke the Flores (cum {gold} volatili in them) & {nitre} ana, mixt them well in a cleane mortar, fir'd them at the top, let as much of the Niter as would puffe away; had a crucible ready, red hot, into which he cast the Matter as soone as ever it had done puffing; & kept it in a flux till the greenenesse was both come & vanisht. Then he tooke it <out> & immediately powr'd on it good Sp: of wine enough to swim above it 2 or 3 fingers, then digesting it (for the most part in a boyling heat) for 16 or 20 houres, when