The Liquor as it will imbibe then
they set this Straw on fire takeing great care that it flame not; which they
prevent by a constant smothereinge it with more of the same moist Straw this
ashes they put in a furnace wherein the fire being placed on both sides in
certaine Troughs the flame onely touchs the matter upon which when it has
placed about 6 or 8 houres the worke is done
5, They make
<Medea>replacing 'Stipony' thus they take to six pound of Maligo Raisons & six ounces
of Coriander seeds foure gallons of faire water. This in the Summer time the
set in an open vessell in the sunne till it begin to have a kind of skin at the
top & to tast but a litle & a litle sowrish then the Bottle it up &
if they will have
<stipony>replacing 'Medea' they put a quart Botle about a Spoonefull of the Juice of
Sorrell & if they would have it
Nectarell'N' altered from 's'
insted of the juice of Sorrell they put a Spoonefull (more or lesse) of strong
infusion of Cloves Cinnamon & a litle Nutmeg made in faire water in a
vessell kept a competent time in a moderate heat
[Integral marginalia:]
Jan: 25
6 Take of Tin 12 parts of good Regulus Martis (made with 3 parts of
Antimony to one of Iron) one part, beat the Regulus very small & when the
Tin is melted strow on the powder by degrees till that & the Mettall be
very well incorporated which when you perceive remove the Mars from the fire
& poure it out
7 Take Italian Fritters & put 10
†the deleted in a litle Manganese poure them out into a masse which
being polished will looke like black Marble & will cut glasse
8 Take Cristall & calcine it per se (onely heateing it red hot
& quenching it in faire water) till you can bring it to an impalpable
powder, then with Sal Alcali & a litle Rubigo melt it in a strong Crucible
with a graduated fire which must at lenght to keepe the matter in fusion till
the desired Colour appeare & the masse be freed from Bullæ then
immediatly take it of the fire