Letter ID: 0750
Reference: Hatfield, MS 173/1
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0750/008
Date: 03 January 1597
Note: This is an annotated draft in Burghley's hand.
Copies: 0990 



Endorsed: [[.]] Memorial To Master Bodley & Sir John Norris.


To Master Thomas Bodeley

We greet yow well. wher of late we did by our lettres require /will/ yow to impart both to the States Generall and the Counsell of state, our disposition for the ayde of the French Kyng, to have the use of some of our nombres bandes of footemen beyng ther in our paye, to be by us employed in the f some service ageynst the spaynardes tht have invaded bryttany, and to obteynd ther lykyng and assent therto, wherin we hope yow have accomplished our Commandment, and obteyned also ther assent We do now for execution of this our necessary purpose beyng profittable fo both for those Contres and ours, but of all others most necessary for the French Kyng, send our trusty and welbeloved servaunt Sir John Norrice Knight, to renew this our former request to the states, and consequently to mak choiss out of all our Companyes servyng ther, /of/ the nombre of iijM footemen in orderly bandes and them to tak into his chardg and to conduct them by sea as we have directed hym. Wherfor we have ordre Commanded hym to mak yow thoughly acqueynted both with our Commission and Instructions, and theruppon our plesure is tht yow shall /repayre with hym to the states & Counsell and/ in all thynges to the best of /repay/ your power farder the service now Committed to hym, accordyng to our Commission, and with /by/ yowr good advise to pro procure tht the same may be parformed with the good will of the states and of the Centre beyng a matter parcase at the first not plausible, but by such reasons as the sayd Sir John Norryce and your self may use to approve our request, we hope the same shall have good success, wherin expedition of tyme is of most moment, to our purpose intended/