Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D XII f.21r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1287/008
Date: 05 February 1596
Note: On fol.21r there is the signature 'F'.
I am still of one opinion that your L. in your maters can not [.] a better course, then your self to give over the [revenge] of your [wronges], and wholly to referre it to the councell of Estate: which will happely doe more if that proofes falle out cleere, upon Zelands information, then it seemeth you conjecture. And, to proceed in other sort it will but irritat their myndes, and not procure you that successe as yow peradventure may expect. I had had litle thankes in mine owne conceat, had I done as your L. doth, [.] it was convenient, in advertising her Majestie of the speeches against yow, sith they were not respected of these men heere, nor beleeved of any, no not so muche as of the autors, as yow your self in your lettre have very well noted. To your self I thought it fitte to impart it out of hand, and you to use your owne judgement, in naming me unto her Majestie though I for mine owne part should have denied it needles, for dy- vers considerations. For sure I am of this, at there will never be no end of odious complainte, if the lewde demeanors and speeches of inferiors persons, both heere and in England against men in autoritie, should be caried to the eares of the chiefest in the state. But in this it is hard to give any rule but the rule of discretion, which must be alwayes directed according to the cirumstance which was suche in your case, as the malitiousqueimputation prevailed no more to putte yow in discredit, then if nothing had bin uttered. For howsoever I might be named by your L. to her Highnes, yet me thinkes to the burghers it was utterly impertinent: and most of [all] to doe as Bolton, who hath read my lettre in Zeland at open tables, and lette it passe from hand, [to] hand; to be read of all that would, affirming also publickly, that I did father those slanders upon [Mail-] lart the Bailliffe: which are so very great injuries, as I knowe not which waye he can make me amendes, though I knowe in the end it will turne him to dis- credit. For how ill soever it may be that Maillart hath deserved it is unknowen to me, whether he was your accuser: and yet that suche an accusation was delyvered heere by some, I doe therof still assure you. Howe your L. fol.21v
may meane that 2 of my lettres were different in style [.] conceave, unles it be that in the one, I made the slander [.] mater then I did in the other: wherin I was direct[ed .] rence of reportes, which were made by your L. first, and ther[.] Towne and vanderbrooke, in a farre other sort: which cau[.] judge that the mater would but proove full of strife a[.] and therfore meeter to be buried, then to utterly pou[.] that hope of satisfaction that your L. desyred. And in that [.] persist, wishing that the parties committed to their hou[.] were quietly released, and the Captain and soldiers comman[.] forbeare from doing anie injurie. Which whether you can [.] though it seemeth by your L. letter yow will not undertake [.] leave to your L. wisdome. This I write unto you op[.] boundance of my love, which makes me say the very same, [.] were in your place, I knowe I should practise. And [.] where I am, I doe not cesse to make the best, of that course [.] ding that your L. hath followed. I would faine be longe [.] but that I am at this present exceedinglie busied, by reason of [.] of the general States in an extraordinarie number, where I [.] negotiat with very great diligence in her Majesties affaires, [.] I hope within this fortenight, to have somewhat to advertise, won[.] understanding: referring yow the while for the Councels answear [.] to your lettres by this bearer, to suche particular information [.] Master Gilpin hath promised to enlarge in his lettre. And [so I] leave yow for this present. From the Hage February 5 95.