Reference: LPL, MS 656 f.260r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0783/008
Date: 23 April 1596
fol.261vEndorsed: A Master Bodley le 23me d'avril 1596
To my honorable good freind Master Bodlie Esquire
Sir I am first to render yow hartie thankes for your remembrance & kind greting /sent &/ for delivered unto me by Sir Anthony Standen then to present /make offer/ an [.] earnest request unto yow in his behalfe which he himselfe had presented this afternone if my Lord of Essex had not commaunded his attendance in Court. The matter /His request/ Sir is this tht forasmuch as the expedition of my Lordes departure to giveth him no time whome he is to attend in the voyage gives him no leysure or meanes to intend the recoverie of 200li which as he saith your brother Master Hickman knowes that he is /assured/ to receave 2 monethes hence that yow would vouchsafe that it would please yow to replie & procure some freind of youres to furnish & advance him the said somme uppon good assurance wherein if it please yow to gratefie the gentleman the rather at my mediation I shall account it as a spetiall favour done to my selfe and acknow- ledge it accordinglie to the uttermost of my small power. And so I wishe yow as my selfe. Your intire loving freind to use