Letter ID: 1393
Reference: TNA, SP 103/35/122 fol.298r-299v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1393/008
Date: 26 November 1595


To Sir Robert Cecill. 26 November 95. For the point of defrayeng the auxiliary forces, they tooke it altogether in the self same nature, with her former demaunde: which could by no meanes be effected, but by the Generality, to whome they found it all the danger, To notifie that her Majestie will ende her Treaty with the contrey. I have urged upon it, with divers replyes, that the people might be wonne by their good endevors, that it was not a thing to be stood on, that the summe would be but small, yet esteemed to be great, in regard of their willingnesse, and the manifold occasions that pressed her Highnes, and the speeches that would goe of this negociacion, with divers other reasons: to which they gave no other answear, then they have done heeretofore, but that they meant to resume the mater againe, and to examine it throughly, and doe all that they could to satisfy her Majestie. But as for me, I am parsuaded, that they will never yelde to any thinge, to how little soever the summe be abrid- ged, if it come to be demaunded as a debt already dewe, by expiration of the Treaty. For that is the place where they thinke they are wronged, and the people (they imagine) will by no meanes endure it. For which I rest out of hope of any better satisfaction, and to say what I thinke, under humble correction, I holde it wholly reqsit, to attende yet a while a fitter opportunity, which the state of thinges heere and time must present, or heereafter to project some such forme of proceeding as may come neerer to theyr liking, and yet conclude the same effect with that which is required. They have secretly discoursed, about fol.298v
the sending of some parsons to give her Majestie more conten[t] then hath bin done by theyr answear delivered to me and if it chaunce to be resolved, it is like to be declar[ed] in their lettre to her Majestie. Whereof in like sorte, to interpose myne opinion, without note of presumption, I should thinke that suche a message would make very much for the service of her Highnes for that in this case wh[en] they can not be parsuaded to assent to her demande, both the sending of their Deputies will seeme more respe- ctive in the judgement of the world, then their bare kinde of writing, and it may be at theyr coming they wi[ll] make some fruitfull motion, or be wonne by good remonstrance to recommende heere at home some speciall purpose of her Majestie, or if neyther of both shold happen, yet me thinketh in theese sturres, and turbulent times, where the cause is so common betw[een] the two contreis, her Highnes can not but be holpen by the[ir] conference, and counsayle, and presence of such parsons, as I pressume they will depute. And where her Majestie maketh metion of Master Barnevelts ouvertur[e] wherein there was good hope, both of this and great[er] maters, I have moved him about it, and debated it at length, but he putteth me in minde, that the time i[s] farre other, and theyr state more afflicted, and that they have bin at the charge, since he and I talked [of] 20000li disboursed to the French Kinges use, and at great expe[n-] ses in the fielde, where they had not then theyr armie at the time of that ouverture, nor yet in 3 monethes after: and had parhaps, as he supposeth, if this plotte had bin accepted, remayned still in garrison. Witha[ll] he doth mantayne, as I have formerly declared to be the fol.299r
opinion both of him and of divers heere besides, that there is no possibility to induce the common sorte, to condescend to restitution by vertue of the Contract, for that they will no understand it, but as a mater of right, and a just stipulation, and that it ought to be continued: for which of force they must be wonne, by presenting unto them some other forme of Treaty, with some such covenants and conditions, as may not charge her Majestie, and yet tye the contrey to these payments, which her Highnes will require in regard of her deboursements. And heere I can not by the way, but advertise your Honour that since my last comming hither, I have found Master Barnevelt farre out of tempar, partly through the speeches of some of his collegues which dislyke of his dealing, as if his ouverture to me, had bin a motive to her Majestie when she sawe that of themselves they would yeelde to some good portion, to cast upon them the burden of a greater demaunde: wherewith they crushe him, as he sayeth, very often, in theyr meetings: partely also he is grieved with somewhat written out of England of the opinion of some, that all his dealing heere with me, was but dalliance and cunning, to winne time of her Majestie, which is also a touche to me in particular, in respect of credulity, or some other kinde of weakenesse, in that I could not see the practise. But for my self, I could wishe that the mater then proposed, had to come as well in some forme which her Majestie could have liked, as it was cleare and out of question, that there was no dissimulation. For as for any abuse that Barnevelt could offer, by the meanes of his ouverture, it was so hard for him to doe it, and so many must concurre, and it had steeded him so little, as if the fol.299v
circunstance of thinges in the nature of that cause, and in the forme of this governement, and in the maner of his conferring and proceeding heere with me, be duely weighed with all his pointes, I doe not thinke to finde any, that will stande in that opinion.