Letter ID: 1390
Reference: TNA, SP 103/35/116 fol.292r-292v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1390/008
Date: 25 September 1595
Copy of: 0488


To my L. Tresurer 25 September 95. It is now 10 dayes and more, that the Deputies of the States, which were sent to take advise with Co. Maurice and the Councell, returned to the Hage. And since I have observed that both they and the rest have bin divers times togither to consult upon the matter, in so much as I suppose, that either they before this, would have sent for me unto their college, or deputed some to tell me to wat effect they had resolved. But being secretly informed, that they had varyed in opinions, and surceased for the time to deliberat upon it, I requested to have audience in their publicke meeting: where I put them in remembrance of all the course of my proceeding in this negociation, how long it had bin since the matter was proposed, how many lettres her Majestie had written unto them, how great occasions were presented that she might wordily disdayne this long delaying of their answear with such other allegations as fitted that argument. Whereuto their speeches returned were so vehement, and earnest, and full of solemne protestations, as I can not call to minde, that I have fol.292v
heard them at any time doe the like heeretofore. For of all the troublesome accidents, of which they had bin partakers since the union of their Provinces, theie had not any, at any time yet, either busyed them longer, or grieved them more, or caryed so much danger, if it were not well conducted, as this proposal of her Majestie. For which they urged me exceedingly to move her Majestie to consider the composition of their government, the humor of the people, the state of their affaires, which in a cause of this nature would by no meanes admitte any speedier dispatche. They had sent, they sayd, of purpose to the councell of estate to reque[st] advise which had already bin reported by theyr Deputies unto them but it proved so defective, as they were nothing ayded by it, for which they had resolved to sende theyr lettres out of hand to request theyr presence at the Hage, so that they hoped very shortly to come in conference together, and then to grow to some conclusion. Which was the effect of all theyr answear, though I did my best endevor to drawe them by parsuasion to some present resolution. For my privat opinion of the sequel of this matter, it is no other in no respect, then I have formerly declared by my lettres to your L. For there is nothing to be heard but complaintes of all handes, that I may say in this cause, as I could never yet in any that touched her Majestie that of all tha[[t]] heeretofore I have found in this contry well affected unto her, I doe not know so much as one that will affourd the lest ayde, or any token of allowance or favour in this matter.