Reference: BL, MS Cotton Vespasian F IX f.151r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1336/008
Date: 04 May 1595
Later Addition: Belgia Ambassador allowanc 40shillings par diem 36 Eliz 4 May
Elizabeth by the grace of God Queene of England Fraunce & Ireland defendor of the faith &c. To the Treasurer and Chamberlaynes of our Exchquer greting whereas wee do send our servaune Thomas Bodleigh Esquire to the States of the Low Countries about our speciall affaires we are pleased to allow unto him towardes the expenses of his journey the interteynment of forty shillinges by the day. Wherefore we will and commaund yow out of our Treasure in the Receipte of our Exchequer to pay or cause to be payd unto him or his assignee the said somme of forty shillinges by the day from the day of the date hereof untill his returne to our presence agayne. And likwise to advaunce unto him before hand the somme of threescore poundes towardes his better furnishing for his said journey. The same to be afterwardes defalked out of his said enterteynment: And further yow shall allowe to him upon his bill signed with his hand his reasonable Charges for his transportacion thither & for his retourning And these our lettres &c. Gyven under our Pryve Seale &c. the fourth day of May in the six and thirteth yeare of our Reigne./ [.]href=""