Letter ID: 1270
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D XI f.213r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1270/008
Date: 16 December 1595
Note: On fol.213r there is the signature 'D', written once in pencil and once in ink.


If the pitieng of your L. for your ill voiadge homewardes, would have eased yow of comber, it was done very often every day. But yet I hope in the end yow overcame it well enough, and gotte your garrison in good time. We have had sins yow went, an other piping hotte alarme upon a spitefull complaint of your secret foes, That undoubtedly already yow had sold the towne unto the Enemie: which was at the first a terrible trou- ble to all the parishe: but yet at the length the discreeter sort refuted that malice, by delivering their opinion of your loialtie and trust, with hono- rable speeches. For mine owne part, I can not choose but laughe, as oft as I heare, that they harpe on that string, and me thinkes with suche a cariage, in suche a senseles imputation, I doe steede yow more in their conceates, then if I pleaded your cause with sadde protestations. In effect, for one man alone to have to deale with a multitude, when their malice and rancor is rooted against him, and to reforme them by degrees, by his wisedome and patience, it is as great /a/ peece of proofe of his the goodnese of his metal, and value of his minde, as nothing so muche, that I can imagine. And in that behalf your L. nowe hath a notable subject, to shewe your sufficience: in which yow may have opportunities to put in practise all the precepts, that ether your reading of Epistetque the stoicke, or your private experience in former times, or your daily contepla- tion, in that solitarie dwelling, hath made yow frame unto your self fol.213v
But I forgette my errand cleane, not me[aning] in good truth, when I tooke up my pen, to [.] riot so farre, nor to tell yow suche a tale [.] knowe, if yow list, yow could put me to [.] and tell to better purpose. I had onely [.] tent to signifie unto yow, that I have sent y[ow .] hitte, that was in hand, at your being in De[venter] nowe, me thinkes, is somewhat soullen, like [.] my self, when I bespoake it, at the cutlers: that [.] half ashamed of my present. But it may [.] haps it will suite the better with the place, and [.] where yow live: and sith this is the yere, that [.] must put on a minde, to take many badd[e things] in very good part, I will foist in this an[.] rest, and request yow to passe it, with other [.] and if yow chance to have occasion, to use [. en-] devors in this place I will ether be your co[.] or your atturney, or solicitor, or what yow w[.] serve your turne. As yet I have no answ[ear to the] dispatche that I made, by John the post: bu[.] never thinke it longe, if it bring me my [.] be ridde of this imploiment, as I desire it [.] sure, going nowe on my eighth yeres ser[vice .] is somwhat more then a comon pre[.] too long for my profit, if I could helpe it [.] But patience perforce is every mans rem[.] to that I must sticke, if it will be no better, [.] in your L. by my next, shal knowe howe I [.] as I rest the meane while Your L. most affectionat to doe yow service Tho. Bodley From the Hage 16 December 95.