Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D XI f.188r-191v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1264/008
Date: 19 October 1595
Note: On fol.188r there is the signature 'Hh'. At the underlining 'I am en-[joined]', until 'Peacemakers offer' on fol.188v, the entire text following is marked by a perpendicular line in the margin. On fol.190r at the underlined word 'When', the text is marked by a line in the margin until the underlined sentence on fol.190v. The pages are in a different order to the sent copy (0717).
Copies: 0717
Later Addition: [O]ctober [Master] Bodly.
May it please your good L. By your lettre of the 24 of Sept I finde her Majestie discontented as if I had not bin so care- full as imported her service, to calle for an answear from the States. But my trust is in your L: for informing her Highnes what kinde of instance I have used, as all my lettres will declare it, And yet I never thought it meete to trouble your L: with reporte of all my travels and endevors, at every tyme in particular that I went about my businesse. I hope her Highnes will be pleased to give me credit in this case, that I may reape some other fruites then pensivenesse and grief, for my painefull solicitation. And where/as/ againe I am en- joyned to proceede without admitting any dilatorie answear; I protest unto your L. I knowe not in the world howe to doe it more effectually, then I have put in tryall, having done in that behalf both in publicke and in privat, as muche as is possible, and more by muche then is expressed in any point of my Instru- ctions, aswell by special persuasions, as by other in- sinuations of danger to the Contrey: in so muche as I have doubted in myne owne privat judgement, whether I kept in that decorum, in regard of the dignitie and State of her Majestie, to insist to earnestly, so often so many sundrie wayes with a people of this condition, and so muche bounde unto her Highnes. And therfore not prevailing with so great importunitie I could wade no further with them, but certefie by lettres, howe I founde their dispositions. But sins the receat of your L. lettres the Counsell of Estate being come home to the Hage, upon the writing of the states, I laboured what I could to procure their advise to be presently given: but getting notice under hand that their drifte was altogether, to send unto her Majestie (as I have alwayes thought they would) to cutte of all occasions of further delayes, I lette them flatly understand, and withall I made it knowen to the College of the States, that if so be they had no meaning to satisfie her Highnes, but would happelie determine to send some Deputies unto her, to deliver their excuses, they should alter that intent and keepe their Deputies at home: for so I had bin willed to signifie unto them. This was taken much to hart, that her Majestie would refuse in a cause of that moment, to give them the hearing: fol.188vand both the States and the Councell have consult[ed] often for divers dayes together, what course to tak[e upon] it. For to forbeare to send at all, they thought [it] might be taken for a weake resolution, sith the[y could] not by their lettres make so cleare a demonstration [of their] want of readie meanes, to give her Majestie conten[tment,] and to prevent therewith all the effectes of her dis[pleasure,] as by the effectes verbals of those that might be p[urposely] sent about it: whome they hoped at her Highnes [, upon] their sute in that behalf would be willing to adm[it.] And yet to send upon presumption when they had [bin by] me forewarned to refrayne, and so perhaps whe[n they] came, to be rejected of her Majestie they thought i[t would] be caried over all partes of Christendome, and [more] the multitude heere, who might thinke they w[ere] forsaken, to accept of such conditions as the Pea[cema-] kers offer. Muche a doe there hath bin, as I [am told] by some among them, and yet I see it is un[certain] when or howe they will conclude: albeyt by al[l con-] jecture, I thinke within these 3 dayes they wil[l make] somewhat of it, But because it is in doubt and the [time] may seeme longe since I writte unto your L. hav[ing bin] for these 10 dayes, put in hope from daye to d[aye,] of some final resolution, I thought it needefull [the while] to informe you what had passed, wherein I see [no] disposition (howsoever they may happen to be secr[etly] minded) to condescend to any portion of present rem[boursement.] But onely to make knowen, that this payment is [demanded] before the day, and out of season for that the warre[s are] not ended, and the Contrey hath no meanes, which [will] also be the tenor, by that which I can yet ghesse of th[eir letters] and message, for that I thinke they will agree upon the [one or] the other. It should seeme by a clause [in your] L. lettre that you understoode certaine wordes w[hich I] had used in my lettres of the 27 of August and 11 [of September] of a newe and an other kinde of Treatie w[ith her] [In margin: as if the States had a purpose to renewe the Treatie]
Majestie, whereas I understood it, of a newe agr[eement] altogether: with other newe conditions, as to sign[ifie to] your L: wherupon I writte it, I had put the question [in] communication to some two or three heere why they [made] it nowe so hard to finde money for her Majestie if [they] meant to make payment of these Annual rembour[sements] with entertayning so many English, as my ouvertur[e de-] lyvered at my last coming home? To this the pa[rties] made answear with whome I dealt in that mater, fol.190r
That it was not possible to cause the Provincesto acknowledge that the terme of the Contract is expired, when the wordes and the text are so plaine against it, and that they would not be induced to make any re- titution as for debt alreadie dewe, but by proposing unto them some other forme of Treatie, They might have bin intreated by good handling of their humors, to cancell the old, and so parsuaded indirectly to have inclu- ded in a newe, certaine yerly payments, for her Highnes contentation in regard of her former charges. Heereupon it was that I did insinuat, that as farre as I could learne, if any thing were obtained, it must come by the meanes of a newe accord. But of any resolution either taken or intended to be taken about it, I am utterly ignorant. For as occasions may be given, if they chance to send their Deputies, they are lyke enough in secret to conclude other maters, as their usuall maner is, and also afterwardes in England to auto- rise them to deale, as any motion to their lyking shall happen to proceede from her Majestie or themselves.
When I presse them somewhat neere in privat conver- sation, to tell me, how they can prevent the subversion of their State, if her Majestie should protest and withdrawe her assistance, their answear savoureth altogether of a desperat moode. Loth, they say, they would be to con- test with her Highnes, and will shunne it, as they may, in all duetifull sort, that the Enemie may not triumph, and turne it to his benefitte: but if she force them unto it, by her publicke protestations, they have but to muche to alleage, both to justefie themselves in the sight of the world, and to notifie to all men, with what patience thei have boaren the breaches of the contract exceedingly greatly to their prejudice. And if withall shee will proceede to deprive them of their /her/ aide, they must, and will provide to trust unto themselves, and to suche helpes as god shall send, it having bin ever their destinie to deffend their libertie and rightes with adversitie and trou- bles. But if otherwise then well should befalle their Estate, it would be seene but oversoone that Englandes staffe standes nexte the doare. I calle to mynde fol.190v
many tymes that her Majestie in her speeches of th[e affaires] of these Contreys, hath seemed often so to buil[d upon] the affections of the people, as if the Generallitie w[ere] more addicted to content her, then this assemblie [of] their Deputies; and that the Inhabitants of the To[wnes] might be drawen by remonstrance to be refourm[e and] disavowe the dealings of their Delegates. T[his] was so out of question at the making of the Co[ntract] and so continued somwhat after, untill they gre[we out] of lyking with some courses, that were held by s[ome] Ministers of her Majestie, and reduced their E[state] to some better forme of gouvernment. But [] these 6 or 7 yeares, I have found the peop[le] very willing to be guided by their Deputies, [who] also very warie to knowe howe farre they may [pre-] sume. For though somewhat sometymes be d[one by] their Deputies against their humors and [opinions] yet it is /butt/ very seldome in maters of moment [and] I could never yet observe that there was any [thing] controlled or countermanded by the people, that [they] had once ordained: which is the pacience, they [will] use, for preservation of their union, wherof [I thought] it not amisse to touche a worde unto your [L.] if happelie some course of proposing maters [to the] commons, should seeme expedient for her M[ajesty]
The losse of the towne of Cambray doth m[inister] muche mater of newe discourses in this Co[ntrey] very many men disliking that carelesse deali[ng of] the King, and misdoubting least their succors [will] proove but ill bestowed: in so much that I pe[rceave,] unles that somewhat with speede be atchieved by [the] King for the advancement of their cause, he sha[ll find] them for heereafter a great deale streiter [laced] in assisting him with money. But yet th[is last] Absolution doth keepe their heades busied ab[ove all] other maters: as that which they account w[will entice] him ere be longe to some attonement with the Spaniard and drawe this Contrey shortly after into no[table] inconveniences. What opinion the Enemie con[ceaveth] of a Peace your L. may conjecture by the [letter] fol.189r
heerewith of the Marquis of Havre, to the Count of Berghe[n] which was lately intercepted, and sent us from the Campe. I have also seene an other to the self same effect, from a chieffe man of Brusselles, to a privat person heere. It is geven out by the Marquis, and is confirmed by our common occurrences, that Comissioners appointed by the Chamber of Spyres, to come hither to mediate an Acord with the Spaniard are nowe in consultation at Frankfort or Collen. Many men heere suspect, that for the furtherance of this Peace, the release of their Shippes and gooddes is artificially dallied of till the comming oy of the Cardi- nal and the P. of Orenge (who are expected very shortlie) that they may be offerers of that speciall grace and favor, and parsuade both the owners and other by their meanes, to listen so much the sooner to their desyred Pacification. I have enquired very harde to knowe the autor of that Frenche discorse which I sent to my L. of Essex, but no bodie heere can tell it for certaine: albeyt it is fathered by the most upon Lipsi[us], who hath handled by report that subject in a lettre, and that doth savor altogether his stile and forme of writing. There is intelligence come from Andwerp, that the Indian Fleete arryved at St Lucar in Spaine the 7 of September with 10 Millions. I thinke your L.hath heard that Haringuieres the Governor of Breda, by whome Huy was surprised in February last, hath attempted the lyke upon the Towne of Lier, a very strong place in the Dukedome of Brabant, about two Leagues from Andwerp, where he and his troupe of 7 or 8 hundred, of which many were disguised in boores apparell, and came in earlie in a morning in an Oxe market daye, sea- sing on a gate possessed presently the Towne, the Munition howse the Market place, and every gate saving one, which they kept without impeachement, from 5 in the morning till 3 in the afternoone, and then for want of good order the soldiers falling to the spoile, the Bourghers tooke armes and other Soldiers to the nomber of fol.189v
200 came from Andwerp, Malines and [Heren] tals which slewe, as we thinke 500 of ou[rs,] and put the rest to flight. And thus our [happe] is all this eyre to come home by weep[ing] Crosse in all the attemptes we take in hande[.] In effect what with that and the Plottes, that [are] casting to enforce a Pacification, and the co[urses] held in France, with those other considerati[ons,] which I enlarged to your L. the 17 of Aug[ust together] with the mater of my message unto them, [they are] so muche amased, and so fearfull least [the] people should beginne to take a head, an[d re-] volt in some quarter, which they doubt [, may] drawe after the bodie of their Confederaci[e, as] I never sawe them for any thing, albeit I [have] bin heere in divers greatte astonishement [so] abjectly minded, as they are at this present. And yet in my opinion there doth nothing [progno-] sticat so great a danger towardes as the g[rudges] and discordes betweene Province and P[rovinces] in contributing their portions, and the envi[es and] dislykes that are secretly kindled, but s[mothe-] red for the tyme, among the chiefest of [the contrey,] which may occasion on the suddaine a disu[nion] of the States, when so many other causes co[ncurre] to helpe it forwardes. Nowe they see a[nd] complaine of the wante of a P. Orenge or [of some] suiteable person, to compose these cou[vert] quarels, to hold the Provinces together in [good] correspondence, to animat the people in these [cases] of desaster, and to propose in other accide[nts, the] meetest meanes to be embraced for the be[nefit] of the Contrey. Count Maurice is you[ng, and] voyde of experience not deliting to meddle [with] affaires of the State, and in a maner among [the] rest there is equalitie altogether, so as n[one] will undertake to be autors of a project in a [bu-] sinesse of importance least it should n[ot] speede aright, unles it may be some one, fol.191r
who by reason of his place as Advocat of Holland hath great opportunities to effect his dssignes and is by Nature very pregnant to plotte and devise so as having bin fortunate in the issue of some Counsailes, beyond all expectation, he hath ca- ried away the credit in contriving and mana- ging most maters of the State. Howbeyt his coegnals mutter at it, and his betters so dis- daine it, as if his fortune chance to foule him, it will quicklie goe amisse with his credit and countenance. And thus the weight of this cause is the occasion of my lenght, and of many pointes inserted, of which I thought it not impertinent to make some litle mention, besee ching you most humblie to make relation to her Majestie of what you thinke behoofull, and to affourd my service that reporte, as in your hono- rable judgment you shall finde it doth deserve. And so I take my humble leave Hag 19 October 95.