Letter ID: 1261
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D XI f.129r-130v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1261/008
Date: August 1595



Later Addition: [Au]gust [From Sir E]d: Norris [To Master] Bodly

Sir, That I have not er this made answear to your lettre, which yow sent me by your Secretary, nor to your second sins receaved from Sir Robert Sidney, I pray yow impute it to my present negotiations, and not to any want of my rea- dinesse otherwise. For I hold my self excee- dingly indebted unto yow, for your kindnesse in them bothe: but I have bin so busied with my publicke propositions, privat communica- tions, and with dispatches into England, about this combersome mater in which I am imploied that in good sooth I am as weery of my be- ing in this place, as yow are of those thwarts that yow finde in your government. All my dealing is nowe with the Generallitie, and Master Gilpin alone appeereth in Councel, of whose affection unto yow; I could wishe yow had conceaved some frindlier opinion, then yow seemed to insinuat by your last lettre to him. For I have founde him heereto- fore, and so I am assured yow may finde him heereafter, if yow please to account upon him, very forward and willing to serve your turne in any thing. Heere are some of the Councel of Estate at the Hage, but they assemble very seeldome, and they doe not undertake to determine any causes in forme of a Councel: expecting the returne of their collegues at the Campe, which I suppose wilbe shortly fol.129v
Assure your self the while, that I will deale [.] effectually, assoone as thei returne, that the[.] ters of yours, may be wholy referred to the [Coun-] cel of Zeland: as in truth it were the [.] aswell for them, as for your self, sith they [.] other maters, as farre as I can conjecture, [.] were long agoe complained of, and therfor[e .] ter knowe to those of Zeland, then to the[.] heere. Monsieur Alleman the Councello[r] of Zeland doth incline already to that co[.] and as I should suppose, it proceedeth of so[.] king, that he findeth in so others, that wri[.] him out of Zeland. The examinat[ion] yow sent with your lettres unto me, Master Gil[pin] imparted to the Councellors heere: an[.] wise your demaundes for men and for [provi-] sions to finishe your water workes. I [.] thinke they will not presse yow to take of [.] Dutche, to supplie the wantes of your g[.] and if they should, I doe not doubt, bu[t .] shall by some meanes, cause them to su[.] for that it is not convenient for many re[.] They have, as they say, taken order a[.] with the general states, for your sea bankes, [.] sluces: but your motion for the souldiers to [.] in winter better lodged, must attend the re- turne of the Councel of Estate. We have newes at this instant that troubleth us all, That Count Philip going fourth with 500 horse, to charge 3 Cornets of the Enemie, in lieu of 3 was encountred with 14 (because the Enemie fol.130r
before had notice of his coming by some secret spiall) but yet the conflict was maintained very valiantly by ours, who returned againe with the losse but of 40 souldiers and 70 horse, for which they caried with them 16 prisoners, and 50 horse of the Enemie, and slewe by supposal above a hundred. Co. Philip himself was very soare wounded and taken prisoner, with his yongue brother Ernest, and the Count Ernest of Solmes a very valiant yongue gentleman, who is also grievously hurt. Captain Robert Vere Sir Francis brother was slaine in the place.