Letter ID: 1243
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D XI f.41r-43v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1243/008
Date: 14 March 1595
Copies: 0676 


May it please your good L. So long absence of the Deputies of Guelderland and Overyssel is greatly wondred at heere: and till all the Deputies be mette, they can take no resolution upon my Proposition. It is feared very muche that some alteration of thinges at home, hath staied their comming, or at the lest their present passadge: by reason of the great inundations, in sundrie places of these Provinces: as the lyke was never seene, of the rivers and land waters, in the [In margin: [[.]] waters]
memorie of any. For all the Bettue, and Bommels wert are overflowen, and a great part of the contrey round about Utrecht and Amersfort: in so muche as the very gates of the towne of Amersfort, the sub- urbes of Vianen, and many dorpes and villages are caried cleane away: and multitudes of people to the nomber, it is thought, of 3000 soules, are drowned. And the like is reported of the land about Collen, where the waters are risen higher by six foote, then hath bin hitherto knowen by any recorde. Whiche is supposed to proceede of the great abundance of raine and snowe, that hath fallen in these, and in the upper contreis: and of the long continuance of this boistrous winde at west, whiche hath forced the rivers to swelle out of measure.

I finde by conferring with some of the Scottishe nation, that they are informed out of Scotland, that Coronel Stuart is enjoined by some secret Instruction, to solicit the states for a 1000 foote, and 500 horse, for 6 monethes, or rather for the loane of fol.41v
of so muche mony, as may serve for the Lev[[ie of so]] many men, requesting 3 monethes pay to [[be deli-]] vered out of hand. Which is imparted unt[[o me by]] suche persons of credit, as I in my conceat h[[ave rea-]] son to beleeve it. Nevertheles the Coronel hi[[mself]] will not notifie so muche, not onely not to m[[e, but as]] farre as I perceave to none of the states: pr[[oposing]] all as yet in general termes, and referring [[to them]] selves, to yelde what succor they thinke bes[[t, which is]] thought to be done upon a hope that he hath, [[that they]] of themselves will offer more, then he hath [in charge]] to presse them unto. For mine owne par[[t, the more]] that I consider of his imploiment hither, an[[d of the]] qualitie of his message, the more me thinkes it [[doth tend]] to some designe to be disliked. For [[in proceeding]] wt these Provinces, the king hath gone by su[[ch degrees]] to winne upon their amitie, as I feare som[[ewhat else]] then this purpose pretended, of joining [[in alliance]] and of craving their assistance. If y[[our L call]] to minde, in February last was two yeres, [[the States were]] moved by Stuart, being sent by the King [[to inter-]] taine from time to time a reciprocal [[intelligence]] in all affaires that should concerne th[[e religion and]] weale, of his and their contreis: which was [[presently obtai-]] ned. They were after sought unto, [[to renue the]] ancient league, that had bin in former times [[between]] Scotland and them: whereunto they yelded, by th[[eir]] Deputies, at the time of the baptesme of the yonge Princ[[e.]] Nowe thirdly they are intreated to assist him with men or mony, wherof the summe is so smalle, not amou[[n-]] ting to 8000li sterling for 3 monethes, as he might fol.42r
very well presume, that they would not refuse him. And when this shall be accorded, whether it be not to be thought, that he hath yet an intention to gette some further footing in their love and affection, and to serve some other turnes with their aide and support, as his occasions shall require, and as it will be very easie, when the people of these contreis are once engaged in his actions, I leave it as /a/ motion to your L. wisedome. The Coronel pretendeth that the state of the King must be presently relieved: and if it should be neglected by his frindes and allies, it would engender, er be long, some irreparable inconvenient, both to him and to them. And this he doth inculcat in every companie where he cometh, with a fearefull declaration of the wantes of the King, and of the strength of his ennemies: in so muche as the states, by that which I can gather, would willingly doe for him, if my answear unto them, wherof your L. had notice, in one from me of the 22 of the last, doe not stoppe their proceeding. For so the Coronel hath told me, that he thought the states resolution would depend very muche upon her Highnes allowance, or onely upon me, that if I would but signifie, that her Highnes would be pleased with their aiding of the King, there would be no stoppe: and he sawe not just cause, for me to be scrupulous, sith every man might see the extremitie of the King, and that part of the benefit would redound unto her Majestie and all the burden of the aide upon the people of these Provinces.

I will not trouble your L. with long rehersall of my answears, and other speeches between us: but in effect they were to pray him, to pardon my refusall fol.42v
unles my warrant were better. For said [[I, to speak]] of maters roundly and familiarly between [[us, I may]] very well presume upon the reasons yow a[[lledge, that]] her Majestie would be willing to advance the [[K desire]] but yet it may be perhaps, that she will s[[oe much]] mislike of his forme of proceeding, as she wo[[uld have]] the states made acquainted with her manifo[[ld endevors]] to free the K. of his troubles. Lette it be, as [[yow]] give out, that his state is reduced to pointes [[of extre-]] mitie, wherof I knowe very litle ether one w[[ay or]] other (though there be that will avouche, that [both his.]] perill is not suche, and that it might have b[[in less, if]] he himself had listed) howe can yow rep[[ort it here]] but they will presently aske the qestion, Why, the [[King ha-]] ving tasted so long, and so largely of [[her Majesties]] bountie, and the danger being neerer to E[[ngland] then to them, he should not rather in this [[case, have]] recourse unto her Highnes or at the lest ma[[ke her pri-]] vy, and request her advise, before he se[[nt to move]] the states? In your answear heerun[[to I know]] not howe yow will acquite your self: but [[you must]] without offense give me leave to suspect t[[hat yow]] will speake very litle in her Majesties beha[[lf, but rather]] ther secretly complaine, in the maneging of [[your busines]] that she hath not, or will not, doe the part [[of a neighbor]] which may be so amplified in places where yow [[come]] as I doubt it may also tend, to worke some aliena[tion] in the hartes of this people, from their devotion to her Highnes. And these are suche suspitions, or causes of suspitions, as they force me to forbeare, and not to meddle of or on, unles I had commission. fol.43r
And therfor onely as before, I wishe the states in these proposals, to holde a sounde correspondence by ad- vising with her Highnes. As a man touched neere, and guiltie, as it seemed, of some sinister dealing (wherof I heare but too muche) he made a frivolous re- plie, full of speeches at randon: which not being worthy of your L. reading I leave unrehersed, very humbly beseeching, that if yow thinke it expedient, I may knowe by yor direction, what course I must observe, when I speake in these affaires, to give her Majestie good content.

I finde by a lettre written from the Frenche King to Monsieur Buzanval, that he hath sent her Majestie certaine lettres intercepted, which were written in cipher by father Gordon, and an other Scotte, to their correspondents in Spaine, which the K. had caused to be deciphred. Gordone is one that is often named in Cryttons Latin lettre which I sent your L. last: and I should conjecture that the notice of suche mater, as he hath written into Spaine, may easely laide to decipher the lettres of Crytton in Latin: which if it be not done already, if your L. thinke it fitte to send me the copie of Gordons lettre, and the others, I will doe my best endevor to discover that of Crytton: which I doe very muche presume, upon certaine conjectures, containe important mater, as the conferring of some princely state, or dignitie, or contrey, upon some special person, upon whome the chief hope of those fugitives dependeth: wherein it also seemeth that certaine great personages are nominated actors. And thus I take my humble leave. From the Hage. March 14 1594. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley