Letter ID: 1237
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D XI f.29r-30v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1237/008
Date: 1595
Copy of: 0688


May it please your good L: upon conference had with Master Barnevelt, and with some others of the State, for the advancement of my service, I see this message of her Majestie doth trouble them exceedingly. For they seeme very loath to returne a naked answear, and to give her good con- tent they pleade unabilitie. But their greatest doubt is this, whether in this conjuncture (as they terme it) and as the present State stan- deth both with them and the Enemie, and those that nowe endevor to drawe them to a peace, considering also that this yeeres contribu- tion is not accorded by the Provinces, it were convenient to impart to the people her Majesties demaundes. For they saye they can doe nothing without their approbation, for contenting of her Majestie and to publish unto them what her Highnes requyreth, they holde it very daungerous in this present concurrence of soe sundrie great and weightie affaires. They have bin often together to de- termine upon it, but they are at no conclusion. I expect every day when some shalbe deputed, to come in conference with me: and by that, as I thincke, I shall ghesse somewhat neere, both howe they will frame their present aunswear, and what successe in the end I am lyke to have. Coronel Stuart hath bin with me, and in communication hath declared, that his comming to the States is for no other cause, but First to renew and alliance beetween the King and these Contreis, such as hath bin established in former tymes: secondly to acquaint them very thorowly with the present State of Scotland: and then lastly to request their advise, together with their succor: without proposing wherein, but according to their power, and soe as they shall fynde the necessitie of the Kinge, which toucheth them in lyke manner if his Enemies should prevyale. And this he pretendes to be a course, which the King is forced to take. For saith he, sith he cannot be supported /by the Q. of England/ whome he sawe his Estate but slenderly regarded, to whome should he seeke but to the people fol.29v
of these Provinces? Through the helpe of those discourses w[e have] receaved of Sir Robert Cecil, I was stoared of good matter [to an-] swear his complaint: which he uttered notwithstanding [.] any passion, and with a preface before full of duetifull wor[.] pect to her Majestie. Howbeyt I sawe by that little, and by [.] conjectures, that he useth other phrases in other companie abr[road] I have done what I can, to feele the States disposition, to g[.] Kinge, but I can not yet perceave that they are bent therw[ith] for want of affection (for undoubtedly that waye they ar[e] but if they would relieve him, it muste be only with money, [.] could devise to come by it, I doe not doubt but some good [.] be graunted her Highnes and to content the King besydes, there [.] of probabilitie that they will any way be able. It is also [.] by the Coronel unto me that to strenghten the League between the [.] these Contreis, he hath in charge to motion a match betw[een the Earl] of Orchney, and the La: Emilia Co: Maurices sister. Whi[ch .] them saye heere is labor lost, for that the Erles dwelling is f[.] as it is saide, he hath no assurance of the Orcades, because [.] claymed by the Kinges of Denmarke, and it was a late spe[.] Q. of Scotland, that she hoped her sonne should enjoy [.] where your L: puttes me in minde, by a lettre of the 25 of [.] suite of the marchants adventurers, about the taring of [.] and of the abuse of those of Middleborgh, about the [currency] [.] monies: for this later point, I have dealt therein he[.] Middleborgh, and it was carefully followed by Master Gilpin [.] hath and will certefie what reformation therein is intended [.] States. And soe for the former I doe but watch an [.] to recommend it with the soonest. For now I am certaine I should [.] come out of season, to cause them to assemble for a matter of that qualitie. And where your L: would be informed [of] the nombers remayning of the English regiment in the states paye, I [.] fol.30r
by inquirie of their Commissarie, by whome they were mustered very lately, that he re/c/kned 900 or more very able and soliderlyke men: and that of the residue, many are runne away, and many gone with license, and also dyvers consumed with sickenesse, and in service. We are no longer nowe in doubt, but that the Castel and towne of Huy, or Hoy, in the lande of Luyck, are surprised and kept with 600 foote, and 200 horse of this Contrey, Harawguieres the Gouvernor of Breda commaunding in the Castel and an other Captain in the towne.

If the place be soe stronge by nature, as every man reportes, or can be strenghtened by Arte and industrie, beyng situat, as it is, upon soe famous a river, and in the middest of soe many riche Provinces, it will undoubtedly be brought, to yelde a large revenue, by meanes of new contributions, and dyvers kndes of impositions, that maye be raised in tyme upon the Contrey, and the River. Moreover the passadge too and fro, between the Enemie and Italy, will now in a manner be closed up cleane, the sooner, through the aide of the D. of Bouillon, who hath his Armie there at hand within 6 dutche myles. In effect it is thought that the taking of this place will cause a great alteration in the actions of this Contrey, and I hope it will advaunce that which I am to negotiat.

The defeat of our horsemen, whereof I writte in my laste, hath bin verified unto us; but there were noe more, as nowe we are ad- vertised, but 4 Cornets in all, and we have lost but 70 horse, which I thincke will prove a favorable reporte./ I doe also understand that the States have a purpose (if they finde upon tryall that Huy is stronge and tenable, to take and fortifie, some place about the middeway between it and Breda, which will adde a great assurance to the holding of the Towne, and doe the Enemie more an- noyance. The bishop of Liege hath sent his Ambassadors hither, to expostulat this taking of Huy, beyng a neutrall place but they have had no audience as yet. The Scottish Kinge hath given commission to the Consul of the Scottish marchants, resi- ding in Tervere in Zeland, whom they otherwise terme conservator of theyr priviledges to continue to heere as his Ambassador Ligger fol.30v
with the States: his name is Robert Devinston, a man broug[ht] the studie of the Civill Lawes, and in travel. It is a[dvertised] hither by the Agent of the States residing in Scotland [that the] King there of late, hath sett his moneis at a higher [.] then their value, and hath withall procured by his [.] out of Zeland ten thowsand poundes sterling to be co[.] him in coyne, which some interpret heere to be a spe[.] of a great alteration lyke to ensue. Knowing no [.] sydes worth the wryting to your L. I take my humble l[eave.]