Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D XI f.22r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1234/008
Date: 25 January 1595
Note: Document is extremely faded in places.
Sir Since your deparutre from hence, theare ys nothinge hapned to my knowledge for occasion to write unto you further than alreadie yowe recevid [Instruction] nevertheles I [have] thowght good to [.] againe the two [perticuler] matters, whereof [I did inform] yowe [.] at your last beinge with mee: [.] to procure remedie for the merchantes Adventurers to have none indifferencie shewed them for the taring of their Cloathes, whearein I fownd yowe soe well acquainted, and also so well disposed, as I neade not add anie thinge thearein to intreate yowe./
The other was to require of the States execucion of their [.] for the valuacion of their monies, whearein beside they have [.] with Midleborowgh to continue the former [C.] of their monies above their just vallue, contrarye to the vallewes established [in] all the rest of their Cuntries. Which if it showld be trewe great inconvenience might followe espetiallye to our merchantes, and to the Q. paimentes; for if the monies beinge receyved in Midleborowgh at a high vallewe, and must be Current for a less vallewe in the other Cuntries, the [.] shall be wronged but whither this libertie graunted to [.] [.] [.] be [trewe] now I am in dowbt, for I have been informed since I spake to yowe hereof that the [.] showld be now such libertie geven to Midleborowgh./.
I dowbt not but yowe heare by Monsieur Buzenval the newes of France of the [.] into Provence of a mightye Armie of [.] Spaniardes of 12000 footemen and 2 or 3000 horsemen with an Intencion to recover Lyons, for which purpose the Frenche K. hath alreadie taken his Journey thitherwardes with all the force that he can./ As for the Marshall de Bouillon, I can heare noe certaintie of his Actions: Sum report that the Conte Philip is gone to [Boma] which if he take and can keepe will make him Master of the Rhin: but of this newes I thinke yowe are better advertised then wee bee. [.] [.] [.] yowe [tendred] [.], as yowe shall under[stand] them./ At this present wee doe not understand wh[ether] [it] the [issue] of the mutined [.] and the [Englishe] Bands which Band if it shall be [levied] by the States, I wishe to [bee] dispersed into sondrie other Bandes, in divers Garrisons. fol.22v
I would gladlie knowe from yowe the state of [.] Soldiers that were sent the last yeare to Gron[ingen] manie of them be extant, and wheare theie [.] and howe manie be wasted./
It is heare secretlie heard that Collonell Steward [.] or the K. of Scottes to offer the service of his nation [.] States theare, and to enter into Treatie of sum stric[t .] shippe betwixt the K. and thes Cuntries. Hearof I [.] to have Care to understand the trewthe, and to advertis[e her] Majestie./ And so havinge noe other matter at the[.] wishe yowe to have good oportunitie before yowe [.] the sowre matter of [.] of the debtes and he[.] must necessarie their be remembred therof, to the in[.] showld thinke in their devises of Contribucions howe th[.] satisfie her Majestie. From my howss in Westm[inster] 25 of [Januarie] 1594.
Postscript: On sonday next hir Majesty will have of me[.] of my la. [here] with my L. of [Derby], [.] with honor at Grenwych. Where it shu[ld] bene the 19 hereof, but for hir s[.] back [.] [or] [heth], or [eres] [brod] [forr] some cold, and now [.] [.]/ [Your] lo[ving frend] William B[urghley]