Letter ID: 1231
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D XI f.11r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1231/008
Date: 03 January 1595



Later Addition: [[.]] warrant [[. Bod]]ley

Elizabethe by the grace of god &c. To the Treasurer and Chamberlaines of our Excheqor greetinge, Whereas we do presentlie send our trustie and welbelo- ved servaunt Thomas Bodley esquire to the States generall of the United Provinces in the Lowe Countries to remaine there of Counsell with the said States, And have allowed unto him for his Diett and entretayment the somme of fortie Shillinges by the daie during the time of his abode there These are to will and commaunde you out of such our treasure as is remay- ninge or shall come into the Receipt of our said Exchequer to deliver and paie or cause to be delivered and paied to the said Thomas Bodley or his assignes the said some of fortie shillinges by the daie to begin from the xxijth of September last and to be continued unto him untill the [.] daie of his retourne againe unto our presence, And like wise to advaunce unto him before hande for his better furnishinge in this his Journey the somme of one hundered pounde the said somme to be afterwards defalked out of his said entertaynment, And our further will and pleasure is that out of our said treasure you shall allowe unto the said Thomas Bodeley all such sommes of money as he shall signifie unto you by his bill signed with his hande to have ben by him disbursed during his said employment for his reasonable charges thether and returning and for sending of letters to us or our privie Counsell, And these our letters &c Geven &c under our privie seale at our Mannor of Grenewich the thirde daie of Januarie in the seven and thirteth yeare of our Raigne
