Reference: LPL, MS 652 f.231r-232v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0778/008
Date: 26 November 1595
Copy of: 0494
May it please your Ho. to advertise her Majestie that the 18 of this moneth, I receaved her gratious lettre of the 4 with another to the States, which according to my charge I presented unto them, in their publike meeting and accomplished as much as I was otherwise enjoined by a verball declaration. But Master Caron sent them word, above x dayes before that having had as he related communication with my LL. in case they wolde be readie with some succor of shipping against the Spanish preparation, her Majestie wold be pleased, to let falle for a season her pursuite of rembursement wherat they joyed then exceedingly and reputed it expe- ient to imparte the tidinges out of hand to the Provinces abroade which was done with expedition, to meete with many dangers which it seemed they feared might growe upon the suddaine, unles the people by some meanes were put in better harte: But now I am instructed by the lettre of your Ho. that in this there was an error of to much hast, in Master Caron before he had received her Highnes resolution. Having had among them selves some tyme of consultation upon the lettre and my demaundes, they delivered me aunswere, full of thanckes and duetiefull acknowledgement, of the grace that they received, which could never had come as they declared in a mee- ter season, for their welfare. And touching that which was required of the aide they were to yeeld of 30 shippes of a certaine bourden they made no further question but that when it had bin moved to the States in particu- lare, they would immediately take order that her Majestie shold be served to ther best contentation. But for the point of defraying the auxi- liarie forces they tooke it all together in the self same nature with her former demaundes which could by no meanes be effected but by the Gene- rallitie to whome they found it all the danger. To notifie that her Majestie will end her treatie wth the Cuntry. I have urged upon it with dyvers replies, that the people might be wonne by their good endevors that it was not a thing to be stood [.] the summe would be but small, yet esteemed to be great in regard of their willingnes and the manifold occasions that pressed her Highnes, and the speeches that wold goe of this neogti- ation with divers other reasons: to which they gave no other aunswere then they have done heretofore, but that they meant to resume the matter againe and to examine it throughly and do all that they could to satisfie her Majestie. But as for me I am parsuaded they will never yeald to any thing to how litle soever the summe be abridged, if it come to be demanded as a debte allready dewe, by expiration of the treatie for yt is the place, where they thinke they are wrunge, and the people they imagine will by no meanes endure it. For which I rest out of hope of any betwen satisfaction, and to say what I thinke under humble correction fol.231v
Correction, I hold it wholly requisite to attend yet a while a fitter oppor- tunitie, which the State of thinges heere and tyme must present, and hereafter, to project some such forme of proceed[ins] as may come neerer to their liking, and yet conclude the same affecte, with that which is required. They have gretly discoursed about the sending of some parsons to give her Majestie more content then hath bin done by their aunswear delivered to me and if it chance to be resolved, it is like to be declared in their lettre to her Majestie, wherof in like sorte to interpose my opinion, without note of presumption I shold thinke that such a message, would make very much for the service of her Highnes for that in this Case when they cannot be parsuaded to assent to her demaund both the sending of their deputies, will seeme more respective in the judgement of the world, then their bare kind of writing and it may be at their comming, they will make some fruitefull motion or be wonne by good remonstrance, to recommend her at home some speciall purpose of her Majestie and if nether of both shold happen, yet me thinkes in thier sturres, and turbulent times wher the cause is common between the two Cuntries her Highnes cannot be but holpen by the transference, and Counsaile, and presence of such parsons as I presume they will depute. And where her Majestie maketh mention of Master Barnevelts ouverture, wherin there was good hope both of this and greater matters, I have moved him about it, and debated itt at length, but he putteth me in mind that the time is farre other, and ther state more afflicted, and that they have bin at the charge since that he and I talked of 2000li disboursed to the French Ks use and at great expences in the feeld, where they hold not them their armye at the time of that ouverture nor yet in 3 monethes after, and had parhaps as he supposeth if this plott had bin accepted, remained still in garrison with all he doth mainteine as I have formerly declared, to be the opinion both of him and divers heere besides, that there is no possibilitie to induce the common sorte, to condiscend to restitution, but vertue of the Contracte, for that they will not understand it, but as a matter of right, and a just stipulation, and that ought to be continued: for which of force they must be wonne by presenting unto them some other newe Treatie with some such Couvenants and conditions, as need not charge her majestie, and yet tie the Cuntrie to those paiments which her majestie will require in regard of her deboursements. And heere I cannot by the way but advertise your H. that since my last comming hither, I have found, Master Barnevelte farr out of temper, partly through the speeches of some of his collegues, which dislike of his dealing, as if his ouverture to me had bine a motive to her majestie when she sawe that of themselves, they wold yeeld to some fol.232r
good portion, to cast upon them the bourden of a greater demand, wherwth they crush him, as he saieth, very often in their meetinges, partly also he is grieved, with some what written out of England of the opinion of some that all his dealinges here wth me was but [dealligits] and cunninge to winne time of her majestie which is also atouch to me in particulare, in respect of credulitie, or some other kind of weakenes, in that I could not see the practise. But for my self, I could wish that the matter then proposed, had come as well, in some forme, which her majestie could have liked, as it was cleere, and out of question that there was no dissimulation. For as for any abuse, that Master Barnevelt could offer, by the meanes of the ouverture, it was said so hard for him to doe it, and so much must concurre, and it had steeded him so litle, as if the circumstance of thinges, in the nature of that cause, and in the forme of this gouverment, and in the manner of conferring and proceeding heere with me be duely wiaghed, with all his pointes, I do not thinke to find any that will stand in that opinion. It is advertised hither from very good place, that the Administrate of Saxonie the Elector of Mayence, the Archibishop of Salsbourgh and the rest that are elected to worke the feate of Pacification, have concluded among themselves, to goe in hand with t attempt, about February nexte, which yet we thinke will be differed till the comming of the Archduke, who many men thinke will be longer in comming: because they say he hath in Provance many yrons in the fyre, and is in hand wth Casot the Consul of Marseilles, to deliver the Towne to the K. of Spaine. But for the matter of Pacification this people is inhabled, by an excellent late token of Gods goodnes unto them, to choake the enemie very soundly and to dash that practise altogether for there hath bin very happely inter- cepted of late, in the mediterrane Sea, a speciall packet of lettres, which were written by the Marquis of Havrey and John Baptist Taxis, to the K. of Spaine, and sent hether to the States, by Monsieur d'Esdignieres. By that of Taxis is discovered a doble falshood in their meaning both towards the Emperor and the States, and also otherwise his lettre is full of fraudulent courses. They were written both in Cipher and deycphered in such sorte, as I have sent you the transcript by Monsieur de Aldegonde, and were by the states delivered to me, with an earnest re- quest that they might not be divulged but to her majestie and my LL. to the end in tyme convenient, they may serve to be produced to the best advantage of their purpose. Heere is secrett notice given and it is thought to true that the Co. of Hohenlo, who is now in Germainie doth employ all his meanes to the advancement of a Peace and is wholly buised among the Princes, in matters prejudiciall to the state of this union all proceeding of dislike betweene him and the Count Maurice. Moreover fol.232v
Endorsed: De Master Bodley a Sir Robert Cecill le mois de [novembre] 24me le 1595
moreover it is reported that he will meete the P. of Orenge in his way to these Cuntries, and what his dealing may be further, it ys feated of dyvers. It is undoubtedly heere beleved that there will be a truce betweene Spaine and Fraunce at the least for yeare. We have also heere intelligence, that the Governor of Bullen by Callice hath such doinges of late, with the D. d'Espernon, as many men seeme to doubte of his loyaltie. As they doe in like manner of the holding out of Calais, which is not well provided, as the common voice goeth: and sith we heare that de fuentes, maketh great preparation, it is suspected of many, that his designe is to besiege it.
The French K. hath written to the States, to know what kind of warre they will make the next yeare whether offensive or defen- sive to the end he may therafter direct his owne affaires.
And there aunswear therunto he desireth to receive by his Ambassador Monsieur Buzanvalto whom he hath written to returne wth the same, and to give him informacion of their estate in many matters. But I cannot yet parceive that the States can well determine, what aunsweare to make as touching their warre.
Some of those in these quarters that have best intelligence out of Spaine give it out for a certaine, that the bruited prepa- rations ar nothing so great as heere they did imagine.
To come to that last which toucheth my self, I am to sue unto your H. very humbly and earnestly that her Majestie may be moved to graunt me licence to retorne. Wherin before I went from home my L. Tresurer promised to favor my petition, and I hope my L. of Essex will put his helping hand to yt. For I pray unto your H. if I might be have the leasure, to set some order in my state, which is charged wth expences more then most men do imagine and is many waies wrecked to my great detriment by reason of my journeys, it wold to me be all a matter to live at home or abroad ether heer or whersoever, as her Majestie may be pleased to thinke me fitt to serve her turne. And so I take &c.