Letter ID: 0773
Reference: LPL, MS 651 f.181r-182v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0773/008
Date: 14 May 1595
Copy of: 1253



Addressed: To the Queenes most Excellent Majestie

Endorsed: De Monsieur Bodley a la Royne mois de Juan 1595


Most gratious souveraigne, I send Yowr Majestie heereinclosed the effect of that ouverture, with which for sundrie great respectes, aswell for winning of time as for the cleering of doubtes, and for the framing of it fully to her /yowr/ Highnes contentation, I thought it most expedient, to returne my self in person. And if Yowr Majestie [[.]] it, I make no more doubt to conduct it to Yowr Liking, then whatsoever other service may seeme exceeding easie: as I am also in some hope, tht when the mater is once a foote, I shall compasse their consents, for augmentation of the offer. True it is, it is but knowen to some fewe of the states (for so the project doth require, and the nature of their gouverment) but yet those are the chiefest, and their worde in this case hath the force of a Warrant. The common sort thinke no other, but that I went to make report of the state of their affaires, and to come backe againe with Yowr fi- nal resolution. For that was their desire, and I did gladly yelde unto it, to give some coulour to my depar- ture. And where Yowr Majestie supposeth, they will impute it unto me, for a very simple part, That I would be their messenger: and that it might be some touche to Yowr Majesties wisedome, for sending unto them so weake a person: Yowr Highnes if Yow please may vouchesafe with good reason a more favorable constru- ction. For first the principal among them were acquainted altogether with the hidden cause of my re- turne: and esteemed it so requisit, that it could not but redound to Yowr singular satisfaction. And for the generalitie, they did not so muche hope (though it fol. 181v
be not so specified in their lettres unto Yow) that their answear would persuade Yow to accept their refusal, as that Yowr Highnes by it might the sooner be in- duced to qualifie Yowr demaundes: whereby they have not that conceat, that I am onely returned, with their ans- wear unto Yow, but that by meanes of their answear, and my [[.]] Yow will applie Yowr reso- lution to the state of their Provinces. They have made a long trial for many yeres together of my pro- ceedinges in Yowr service: of which I am assured their persuasion is good: and when thei see that effected which Yowr Majestie intended in this mater of suche moment, both I trust it will increase my credit among them, and binde them, I am certaine, to incline heereafter more easely, to all my motions for Yowr Majestie. But were it so most gratious souveraigne, that I had erred in the forme of this my comming nowe unto Yow, if I present Yow so good and so honorable mater, as will put Yow in possession of that which Yow desire I had undoubtedly just cause, to conceave assured hope, that both in regard of this present endevour, and of ten yeres together of my very best age consumed in Yowr service, and that without any recompense, with the utter neglect of my domestical estate, I should not in this mater have [[found]] my welcome so bitter, so farre from Yowr usage to other of Yowr servants, and from Yowr Highnes wonted maner, both in Yowr lettres and speeches used to my self. Wherein nothing moves me more then that Yowr Highnes should account me too great a frind unto the states: whose causes when I further, it is to serve Yowr turne the better: and was never yet to prejudice fol.182
any jote of Yowr designes. And for my courses in suche cases, I could remember Yowr Highnes of my very last cariage, in the Kinge of Scottes proposal to the general states, wherein if I adventured for the advancing of Yowr service, though I had no just commission, to pur- chase his displeasure (wherof I am advertised, as in truth I did expect it) it were too grosse a fault in pollicie, to preferre the pleasuring of the states (who this mater ended must be strangers unto me) above Yowr Majesties contentation, whose liking or disliking is all my making or undoing. For which I falle before Yowr Majestie withall humblenesse of duty, and I beseeche Yow most submissely, to use Yowr excellent insight in discer- ning what is told or discoursed against me, and to put it out of question, that if it derogat any white to my dili- gence and care, to serve Yowr Majestie syncerely, there is ether joined with it an ill affection to my person, or want of knowledge howe to deale in the causes of that contrey, or that usual imperfection, which is readier to de- tract, then to allowe of others actions. And so in hope that Yowr Highnes of Yowr singular bountie, will exa- mine my proceeding with a gratious respect to my de- sertes heeretofore, and to my present painefull service, I take my humblest leave. From London the 14 May. [[Yowr Majesties]] most obedient subject and faithfull servant Tho. Bodley
