Letter ID: 0736
Reference: Hatfield, MS 36/32
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0736/008
Date: 26 November 1595
Copy of: 0494



Later Addition: XVII.81.

Endorsed: Copie of my lettre to Sir Robert Cecill November 26 95

Later Addition: Bodley


May it please your H. to advertise her Majestie, that the 18 of this moneth, I receaved her gratious lettre of the 4 with an other to the States, which according to my charge, I presented unto them, in their publicke meeting, and accomplished as muche, as I was otherwise enjoyned, by a verbal decla- ration. But Master Caron sent them worde, above ten dayes before, that having had as he related communication with my LL. in case they would be readie with some succor of shipping against the Spanish preparation, her Majestie would be plea- sed, to lette falle for a season her poursuite of remboursement. Wherat they joyed then excee- dinglie, and reputed it expedient, to imparte the tidinges out of hand to the Provinces abroade. which was done with expedition, to meete with many dangers, which it seemed they feared might growe upon the soddaine, unles the people, by some mea- nes were put in better hart. But nowe I am instructed by the lettre of your H. that in this there was an error of too muche hast in Master Caron, before he had receaved her Highnes resolution.

Having had among themselves some tyme of consultation, upon the lettre and my demandes, they delivered me an answear, full of thankes and duetifull acknowledgement of the grace that they re- ceaved, which could never have come, as they de- clared, in a meeter season for their welfare.

And touching that which was required, of the aide they were to yeld of 30 shippes of a certain bourden, they made no further question, but that when it had bin mooved to the States in particular, they would immediately take order, that her Majestie should be ser- ved, to her best contentation. But for the point of defraieng the auxiliarie forces, they tooke it fol.32v
altogether in the self same nature, with her former demand which could by no meanes be effected, but by the Gene- rallitie, to whome they founde it all the danger, To notefie that her Majestie will ende her Treatie with the Contrey. I have urged upon it with dyvers replies, that the people might be wonne by their good endevors, that it was not a thing to be stoode on, that the summe would be but smalle, yet esteemed to be great in regard of their willingnesse, and the speeches that would goe of this negotiation, with divers other reasons: for /to/ whiche they gave no other answear then they have done heeretofore, but that they meant to resume the mater againe, and to examine it throughlie, and doe all that they could to satisfie her Majestie. But as for me I am persuaded, that they will never yelde to any thinge, to howe litle so- ever the summe be abbridged, if it come to be deman- ded as a debt already dewe, by expiration of the Trea- tie. For that is the place, where they thinke they are wrunge, and the people, they imagine will by no meanes endure it. For which I rest out of hope of any better satisfaction, and to say what I thinke, under humble correction, I hold it whollie requisit, to attend yet a while a fitter opportunitie, which the State of thinges heere and tyme must present, and heereafter to project some suche forme of proceeding as may come neerer to their liking, and yet conclude the same effect, with that which is required. They have secretly discoursed, about the sending of some persons, to give her Majestie more content, then hath bin done by their answear delivered to me: and if it chance to be resolved, it is lyke to be declared in their lettre to her Majestie, wherof in lyke sorte, to interpose my opinion, without note of presumption, fol.33r
I should thinke that suche a message, would make very muche for the service of her Highnes for that in this case, when they can not be persuaded, to assent to her demande, both the sending of their Deputies will seeme more respective, in the judgement of the world, then their bare kinde of writing, and it may be at their coming, they will make some fruitefull motion, or be wonne by good remonstrance, to recommend heere at home some special purpose of her Majestie, or if neither of both should happen, yet me thinkes in these sturres, and turbulent times, where the cause is so common between the two Contreys her Highnes can not be but holpen, by the conference and Counsaile, and presence of suche persons, as I presume they will depute. And where her Majestie maketh mention of Master Barne- velts ouverture, wherein there was good hope, both of this and greater maters, I have mooved him about it, and debated it at lenght, but he putteth me in minde, that the time is farre other, and their State more afflicted, and that they have bin at the charge sins that he and I talked of 20000li disboursed to the French Kinges use, and at great expenses in the field, where they had not then their armie, at the tyme of that ouverture, nor yet in 3 moneths after: and /had/ perhaps, as he supposeth, if this plotte had bin accepted, remayned still in garrison. Withall he doth maintaine (as I have formerly declared to be the opinion both of him, and of divers heere besides) that there is no possibilitie to induce the Common sort, to condescend to restitution, by vertue of the Contract, for that they will not un- derstand it, but as a mater of right, and a just fol.33v
stipulation, and that it ought to be continued: for which of force they must be wonne, by presenting unto them some other newe Treatie, with some suche Covenants, and conditions, as neede not charge her Majestie and yet tie the Contrey, to those paiments which her Majestie will require in regard of her debourse- ments. And heere I cannot by the way but advertise your H. that sins my last coming hi- ther, I have found M Barnevelt farre out of tem- per, partly through the speeches of some of his collegues, which dislyke of his dealing, as if his ouver- ture to me, had bin a motive to her Majestie, when she saw that of themselves, they would yeld to some good portion, to cast upon them the bourden of a greater demande: wher- with they crushe him, as he sayeth, very often in their meetinges, partly also he is grieved with some what written out of England, of the opinion of some, that all his dea- ling heere with me, was but dalliance and cunning to winne tyme of her Majestie which is also a touche to me in particular in respect of credulitie, or some other kinde of weaknesse, in that I could not see the practise.

But for my self, I could wishe that the mater then proposed, had com aswell in some forme, which her Majestie could have lyked, as it was cleere, and out of question, that there was no dissimulation. For as for any abuse that Master Barnevelt could offer, by the meanes of the Ouverture, it was so hard for him to doe it, and so many must concurre, and it had steeded him so litle, as if the circumstance of thinges in the nature of that cause, and in the forme of this gouver- nement, and in the maner of his conferring, and proceeding heere with me, be duely weighed with all his pointes, I doe not thinke to finde any, that will stand in that opinion. It is advertised hither from very good place, that the Administrator fol.34r
of Saxonie, the Elector of Mayence, the Archebishop of Saltsburgh, and the rest are elected to worke the feate of Pacification, have concluded among themselves, to goe in hand with that attempt, about February next: which yet we thinke will be differred, till the coming of the Archeduke, who many men thinke will be longer in coming: because they say, he hath in Province many yrons in the fyre, and is in hand with Casot the Consul of Marseilles, to deliver that towne to the K. of Spaine.

But for the mater of Pacification, this people is inabled, by an excellent late token of gods goodness eunto them, to choake the Enemie very soundly, and to dashe that practise altogether. For there hath bin very happelie intercepted of late in the Medi- terrane Sea, a special packet of lettres, which were written by the Marquis of Haurey, and John Baptista Taxis, to the K. of Spaine, and sent hither to the States by Monsieur D'Esdignieres. By that of Taxis is discovered a double falsehood in their meaning, both towardes the Emperor and the States: and also otherwise his lettre is full of fraudulent courses. They were written both in Cypher, and decyphred in suche sorte, as I have sent yow the transcript, by Monsieur de St Aldegonde: and were by the States delivered to me, with an earnest request that they might not be divulged but to her Majestie and my LL., to the ende in tyme convenient, they may serve to be produced, to the best advantage of their purpose. Heere is secret notice geven, and it is thought over true, that the Co. of Hohenlo, who is nowe in Germanie, doth im- ploy all his meanes to the advancement of a Peace, and is wholly busied among the Princes fol.34v
in maters prejudiciall, to the State of this Union: all proceeding of dislyke between him, and Co. Maurice,

Moreover it is reported, that he will meete the P. of Orenge in his way to these Contreys, and what his dealing may be further, it is feared of dyvers.

It is undoubtedly heere beleeved, that there will be a truce betweene Spaine and France: at the least of a yere. We have also heere intelligence, that the Gouvernor of Boullen by Calais, hath suche dooinges of late with the D. D'Esper- non, as many men see cause to doubt of his loy- altie. As they doe in lyke maner of the holding out of Calais, which is not well provided, as the Common voice goeth: and sith we heare that de Fuentes maketh great preparation, it is suspected of many, that his dessigne is to besiege it.

The French King hath written to the States, to knowe what kinde of warre they will make the next yere, whether offensive or deffensive, to the end he may thereafter direct his owne affaires, And their answear thereunto, he desireth to receave by his Ambassador Monsieur Buzanval: to whome he hath written to returne with the same, and to give him information of their Estate in many maters. But I can not yet perceave, that the States can well determine, what answear to make as touching their warre.

Some of those in these quarters that have best intelligence out of Spaine, give it out for certaine, that the bruited preparations are nothing so great, as heere they did imagine.

To come to that last which toucheth my self, I am to sue unto your H. very humblie and earnestly, that her Majestie may be moved, fol.35r
to grant me licence to returne: wherein before I went from home my L. Tresurer promised to favor my petition, and I hope my L. of Essex will put his helping hand to it. For I protest unto your H., if I might but have the leasure to sette some order in my State, which is charged with expences more then most men doe imagine, and is ma- ny wayes wracked to my very great detriment, by reason of my jorneys, it would to me be all a mater, to live at home or abroade, either heere or wheresoever, as her Majestie may be pleased to thinke me fitte /to/ serve her turne. And so I take &c. From the Hage 26 November 95.
