Reference: Hatfield, MS 31/81
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0709/008
Date: 13 April 1595
Copies: 1247
fol.19vLater Addition: XVII.[80]
Endorsed: Copie of my lettre to my L. Tresurer
Later Addition: April 13 1595
Later Addition: Master Bodley [Cop. Ex.]
May it please your good L. Upon hope every day, to receave the aunswear of the States to her Majesties demaundes, I have refrained from writing, somwhat longer, then I was willing, albeyt I had no mater since I sent you my last, that might in my opinion deserve the advertising, and the lesse a great deale, because I have not yet receaved any lettre from your L. whose direction I attend to some pointes of importance. The aunswear of the States is both fully concluded and sette downe in writing, but not exhibited yet unto me. For knowing, as I thincke, what the tenure will be, That they are not yet in State to satisfie her Majestie I have dealt to such effect, with some of the chiefest of them, as I am done to witte upon it, that they bethinke themselves further, what special offer they may make, that would be gratefull to her Highnes where of I heare by secret meanes, that they will make an ouverture unto me within fower or fyve dayes: so that I trust with my nexte both to send their answear unto her, and to signifie that withall which they shall deter- mine for /her/ better contentation. Coronel Stuart is very earnest in requiring his dispatche, which yet as farre as I perceave, they doe purposely delay, till they heare what I will say, upon my lettres out of England: which I thincke are kept backe by this esterly wynde, which hath continued heere with us for these 5 weekes togither. He is also very diligent in preferring the suite of the Earle of Orkney, to the La. Emilia sister to Co. Maurice. But the Count hath referred him to the generall states, and the Assemblie of the States to the Lady her self, who hath aunsweared flattly, that she will not dwell so farre from her brother Co. Maurice, and the rest of her kin/d/red. Sins the death of Ernestus, there have bin lettres addressed from the Assemblie of the States, but in very secret sorte to the Marquis of Haverey, and to such of Nobilitie in the Enemies contrey, as were commonly reputed to be most discontented with the gouvernment of the Spaniard, to insinuat unto them, that if they were desirous to caste of that yoke of their Spanish servitude, thei had fol.81v
the fattest opportunitie, that could be expected, and they might make good account of the uttermost assistance that those of this union could in any kinde affourde.
They retourned this aunswear by a messenger of purpose, That they would willingly joyne with us, if so be they might obtayne the graunt of the pointes, Of their accustomed religion, of a peace in France, and of any course of proceeding, for bannishing the Spaniard, whether the same were di- rectly or indirectly procured. It were replyed by the States, by the self same messenger, That for maters of religion they had never no intention, to [bereave] anie Province of the libertie of conscience that for France they made no doubt of inducing the King to accord a good peace: and that lastly they could lyke to have the Spaniard chased home by [all] the meanes they could devise. The Marquis upon it with the rest of that syde, sent a couple to Co. Maurice who repaired unto him about eight dayes agoe in the towne of Middlebourg, the one was Monsieur Lisfvelt, who hath bin heeretofore a chancellor in Brabant; and the other was Monsieur Man[.] who hath in tymes past bin an Huissier in the chan- cerie. In the deliverie of their message, it was apparant to Co. Maurice, that the Marquis had acquainted de Fuentes with this practise in as much as when they spake of expelling the Spaniard they proposed how to doe it, with content of the King of Spaineand by the meanes of de Fuentes beyng perceaved by the Count, he bidde them pre- sently depart. And this he hath tould me himself, beyng very desirous that it should not be published, least a mater well meant, but perhaps misreported by passing many mouths might turne to their rebuke, by whome it was con- trived. Though the Duke of [Pastrovia] be arrived at Brussels, it is supposed notwith tanding that he hath brought no Commission or commaunde in the Contrey. For it is written fol.19r
from Brussels, that when he came to de Fuentes, the upper hand beyng offered to him, he would not accept it. Having no other mater to signifie presently, I take my humble leave. 13 April