Reference: Hatfield, MS 33/4
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0699/008
Date: 25 June 1595
fol.98vAddressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the Erle of Essex
Later Addition: Dr Birch's [Memoirs] Vol.6 Page 209
May it please your good L. sins I sent yow my last the 5 of this present, I have spokent wt Coronel Stuart who hath signified unto me, as muche as I have written unto my L. Tresurer: wherof to avoide a newe repetition, I have heerein sent the transcript. And me thinkes it is apparant, by the general confession of the causes of his coming, that his errand tendes to that, which your L. knowe al- ready. Wherein I am confirmed by some talke that I have had with Coronel Murrey: who is Coronel of the Scot- tishe regiment in these contreis: a gentleman of a chief familie in Scotland, well informed of the state of his owne contrey, and to me in particular a very good frind: but nothing well affected to Coronel Stuart, for which he hath bin the freer in delivering his minde. He assureth me that Stuart is imploied in this message, at his owne earnest suite, and by meanes and frind- hippe of the Chancellor: for that the King was unwilling, and had no liking unto him: in so muche as he suppo- seth (and so it is written by his frindes unto him) that ether the charge of his voiage is boaren by him- self, or partly by himself, and in part by the Erle of Orchney, in whose behalf he hath to deale for Co. Mau- ices sister. He telleth me also, that although he knoweth not so muche by Stuart himself, yet he hath advertisment by lettres out of Scotland, that Stuart is willed to intreat for a 1000 foote, and 500 horse, for 6 monethes, or rather for a summe of a mony, for the levie and pay of so many men. But as for men, saieth he, they are not heere to be had, nor he sawe no likelihood of obtaining the mony: and though it should be delivered, there were suche about the King, as would practise to gette it, and presently convert it to their privat uses fol.97v
For where it is pretended, that it shall be imploied against the Earle Huntely, and his associats, he made no ma- ner of doubt, but if the King were so dispersed, he might of himself subdue them out of hand. But it is the coun- saile, he saieth, of some about him, and especially of the Chancellor, that thinges should be caried in that kinde, to see if her Majestie for feare of the sequele, will yelde the King, to his demaundes, some better satisfaction. Howbeit he is advertised from the Earle Marre (who writeth often to him) that there is a plotte laid for displacing the Chancellor, with the Kinges good liking. This I have written to your L. alone, because I would not with my will, that the name of Coronel Murrey should come in any question, through his speeches to me. For all other maters referring your L. to the copie inclosed I take my humble leave. From the Hage. February 14 1594. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley