Reference: TNA, SP 84/51/279 f.279r-280v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0495/008
Date: 15 December 1595
Copies: 1394
fol.279vEndorsed: 15 December 1595 Copie of the L. Thresurers lettres to Master Bodley./
Later Addition: December 15 1595 Holland
The Copie of a lettre from the L. Thresurer to Master Bodly 15 December 1595 Her Majestie hath bene acquaynted with your dispatch of the xxvjth of November wherein though she doth fynde howe aceptable it is to Th'estates, that she suspendeth her demaundes; yet can she not remayne satsified her self with this maner of their proceeding: wherein the world must needes perceave that their respect to her present occasione, is farre short of hers towardes them, in the tymes of their greatest necessitie. And therefore although her Majestie is pleased that you doe lett them knowe, that she (out of Love to their Estate) is not disposed now to contest with them, but will forbeare to doe anie thing, which might serve for collour of any disorder or confusion to aryse among them at this tyme, when there are so many devises used to gayne the Populer, with fraudulent offers of Peace: yet wold she have you lett them knowe, that this their cowld proceeding with her, must needes leave coldnesse in her disposicion, though it must be not small matter, that shall worck other seperacion or alienacion from them; whose good she hath preferred before so manie particular Consideracions of her owne. And therefore for the matter of Shipping, of which in their owne lettres presented by Master Caron they make promise: you must lett them knowe, that her Majestie lookes assuredly for the parformaunce as a thing whereof in noe wyse they must make defalt, because it will breed a great Confusion in her Majesties owne Preparacions. But for the sending of their Deputis, she wold have them playnely told, that except their meaning be at the tyme of their comyng (besides their formalitie of thancksgiving) to make her Majestie some such overture of present satisfaction, as may stand with her honor to receave; (wherein her Majestie will be content to admit the consideracion of the circumstaunces which in reason they can alledge, for not parformaunce of the former proporcion of her demaundes) she shall rather take their publick comyng, as a multiplication of further scorne, then any kynd of honorable satisfaction. And therefore she is pleased, that you shall return to the body of the Estates, the aunswere formerly sett downe. But for asmuch as none can better deale inwardly and privatly with Monsieur Barnevill then your self: Her Majestie wold have you intimate unto him, That howsoever her Majestie may be content, externally to digest this manner of dealing for the tyme, because the common Enemie shall not make his particular advantage of any drynesse betweene the Queene & them: Yet can it not but worck some impression of unkyndnesse in her Majesties Princely brest, which will breake out at one tyme or other: and therefore fol.278v
advise him, as a good Patryott to them, and a wellwiller to the Common cause; to worcke them to some better fashion: whome you may assure, that yf they shall come over presently with power to offer as good a project at the least, or a better yf it may be, then that which he delivered you at your last Returne; That in such case, both she will par- ticularly have sence of his good affection, and can be contented that they shall send their Deputies, when she will favourably receave at Messengers from her friendes and neighbours: at which tyme, you may ether return in their Cumpanie, or some fewe dayes before them as you see cause. Her Majestie hath in this forme, geven lyke aunswere to their Agent, whoe I doubt not will cleerly & particularly relate the same. From the Court at Richmond the xvth of December 1595./